Chapter 106 The Destroyer Curse


Jun Yu immediately turned around, only to see the little girl standing barefoot at the door, rubbing her eyes and looking at him.

Although her small face was pale and colorless, her eyes were still as bright as stars.

The indifference on Jun Yu's face disappeared in an instant. With a lift of his hand, the sword was inserted into the table next to him, and the table was instantly split in half.

His expression was a bit flustered, he strode his long legs, walked quickly to this side, clasped the little girl's shoulders with his big hands, and examined her with eager eyes.

"Impossible, impossible..." The moment Zuo Wei, who was still very arrogant just now, saw Yuan Deyin, his face immediately turned ferocious, and he kept shaking his head.

Jun Zhouchen beside him also gradually froze his smile.

Didn't Yuan Deyin fall asleep?Why is she still awake!

"There will be no mistakes, there will be no mistakes." After Zuo Wei gritted his teeth and said this, he directly stabbed Wu Ling's shoulder with a machete.

Blood flowed directly from the scimitar, but when he looked at Yuan Deyin's place, he found that she was fine and looked at him calmly.

"Impossible, there must be something wrong in this link." Zuo Wei threw the scimitar to the side, and he roared fiercely.

There was another person present who stared at Yuan Deyin strangely, as if trying to see through her soul.

Granny Zonglin clenched her cane tightly, and then walked up to Yuan Deyin, staring at her with her cloudy misty eyes. After a long while, she spoke in that hoarse voice like a saw: "Take your hand Give it to the old man."

Yuan Deyin didn't know who Zong Lin's mother-in-law was, but seeing that Uncle Jiuhuang didn't stop him, she pursed her lips, and then obediently raised her hand.

Grandma Zong Lin raised her fingers like dead branches, and pulled the little girl's sleeves away, revealing half of her wrist.

"The totem is gone!" Yu Shengxiao stood beside him, and when he saw the little girl's fair wrist, he was the first to shout out in shock.

totem?What totem?The little girl tilted her head with a puzzled look on her face.

"Girl, tell me, did you feel anything when you fell asleep?" Grandma Zonglin stared sharply at Yuan Deyin with her cloudy eyes.

Yuan Deyin frowned, and then replied in a serious tone: "Deyin dreamed of father, queen, mother and concubine."

"And then?" Grandma Zonglin's tone became a little sharper, and she grabbed Yuan Deyin's wrist with a little more strength.

Yuan Deyin was in pain from being caught, but she didn't say anything, but replied in frustration: "Deyin saw the picture of her father being killed and her mother committing suicide..."

The nightmare was indeed real.

Jun Yu and Shen Chuannan's faces gradually darkened. Although the little girl's tone was still calm, they could imagine that a child who was not yet 11 years old kept dreaming about the tragic death of his relatives in his dreams. picture...

What a cruel torture!
Yuan Deyin's voice was trembling, she took a deep breath, and then continued: "Father, Queen, Mother and Concubine said they miss Deyin very much and want me to be with them forever. For a moment, I really I don't want to wake up, so I can be with my father, queen mother..."

"But why did you wake up?" Grandma Zong Lin leaned over, trying to see what was in Yuan Deyin's eyes.

But Yuan Deyin's eyes were completely clear and clean, as if they had never been stained by the filth of the world.

Grandma Zong Lin knows Ling Ye Kingdom's sleepy witchcraft best. It first makes you enter a nightmare, tortures you non-stop, and makes your heart riddled with holes.

Then in that nightmare, someone close to you will appear and make up a dream within a dream for you, so that you will never be able to get out of that dream.

She has lived for more than sixty years, and she has never seen... anyone can come out of the nightmare alive.

Hearing what Grandma Zonglin said, the little girl Yuan Deyin took a peek at Nine Emperor Uncle beside her, and then whispered, "Because Deyin thought about it, if Deyin doesn't come back, what will Nine Emperor Uncle do? Father The king still has his mother and concubine, but Uncle Nine Emperors... only himself."

This soft voice came to Jun Yu's ears, making his heart tremble.

He lowered his eyes, a bit of shock flashed in his dark eyes.

It turned out that in the little girl's heart, he had long been placed in the same position as her father, queen, mother and concubine.

It turned out to be like this... Grandma Zong Lin squinted her eyes and glanced at Jun Yu and Yuan Deyin with a strange and obscure expression.

"Impossible, even if you don't stay in that dream, you are still a person cursed by this king, and you have no way to get out by yourself." Zuo Wei roared, he is still unwilling to admit his witchcraft Does not work for vowels.

"Witchcraft? The reason why the princess fell asleep is because of witchcraft!" Yuan Deyin quickly realized that she stared at Zuo Wei, and her little face began to turn red with anger.

"Son, tell me about how you woke up from your dream." Grandma Zong Lin began to question Yuan Deyin again in a sharp tone.

Yuan Deyin frowned, and said in a confused tone: "Deyin just doesn't want to stay in that dream anymore, so he can wake up right away. Can't he wake up?"

Could it be... can't you wake up?
The corner of Yu Shengxiao's mouth twitched beside him. He had read some of his master's letters in the past two days. It was mentioned above that the sleepers who were cast into witchcraft were either implicated to death by witch spirits, or they would be alive in their dreams. Tortured to death.

No one has ever been able to come and go freely in a nightmare!
"You're lying. I'm a wizard from Lingye Kingdom. I never made a mistake in fabricating nightmares. You must have used some means to break my witchcraft. Mrs. Zong Lin, did you teach her the way?" In the end, Zuo Wei looked at Grandma Zong Lin with a stern look, as if he wanted to kill her and hurry up.

"Break your witchcraft? Hahahaha..." Granny Zonglin turned her head slowly, staring at Zuo Wei with cloudy eyes, and suddenly laughed sinisterly, her voice was hoarse and somewhat sad .

"If the old man knows the way to break the witchcraft, the old man, how can he still live until now?"


Everyone in the room looked at Granny Zong Lin with puzzled eyes, always feeling that she had too many secrets about her.

After Grandma Zonglin laughed wantonly, she suddenly said emotionally: "Zuo Wei, you have to admit that it's not that your witchcraft didn't work, but that this girl was born with the witchcraft of Kelingye Kingdom. Yes. She appeared, and Ling Ye Kingdom is about to be destroyed... Hahahaha...hahaha..."

Born with the witchcraft of Kelingye Kingdom?

When Zuo Wei heard this, a bit of panic finally appeared on his face.

Could that legend be true?
No, no...impossible...

Zuo Wei first looked terrified, then frantically shook his head to deny the guess in his heart.

"Crazy woman, this king doesn't bother to kill you, you should be grateful. But you are talking nonsense to this king. This king won't believe it. The Sleeping Curse has no effect on her, and she can escape with other curses." .”

After speaking, Zuo Wei took out three talismans and a bell from his loose robe.

On the three talismans, there are the birth date horoscopes in the vowel sound and some weird spells.

He stuck the talisman on Wu Ling's body, and then rang the bell muttering.

"As expected of a person from Lingye Kingdom, the Dementor Curse is really cruel." After Granny Zonglin heard Zuo Wei's incantation, her face collapsed, and a coldness exuded from her whole body.

(End of this chapter)

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