The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 110 Jun Zhouliang ascends the throne

Chapter 110 Jun Zhouliang ascends the throne


An Ruyi, Jun Zhouliang and An Wanwan stood up at the same time.

An Ruyi and An Wanwan had to be supported to go out. Their hands and feet were cold, and their hearts were filled with uneasiness.

Finally, when the three of them walked to the yard, they saw the bright yellow figure lying stiffly on the ground from a distance.

"Who is it, who is it... whose corpse..." An Wanwan yelled in a high voice, she grabbed the wrist of the maid beside her so tightly that blood came out.

The servant girl saw the face of the corpse, she quickly knelt down and cried, "Yes, it's the emperor."

The words "It's the emperor" made An Wanwan's head buzz, and she screamed: "Impossible, impossible, how could it be the emperor..."

An Ruyi also walked over there with cold hands and feet, and Jun Zhouchen's pale face was facing her.

"The Empress Dowager..." Seeing her, she was a little unsteady, and several old mothers came over to support her.

But she yelled in a sinister voice: "Get lost!"

She leaned over and put her fingers under Jun Zhouchen's nose, she was completely out of breath...

"Auntie, you must find out the murderer and avenge the emperor!" An Wanwan staggered over, grabbed An Ruyi's hand, and cried.

"Shut up," An Ruyi closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, her eyes were stern. She turned her head and stared at An Wanwan in disgust, "Do you want everyone in the palace to know that the emperor is dead?" ……"

"Chenqie...Chenqie..." An Wanwan was so frightened by her eyes that she trembled, and she didn't dare to speak at all.

"Come here, send the queen back. Without the order of Ai's family, you are not allowed to step out of Kunning Palace." An Ruyi said sternly.

"Aunt, why did you restrain your concubine's feet?" An Wanwan looked at An Ruyi in disbelief.

Now that the emperor has passed away, isn't it time for her, the empress, to deal with important matters?

"Aunt, this concubine is the queen, Rui'er is the prince, the emperor has passed away, and this concubine has to protect Rui'er to ascend the throne, otherwise, something will happen..."

At this time, An Wanwan only had one thought in her mind, that is, the emperor was gone, and her son had to ascend the throne immediately.

"How old is Rui'er? There's no way he's going to be the throne." An Ruyi threw An Wanwan away with a dark face.

"Aunt...Aunt..." An Wanwan wanted to scream, but several old nuns had already dragged her into the house.

Jun Zhouliang looked at An Ruyi anxiously when the roaring was gone, and said, "Queen, why did you restrain the emperor's sister-in-law's feet? Now that the emperor's brother has passed away, Rui'er must be allowed to sit in charge."

"The Ai family said that Rui'er is still too young to protect the Jun family!" An Ruyi's voice also cooled down.

"What do you think of the queen mother? If Rui'er is not allowed to ascend the throne, should we still let King Runnan, Jun Zhouxu, and Jun Yu succeed?" Jun Zhouliang said through gritted teeth.

Now the situation in Chiyan is complicated, so many people are eyeing the throne, the most urgent thing is to hold the throne in their own hands!
"Who said they must succeed, aren't you the best successor to the throne?" An Ruyi suddenly chuckled, she raised her eyes and looked at Jun Zhouliang quietly.

At this moment, she no longer had the flustered look in her eyes, and there was even some relief on her face.

"Mother, what are you talking about? This king is the younger brother of the emperor, how can he take his throne..." Jun Zhouliang shook his head at the first reaction.

For so many years, although he has acted recklessly, he has never thought of becoming the emperor, because he knows that he has the emperor brother in front, as long as he protects the emperor brother and is loyal to the emperor brother, he will be able to live happily ever after.

"You are all the sons of the Ai family, if he can succeed, why can't you?" An Ruyi said sharply.

Compared with Jun Zhouchen, she hopes that her most beloved youngest son can be the emperor, one is because she prefers Jun Zhouliang, and the other is that Jun Zhouliang is much easier to control than Jun Zhouchen.

"Mother, please calm down. This king is already a man with a broken arm. People in the world will not let a crippled man become emperor." Jun Zhouliang stared at his empty sleeves, and his tone sank.

"No matter how people in the world can stop you, as long as someone supports you, you can become emperor..."

"There are people who support this king, who will support this king? Queen mother, you should hurry up and let the prince succeed in a legitimate way." Jun Zhouliang said self-destructively, he still wanted his mother to wake up.

"Who? Of course it's Jun Yu!" An Ruyi said with a sneer.

"Junyu? Uncle Nine Emperors? How is it possible? He was ambitious. The emperor's brother died suddenly and his body was thrown here. He must have done it. Empress, you quickly order the siege of the Prince Regent's Palace, and you must punish him as a regicide." A big crime!" Jun Zhouliang said urgently.

Without waiting for An Ruyi to nod, Jun Zhouliang turned his head and said to his guards in a harsh tone: "Take the token of this king and go and surround the Regent's Palace. Also, all the princes' counties The king and the ministers are called into the palace as soon as possible, and the people in the Ministry of Rites are ready to ring the bell..."

"Everyone stop for the Ai family. If anyone dares to step out of the palace gate, the Ai family will be the first to chop off his head." An Ruyi's cold words made the guards stop in their tracks.

"Mother Xiurong, take the token of the Ai family and order people to surround all the palaces. Without the order of the Ai family, no one is allowed to come out. Especially Concubine Wei." An Ruyi turned her head and ordered Miss Xiurong.

"Old servant obeys." Sister Xiurong nodded, then quickly turned around and left.

"Sister Xiulan, keep an eye on all the servants present today, if they dare to reveal a word about the emperor's death, immediately cut off their heads."

"Mother Xiuzhen, take some servants and send the emperor's body back to Fuyang Hall. No one is allowed to step into Fuyang Hall."

"Xiao Anzi, you leave the palace quickly, tell Prime Minister An about this, and ask him to call the court officials to see Ai's family as soon as possible."

An Ruyi gave several orders to her confidants in succession, and the rest of the court ladies and eunuchs knelt on the ground, trembling.

They didn't know why the queen mother concealed the news of the emperor's murder, but they knew...they would probably be murdered soon.

"Mother, what do you mean? Why don't you order someone to arrest Junyu? He is the one who killed the emperor's brother. Also, you just said that Junyu will help the king ascend the throne. He is ambitious, so what? Will help us!" Jun Zhouliang said solemnly.

"It's because he killed the emperor that he has to help us!" An Ruyi raised her eyes and spoke casually, with a little joy in her eyes.

"Mother, what do you mean..."

"No matter what reason Jun Yu killed your emperor brother, it is a fact that he killed the emperor. If the news spreads, let alone Chi Yan's people can't tolerate him, everyone in the world will spurn him. He can't bear the infamy. To help you ascend the throne, he has to help, and he has to help if he doesn't!" An Ruyi's tone was completely stern.

(End of this chapter)

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