Chapter 105 Threatening Jun Yu
Without waiting for Jun Yu to answer, Jun Yu actually said provocatively: "This blood, if it is someone else's, it would be fine. But it must not be Jiuhuangshu, you spit it out in a fit of anger."

It's like a dog's mouth can't spit out ivory!
Yu Shengxiao gripped the jade bone fan's fingers fiercely, he was holding back his emotions so that he didn't let himself rush forward and kill Jun Zhouchen.

Jun Yu didn't seem to see Jun Zhouchen, his dark eyes fell on the man in black robe behind Jun Zhouchen.

Zuo Wei noticed Jun Yu's eyes, he raised his eyes, his gloomy eyes were covered by a layer of thick fog, making it difficult to see his eyeballs clearly, he smiled strangely, and his tone was quite provocative: "This is Chi Yan Prince Regent."

"Uncle Nine Emperors, let me introduce you. This is King Wei of Lingye Kingdom. He was sent to Chi Yan recently. Because he is very curious about Uncle Nine Emperors, I brought him to the Regent Palace. Uncle Nine Emperors , you don't mind?" Jun Zhouchen said with a smile on his face.

Envoy?What an envoy!When Shen Chuannan heard Jun Zhouchen's words, his expression changed with anger.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, I heard that Deyin is also at your house, why didn't she come out? Is she feeling unwell?" Jun Zhouchen spoke again.

What he said was not so much "concerning" Yuan Deyin, but a direct provocation to Jun Yu.

"Yin'er is indeed unwell, but I will let someone cure her." Jun Yu looked at Jun Zhouchen and Zuo Wei, and said indifferently.

"Cure?" Zuo Wei's cloudy eyeballs rolled, and he sneered.

Can the curse he cast be cured?

Suddenly, his eyes fixed on Grandma Zong Lin not far away, and his brows frowned suddenly, because he smelled the same kind of breath.

"Who are you?" He stared at Zong Lin's mother-in-law for a long time, asking in a sinister tone.

But Zong Lin's mother-in-law just glanced at him indifferently, and had no intention of answering.

With that appearance, it was clear that he didn't bother to answer.

But Zuo Wei quickly thought of something, and he said in a cold tone: "You are the old lady Zong Lin? Why did you appear here?"

To Ling Yeguo, mother-in-law Zong Lin is simply a provocative existence.

Because she is obviously not from Lingye Kingdom, but when she walks the rivers and lakes, her witchcraft is not low.

They tried to kill her several times, but they all failed.

For them, this kind of person is an enemy who knows no depth.

Jun Zhouchen had also probably heard of Zong Lin's mother-in-law's name, and knew that she was also capable of witchcraft, so his expression began to change.

From the corner of Zuo Wei's eyes, he caught sight of Jun Zhouchen's restless appearance, and he snorted coldly: "Emperor Chen, why panic, when it comes to witchcraft, there are not many people in this world who are more powerful than this king."

What kind of skills does an old woman who doesn't know a school have?

Facing Zuo Wei's contemptuous and probing eyes, mother-in-law Zong Lin's eyes remained calm: "I don't want to have anything to do with the royal family, so you don't have to say what I say."

What she said was a direct admission of her position.

Zuo Wei suddenly sneered: "Lord Nine, do you think that you can cure that girl if you find Mrs. Zong Lin? Mrs. Zong Lin, you are also a person who knows witchcraft, you should know...that girl, There is no doubt about death."

Although he is on Jun Yu's territory, Zuo Wei is extremely arrogant because he has bargaining chips.

"My lord, go down and kill him." Wu Xi couldn't bear it any longer, he raised his sword and wanted to attack Zuo Wei.

But Zuo Wei snorted coldly: "I hold the life of your princess in my hands, how dare you do anything to me?"

After he finished speaking, he clapped his hands, and someone came in carrying the seven-year-old child behind him.

The child was sleeping with his eyes closed. His whole body was pale and his skin had gradually shriveled up. It was estimated that he hadn't eaten for many days and was on the verge of death.

Is this the witch spirit?

Shen Chuannan, Yusheng Xiao and the others held their breath in shock, feeling sorry for the child, but at the same time wanting to rush over and snatch the child away.

And Zuo Wei took out a machete slowly and put it directly on the child's neck.

"Since the eldest princess Zonglin is here, I believe you already know the situation of the little princess, and I don't need to explain to you what Wuling is. Originally, the little princess could live for a long time, but if this king is the knife Stabbed into Wu Ling's neck, the little princess... I don't know if I will live for half an hour."

Zuo Wei stared at Jun Yu, the scimitar in his hand moved forward a little bit, the boy's neck was bleeding.

"My lord, my lord, the princess's neck is bleeding, the princess..." Cang Ling hurried in, anxiously reporting the situation of the little girl Yuan Deyin.

But after her words came out, she realized that something was wrong here. She covered her mouth in fear, and her voice gradually dropped.

"What do you want to do?" Jun Yu clenched his fists tightly, staring at Jun Zhouchen and Zuo Wei with fierce eyes.

Jun Zhouchen seemed to have just realized it suddenly. He quickly stepped back a few steps, and then said in distress: "Uncle Nine Emperors, I don't know what's going on. King Wei said he wanted to come to you, so I will Brought him here. But I never thought, what he said now that Deyin is dying, and what witchcraft, I really don't understand at all, do you have any holidays?"

At this time, Jun Zhouchen actually pretended to be innocent.

What a despicable villain!
Not to mention that Yusheng was angry, even Yunmo, who was hiding in the dark, was gnashing his teeth. He would have to talk to his father when he went back. Fortunately, Sanger failed to conspire with Zhou Junchen this time. This kind of villain doesn't know how much disaster it will bring to the Western Regions in the future.

"I don't want to do anything, I just heard that Ninth Prince, you are a master of martial arts, and you can use a sword on the battlefield to make it superb. I just don't know if the muscles and bones in your right hand are broken, can you still be so powerful?" What about it?" Zuo Wei's sinister eyes fell on Jun Yu.

what does he mean?Could he be thinking...

Yu Shengxiao and Shen Chuannan suffocated at the same time, and sure enough, the next moment, they heard Zuo Wei say very meanly: "Jun Yu, this king ordered you to cut off the muscles and bones of your right hand right now. No eyes, just let that girl go to hell to find her father!"

"Ah Yu, no!" Shen Chuannan shouted.

Wu Xi, Wu Ying, and Wu Zing also drew their swords and pointed at Zuo Wei, ready to control him at any time.

But Zuo Wei was flustered at all, and instead he laughed wildly: "Jun Yu, didn't you say you had to find a way to save that girl, but if this king's scimitar goes down, you won't even have a chance to save her. Don't let your people point their swords at this king, if this king is not in a happy mood, that girl will also die in an ugly way."

After finishing speaking, the scimitar in his hand pierced the neck of the child next to him a bit.

"By the way, this king doesn't have much patience, you'd better hurry up."

"A Yu, don't be impulsive." Shen Chuannan saw that Jun Yu snatched the sword from Wu Xi without blinking his eyes under the threat of Zuo Wei, and he hurriedly shouted to stop him.

"Is it because this king broke the tendon in his right hand, so you won't kill that child?" Jun Yu's eyes fell from the seven-year-old Wu Ling to Zuo Wei's face.

"Naturally, this king wants to keep his word." Zuo Wei smiled sadly.

Hearing his words, Jun Yu raised his sword.

"Jun Yu, no!" Yu Shengxiao wanted to rush over to stop him.

This muscle and bone is broken, and he is going to be half a useless person.

But when he heard Yu Shengxiao's words, Jun Yu just raised his eyes and gave him a cold look: "If this king doesn't do it, Yin'er will be dead now."

"Hehehe... Ninth Prince, you are really on the right track. No one in this world can save that girl except this king. You should listen to my orders carefully." Zuo Wei laughed sinisterly.

"Quick, do it." He continued to order Jun Yu sternly.

The joy of Jun Zhouchen next to him couldn't help but show on his face, soon, Uncle Nine Emperors is going to become a useless person.

Amidst Yu Shengxiao's pleading eyes, Jun Zhouchen's expectant eyes, and Zuo Wei's sinister eyes, Jun Yu's sword was about to fall on his wrist.

Suddenly at this moment, a soft voice came from behind them: "Uncle Nine Emperors, what are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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