The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 109 There is a dead body in the yard

Chapter 109 There Is a Corpse in the Yard

Granny Zong Lin meant that Ling Yeguo's revenge would come soon?
Shen Chuannan pressed his eyebrows, then they are really besieged on all sides now.

Two goddamned people died, and they had tons of mess to deal with.


Su Pei was thrown into the dark prison of the palace.

Every part of his body was in pain, and his heart was flustered.

From the day he became an official, he reminded himself to be a man with his tail between his legs, never to stand in line easily, and to protect himself wisely.

So these years, he can be regarded as living well.

But this time, for Xi'er, he took the initiative to stand in King Liang's camp...

But King Liang only wants to take advantage of Xi'er.

The more Su Pei thought about it, the more he regretted it. He wished that he had never spoken up for Jun Zhouliang in the court, nor allowed his daughter to be infatuated with Jun Zhouliang.

By the way, didn't it mean that the emperor came to the Regent's Palace?

With the emperor around, Jun Yu shouldn't dare to go too far, he and Xi'er should be able to offend him soon.Su Pei comforted himself like this in his heart.

Suddenly at this time, the stone door was opened, and several guards were thrown in.

Seeing the faces of those guards, Su Pei panicked because he recognized Jun Zhouchen's guards.

"Where is the emperor, why did you come in, where is the emperor?" He asked in a panic.

The guards also recognized Su Pei. They knelt on the ground with pale faces, as if they were frightened, they kept shaking their heads: "The emperor is dead, the emperor is dead..."

The emperor died?
Su Pei sat down on the ground, his hands and feet were cold.

"How did the emperor die?" As if the last straw to save himself was broken, Su Pei quickly got up, grabbed the shoulder of the nearest guard, and asked frantically.

The guard's face became paler, and he kept hiding: "I don't know, I don't know, I don't know anything..."

Su Pei staggered a few steps back.

The emperor passed away, and he died in the Prince Regent's Mansion, and the guards still dare not tell the truth... What else does he not understand.

Jun Yu, he is so arrogant that he even dared to kill the emperor.

Just when Su Pei thought that he was going to die this time, Wu Zing suddenly opened the stone door like a ghost, and said expressionlessly, "Master Su, you can go out."

"Are you going to kill me?" Su Pei's face was bloodless, and his voice was trembling.

Wu Zing walked over and dragged Su Pei out.

The speed was so fast that Su Pei couldn't even see what the dungeon looked like, so he was taken outside the Prince Regent's Mansion, and he saw the ragged Xi'er and Caiyun on the other side from a distance.

"Xi'er..." Su Pei quickly ran to Su Nuanxi.

Su Nuanxi didn't have too many wounds on her body, but she didn't have any light in her eyes, she was chaotic, and she kept saying: "I was wrong, I was wrong, I don't dare to hurt anyone again I don't dare anymore..."

With her appearance, it was obvious that she had been severely stimulated.

Su Pei kept calling her, but she didn't respond at all, and so did Caiyun.

Su Pei shook his head with tears in his eyes, Xi'er may have lost his mind and gone crazy.

Forget it, it would be nice to save a life.

Looking back at the tightly closed Prince Regent's Mansion, Su Pei seemed to have aged many years all of a sudden, he helped Su Nuanxi to walk towards the Su Mansion with difficulty.

In a few days, he will resign and leave the capital. It is still too dangerous for the court to fight.

I'm afraid that in the future, Chi Yan will be in the bloody rain.


Kunning Palace.

An Ruyi sat on the main seat, with Jun Zhouliang on her left and An Wanwan on her right.

"Aunt, do you think you can really defeat Jun Yu this time?" An Wanwan asked a little uneasy.

"It will succeed. This time, the emperor has cooperated with Ling Yeguo. No one can escape Lingye's witchcraft. Once Yuan Deyin dies, Jun Yu will not be far away." An Ruyi tasted gracefully. Tea, the tone said lightly.

Then that's really great, An Wan breathed a sigh of relief as if he had relieved a heavy burden.

Jun Yu turned her elder brother into a useless person, and now it is difficult for Anjia to stand above the court.

If Jun Yu doesn't die for a day, she won't be relieved for a day.

"By the way, aunt, I heard that Mr. Su Peisu spoke for us in the court..." An Wanwan asked tentatively.

An Ruyi squinted at her: "You mean to say, the Ai family sent someone to inquire about Su Nuanxi, and let Liang'er go to Su's mansion? Your hands are long enough, even the Ai family and Liang'er can do it." Everything is clear..."

Hearing that An Ruyi's tone was a little angry, An Wanwan panicked, and she quickly explained: "Aunt, please don't misunderstand, this concubine just wants to find a way to deal with Yuan Deyin as soon as possible, and this concubine does not mean to monitor you ..."

An Wanwan's explanation did not make An Ruyi's complexion much better.

She snorted coldly: "You are Aijia's niece, what are you thinking? Aijia doesn't know? Aijia spoils you, but it doesn't mean you can ride on Aijia's head. If you have this Use it to serve the emperor, so you won't be overwhelmed by Concubine Mei and a few nobles."

An Ruyi was getting more and more disappointed with An Wanwan now, so she didn't even want to say such gentle words.

An Wanwan's face turned red and then pale at what she said, but she could only bear it, and she whispered: "Auntie, don't be angry, this concubine knows it's wrong."

"Okay, it's because you were worried about the An family's affairs, and the Ai family will spare you this time." An Ruyi withdrew her eyes indifferently, and then continued, "The daughter of the Su family really likes Liang. Son, Aijia and Lianger also want to use her hand to deal with Yuan Deyin..."

"Liang'er, what's going on with Su Nuanxi? Why hasn't there been any movement for so long?" An Ruyi looked at Jun Zhouliang with her eyes, and her tone was a bit hostile.

This unkindness is aimed at Su Nuanxi.

Jun Zhouliang's complexion was also very bad. He looked at his empty sleeves, and then gritted his teeth and said, "My people found out that Su Nuanxi did trick Yuan Deyin to Mount Tuofo, but she It was soon revealed that Yuan Deyin was not killed, but she was captured by Jun Yu instead."

"What? How could she be so useless!" An Ruyi quickly put the teacup on the table, her face darkened.

At first, she thought that Su Nuanxi would be useful, but she never thought that she couldn't do such a small thing well.

"Then will she expose you and your aunt?" An Wanwan said in a worried tone.

"Oh, she's so obsessed with me, I can assure you that she won't say a word." Jun Zhouliang's tone was firm, his eyebrows were full of arrogance.

"Okay, she's just a useless person, don't mention her anymore," An Ruyi frowned, and she felt disgusted even mentioning Su Nuanxi more, "Now I'm waiting for the emperor's news."

"But Auntie, it's getting dark today, why did the Emperor go to the Regent's Mansion and haven't come back yet." An Wanwan suddenly felt a little uneasy.

"Cleaning up Jun Yu will naturally take time, why are you in a hurry!" An Ruyi glanced at An Wanwan in disgust.

Suddenly at this time, the palace maid stumbled in. Her face was pale, she knelt on the ground, and said in panic, "Mother... Empress Empress, Empress Empress, there is a dead body in the yard..."

(End of this chapter)

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