The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 107 Your life should be handed over

Chapter 107 Your life should be handed over
"Dementor Curse?" Yu Shengxiao read these three words carefully, and suddenly remembered the contents of his master's handbook, and the blood on his face gradually faded.

"Quick, stop him! He's going to spend half of his life to curse Xiao Deyin to death!" Yu Shengxiao shouted anxiously.

The Dementor Curse is a curse that is very taboo by the royal family of Lingye Kingdom.

Because if you want to cast this curse, not only will you take the life of the witch spirit, but it will also shorten the life of the caster. It really is extremely vicious.

Zuo Wei was really driven into a hurry. He didn't even want his own life, but also wanted to kill Xiao Deyin.

When Jun Yu heard Yu Shengxiao's words, he exuded a terrifying aura. With a sullen face, he re-wrapped the sword in his hand, and his tall body and sharp sword flashed directly in front of Zuo Wei. .

Zuo Wei's martial arts are not low, and when Jun Yu makes moves, he will be on guard.

He directly grabbed two of his disciples and stood in front of him. With a "Puff!", the blood of those two disciples splashed all over his body.

It made his gloomy eyes even more permeable.

After the death of two capable disciples, Zuo Wei not only did not feel sad, but laughed loudly: "This king likes to use blood to pave the way for this king's curse..."

"Jun Yu, come on, stop him." Seeing that Zuo Wei was about to finish reciting the last incantation, Yu Sheng and Xiao died of anxiety.

"Oh, it's late!" Zuo Wei laughed arrogantly.

He took out the last blood-stained talisman from his pocket, pasted it on Wu Ling's heart, and then said loudly: "Curse soul, open!"

In an instant, the sunny day outside darkened, and gusts of cold wind fled around, the leaves were blown creaking, and the dead branches fell to the ground.

"Everyone, back off." Grandma Zong Lin's tone and expression were indescribably solemn at this time.

Yusheng and Xiao quickly retreated.

Jun Yu took the little girl's hand and took a few steps back, then his tall body stood in front of her.

"Zuo Wei, I advise you to stop as soon as possible." Zong Lin's mother-in-law said in a bad tone.

"Old woman, do you have to fight against this king? Then I will settle the score with you after I finish cleaning up that girl." Zuo Wei said through gritted teeth.

Then a bolt of lightning actually fell from the sky, approaching Yuan Deyin's side.

Grandma Zong Lin was leaning on a cane, and was chanting spells very quickly, but it was obvious... that the Soul Absorbing Curse was coming so violently that it was too late.

Seeing that the thunder and lightning were about to strike, Jun Yu stood motionless in front of Yuan Deyin like a mountain.

Yuan Deyin stood behind her, and she was very anxious.

She gritted her teeth, and then ran out quickly. She took the initiative to run in front of Uncle Nine Emperors.

Seeing her little one rushing directly in front of him, Jun Yu's expression changed.

"Yin'er." He called out in a low voice, trying to pull her behind him.

But at this time, Thunderbolt was only a few fists away from her.

Seeing that the thunder and lightning were about to fall on Yuan Deyin's body, Zuo Wei sneered arrogantly.

He said long ago that no one can escape his curse.

But he didn't keep his smile for long, when he saw that the thunder and lightning disappeared without a trace, one fist away from Yuan Deyin.

Why is this happening?
Zuo Wei stood stiffly on the spot, looking at Yuan Deyin frantically.

"Huh? It's okay," the little girl Yuan Deyin stretched out her little paw, touched her soft face, then turned around, and said to Jun Yu excitedly, "Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin is okay , we are all fine..."

"Impossible, impossible..." Zuo Wei shook his head desperately.

But at this time, there was a rumble in the sky, and a thunderbolt that was more menacing than before struck directly from his head.

"Pfft..." Zuo Wei knelt down on his knees and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood. His whole body seemed to have been burned by fire, and he kept twitching.

"The legend has come true." Grandma Zong Lin glanced at Zuo Wei expressionlessly, then murmured.

Zuo Wei raised his finger that was burned to the bone, and still wanted to chant the spell.

But at this time, Jun Yu had already walked to his side, looking down at him condescendingly.

When Zuo Wei saw that it was Jun Yu, he opened his mouth and wanted to say that he would never admit defeat.

But without giving him a chance to speak at all, Jun Yu directly said indifferently to Cang Ling who was not far away: "Cang Ling, cover Yin'er's eyes."

Cang Ling came to his senses and nodded immediately: "Your servant obeys."

After finishing speaking, she quickly came to Yuan Deyin's side, and said in a low voice, "Princess, don't stain your eyes."

After finishing speaking, she supported the little Princess Yuan Deyin while covering her eyes with her hands.

Over there, Jun Yu withdrew his gaze, glanced at Zuo Wei indifferently, then raised his hand, and put his palm on his celestial spirit cover.

"You..." Zuo Wei realized what Jun Yu was going to do, his eyes widened, trying to stop him.

But he didn't even have a chance to finish his words, a powerful and deep internal force surged out from Jun Yu's palm, he felt every bone in his body was crushed, and the pain made him unable to speak out.

In just a split second, Zuo Wei's body exploded and turned into a puddle of blood.

"Nine, Uncle Nine Emperors, you, you..." Jun Zhouchen was beside him. After seeing Zuo Wei's failure, he had been trying his best to reduce his sense of existence, but he was still frightened by the scene in front of him.

Uncle Nine Emperors directly turned a living person into a puddle of blood. This method was so brutal that it made people's hearts tremble.

Jun Yu took the towel that Wuxi handed over, and wiped the blood on his palm expressionlessly. Hearing Jun Zhouchen's words, he raised his eyes indifferently, glanced at Jun Zhouchen, and sneered: "The emperor reminds me I am the king, the next one is up to you."

Seeing Jun Yu walking towards him, Jun Zhouchen's hands and feet were cold, but he still pretended to be very dignified and warned: "Uncle Nine Emperors, I don't know that Wei Wei of Lingye Kingdom Why did the king want to hurt Deyin, I was also very heartbroken, I thought he was sincere to make friends with Ling Ye..."

Now that things have happened, Jun Zhouchen feels that he has to firmly insist that he has nothing to do with Zuo Wei, in order to escape this catastrophe.

However, he underestimated Jun Yu's anger this time.

"Your Majesty, I heard that you want to cede land to Ling Ye Kingdom and harm Yin'er, right?" Jun Yu stared at Jun Zhou Chen with his awe-inspiring eyes.

How did he know?
Jun Zhouchen's face turned pale, but he still tried his best to deny it: "No, how could I do such a harmful thing to Chi Yan, Uncle Nine Emperors, did you listen to someone's slander?"

"Jun Zhouchen, this king gave you a chance." Jun Yu's tone became a little colder.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you, don't you believe me... I really don't know what King Wei did, and I don't know where you heard the nonsense from, you..." Jun Zhouchen was still Desperately pretending to be innocent.

But when he was halfway through speaking, he suddenly couldn't speak.

Because Jun Yu stretched out his hand and clamped his neck.

Jun Yu lifted Jun Zhouchen up, and bloodthirsty killing intent flashed in his black eyes: "This king has allowed you to live long enough, and it's time to hand over your life."

(End of this chapter)

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