Chapter 108
"Uncle Nine Emperors, I am the emperor, you can't kill me..." Jun Zhouchen felt the breath of death, and he completely panicked at this moment.

The guards he brought over also began to draw their swords at Jun Yu.

But those guards didn't even touch Jun Yu's clothes, so they were easily cleaned up without a trace.

"This king has said that Chi Yan is not inferior to the emperor." Jun Yu looked at Jun Zhou Chen indifferently.

He strengthened his fingers, and with a "click", Jun Zhouchen tilted his head, closed his eyes, and dropped his hands weakly.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty..." Seeing this scene, the two restrained guards knelt on the ground with weak legs.

They couldn't believe it, and they went out to the palace with the emperor. The prince of Lingye Kingdom died, and the emperor also died, and was killed by the regent.

That's the emperor, how dare the regent be so rebellious.

But feeling the regent's dangerous gaze on them, they hurriedly kowtowed desperately: "My lord... my lord, my subordinates will not tell this matter to the public, please forgive me, my lord..."

But Jun Yu just glanced at them with cold eyes, and then said to Wu Xi who was behind him expressionlessly: "Take them away. Also, throw Jun Zhouchen's body back to the palace."

"Your subordinate obeys." Wu Xi quickly took the order, and he and Wu Ying directly found a few pieces of cloth, wrapped Jun Zhouchen's body, and quickly dragged it away.

Yu Shengxiao watched this scene dumbfounded the whole time. He knew Jun Yu was ruthless before, but he didn't know how ruthless it was.

That's regicide, regicide... He didn't even bat an eye.

The emperor of a country, with just one thought, his life is gone.

However, Yusheng Xiao Ke didn't want to sympathize with Jun Zhouchen at all. For a person who can even give up his own country, immortality is the scourge of Chi Yan.

Shen Chuannan pressed his eyebrows, feeling a little headache.

Although he also felt that Jun Zhouchen deserved to die, and hoped that A Yu would kill him sooner, but...

Didn't kill him so suddenly.

Besides, A Yu killed someone so resolutely, and even threw the body back to the palace.

He didn't even need to think about it now, he knew that a storm would come soon.

"A Yu, didn't you say that you still need Jun Zhouchen to find out about the poisoning of you and your father and queen mother?" Shen Chuannan walked up to him and asked in a complicated tone.

Jun Zhouchen is their only clue now, that's why they let Jun Zhouchen jump around for so long, and now they have killed him rashly, wouldn't the clue be broken?
"We'll talk after we kill it." Jun Yu quietly withdrew his gaze, his thin lips moved slightly, and said the most indifferent words.

Shen Chuannan: "..." Well, this approach is indeed very gentlemanly.

After the place was cleaned up, although there was still a smell of blood in the air, the scene was not so cruel.

Cang Ling put down her hand at this time, and Yuan Deyin was able to see the lake in front of her clearly at this time, only to see Uncle Jiu Huang walking towards her.

She raised her head and looked at her Nine Emperor Uncle with bright eyes.

"Yin'er, do you think this king is cruel?" He raised his hand, trying to smooth out the messy hair on her head.

But thinking that his hands had just been stained with two lives, his hands were suspended in the air like this, and then he slowly retracted them.

"Deyin never thought Uncle Nine Emperors was cruel, you just killed the damned." Yuan Deyin shook his head and replied seriously.

Hearing her serious voice, Jun Yu pursed his lips a little bit.

"Cang Ling, send Yin'er back to rest, Yu Shengxiao, go and check her up." Jun Yu ordered Yu Shengxiao with his back turned.

"En." Yu Shengxiao put away her jade bone fan and nodded quickly.

Even if Jun Yu didn't say anything, he still wanted to check it for Xiao Deyin. It was simply amazing that he could break the witchcraft.

If it weren't for Jun Yu's attention to Xiao Deyin too closely, he really wanted to abduct her back to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors to study her carefully.

A certain miraculous doctor began to think again.

After Yuan Deyin and Yusheng Xiao had left, mother-in-law Zong Lin said in a hoarse voice, "You are really arrogant. Killing the emperor of your own country, do you think you can survive alone?"

What she said didn't sound like she cared much, but it seemed that she was more sarcastic.

Jun Yu was calm. He turned his head and nodded to her: "Senior, since I have done this, I am ready to bear the consequences."

as a result of?Grandma Zong Lin snorted coldly.

People in the world only believe what they hear. They call themselves saints and condemn others from the highest point of morality. They hate treason and injustice.

No matter what Jun Zhouchen did wrong, he is the emperor and the king, and Jun Yu is the prince and the minister, and the minister killed the king, this is the original sin!
Jun Yu will face the condemnation of the whole world.

He is even more arrogant than his master...

Thinking of this, Grandma Zong Lin's face darkened.

Finding that something was wrong with the atmosphere, Shen Chuannan hurried out to smooth things over: "Thank you senior for reminding me, I really got a lot of help from seniors today."

However, after Shen Chuannan said this, Grandma Zonglin sneered again, and she said indifferently: "I don't want to have anything to do with the royal family. If it weren't for Yu Shengxiao's relationship with me, I would definitely not step into this place." Half a step from the Prince Regent's Mansion. As for helping each other, the old man didn't want to save people at first, but he just looked at that girl with a mysterious body, and he didn't want her to die so early."

Shen Chuannan: "..."

Her old man is sincere, and she doesn't even bother to say polite words.

"Then dare to ask seniors, what's going on, what's going on, what's the legend, and what is it?" Shen Chuannan asked tentatively.

Seeing Shen Chuannan's probing face, Grandma Zong Lin's misty eyes slowly closed, and she said in a loud voice, "Master Shen, if you know too much, your life will be shortened."

Shen Chuannan's expression was stiff, and it seemed that it was difficult to get something out of her mouth.

"Ninth Prince, the fact that that girl can crack witchcraft can't be spread anymore, otherwise, even you may not be able to protect her." Suddenly, Grandma Zong Lin turned her eyes again, as if reminding her kindly It's like a gentleman.

Hearing Granny Zong Lin's words, Jun Yu's black eyes darkened for a moment, and after a long time, he said in a deep voice, "Thank you for reminding me, elder."

"Everyone in the royal family of Lingye Kingdom has a long-lived lamp. When a person dies, the lamp will naturally go out. Although Zuo Wei is insidious and cunning, he is also the prince of Lingye Kingdom, the younger brother of the emperor, and his death is certain. It will arouse the anger of the royal family of Lingye Kingdom, I am afraid that there has been movement in Lingye Kingdom now, so you can take care of it yourself."

After Zong Lin's mother-in-law finished speaking at the top of her voice, she walked out on crutches.

(End of this chapter)

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