Chapter 111 Undercurrents surging
"But, Jun Yu, will he be confined to us so easily?" Jun Zhouliang asked uncertainly.

After fighting Jun Yu so many times, Jun Zhouliang didn't think he was a person who would be threatened.

But An Ruyi snorted coldly: "That's why you need your grandfather to plan with us. Jun Yu can't afford the infamy of killing a king. He must be used by us."

An Ruyi looked determined that both Chi Yan and Jun Yu were in her hands.


"Your Majesty, the outside was suddenly surrounded by the inner guards." Hu Po quickly pushed the door and entered, disturbing Mei Qingxue who was reading a book.

"Ouchi bodyguard?" Mei Qingxue put down the book, a sharp light suddenly flashed in her eyes.

"Could it be that something is wrong with the emperor?"

"This, the slaves don't know either. Now we can't get out." Amber frowned and shook her head.

Just at this moment, Qiangwei came in through the small door. She was sweating profusely, her face was bloodless, and her hands and feet were trembling.

She ran up to Mei Qingxue and said in a trembling voice: "Mother... Your Majesty, the emperor has passed away."

"What? The emperor has passed away?" Mei Qingxue quickly stood up from the collapsed floor with a look of disbelief.

"Qiangwei, what are you talking about? The emperor is so young and in good health, how could he... die..." Hu Po pushed Qiangwei, her tone was also very nervous.

"Huber, empress, it's all true. Our eyeliner in the Queen's Palace received news that half an hour ago, a male corpse appeared in the backyard of Kunning Palace, and that corpse belonged to the Emperor... Now The Empress Dowager has ordered the Ouchi guards to surround the entire palace, fortunately our informant has spread the news ahead of time..." Qiangwei stomped her feet and explained urgently.

"How did this happen, who killed the emperor..." Hu Po cried anxiously.

Qiangwei's eyes were also full of red: "Why is life so hard for our empress, my empress has no prince yet, and the emperor was killed suddenly, how will my empress gain a foothold in the harem?"

Hu Po held Mei Qingxue's arm, and said in a worried tone: "Madam, I'm sorry, you belong to the Mei family. Even if something happens to the emperor, the empress dowager and empress would not dare to deal with you lightly. You must ensure your health."

"Yes, empress, although the emperor has passed away, you still have to take care of your body..." Qiangwei also cried.

They were all worried that their mother would be devastated by the death of the emperor.

Seeing them crying miserably, Mei Qingxue sneered: "Condolences? Sadness? Why does Miss Ben want to mourn and be sad? Isn't this a good thing?"

good thing?

Hu Po and Qiang Wei raised their heads in shock at the same time, their eyes were still full of tears, but they saw that their mother's brows and eyes were full of ecstasy, feeling like the rewards of all hardships, and the moonlight when the clouds bloom.

"Your Majesty, you..."

"Jun Zhouchen dispatched Xu Wang to that wild land. My heart is dead, and I committed myself to him, just to help Xu Wang inquire about the news, so that Xu Wang can return as soon as possible... He is dead now. This lady is naturally happy..." Mei Qingxue wished she could raise her head and laugh a few times.

"Your Majesty..." Amber yelled a few times worriedly, why did Your Majesty still miss King Xu so much.

"Quickly, pass this news to Concubine Wei and father. Father must have a way to pass the news to King Xu." Thinking of this, Mei Qingxue quickly picked up the brush and quickly wrote something down on the paper.

After finishing writing, she put the letter in an envelope and asked Amber to deliver the letter.

"Your Majesty, we do have a chance to spread this letter, but the imperial palace is now heavily guarded, and the forces of all parties are undercurrents. If it is accidentally exposed...then you and the Mei family will be doomed..." Hu Po has a calm personality. They persuaded their mothers earnestly and earnestly.

After staying in the harem for such a long time, Mei Qingxue has established her own secret communication channel with the help of the Mei family. It is not too difficult to spread the news, but the too great.

Hearing Hu Po's words, Mei Qing's cold face darkened, and she could naturally think of anything that Hu Po could think of.

But when she remembered something, her eyes were full of sternness and firmness: "The moment Miss Ben agreed to enter the palace, she had already put her life and death aside, if King Xu cannot return to the capital, there is no point in living Miss Ben. Send the letter."

Hearing her resolute words, Hu Po and Qiang Wei looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and hurriedly withdrew to deliver the message.

What their mothers want to do, their slaves can't stop them, they can only try their best to minimize the risk.


"Ah Yu, you guessed right. When the queen mother saw Jun Zhouchen's body, she didn't tell the world about Jun Zhouchen's death to track you down. Surrounded, Mr. An has already summoned their people overnight, and seems to be preparing to let Jun Zhouliang succeed..."

When Shen Chuannan received the news, he immediately came to the Prince Regent's Mansion, and he hurriedly opened the door of Jun Yu's study.

As soon as the door opened, he saw that Jun Yu was sitting on the throne, and beside him stood the seventh of the top ten hidden guards of the palace, Jin Huaian, Mu Chen, and many ministers of their faction...

Such a big battle...

Shen Chuannan was secretly shocked. He thought that A Yu really didn't care about anything, but he never thought that he was already prepared.

I'm afraid that before Ah Yu was about to strangle Jun Zhouchen to death, he was already fully prepared in his heart.

"Mr. Shen, you're here. They're all waiting for you." Master Shaoqing Ge Yang stood up to make room for Shen Chuannan.

Shen Chuannan was also polite and sat down quickly.

Next to him, Lord Shangshu Chu Tianlu said in a serious tone: "Lord Ninth, the situation is urgent now. Since the Queen Mother has already taken action, we must not sit still and wait for death."

Han Lin, the servant of the Central Department, also nodded: "Yes, my lord, the emperor even gave Chi Yan's land to others in order to harm you. He is not worthy of being an emperor, and Prince Liang is not a good person. They don't have Chi Yan in their hearts." .My lord, only you can give the people of Chi Yan peace, my lord, I beg you to be the emperor here."

"The old minister implores the Ninth Prince to ascend the throne as the emperor." A dozen ministers knelt down in front of Jun Yu.

In the short few years since Jun Zhouchen succeeded to the throne, foreign enemies coveted him, the court was in turmoil, and the people were in dire straits. They didn't want such an emperor anymore.

Everyone in the world said that the regent king was cruel and heartless, but only their courtiers could see it clearly. It was Chi Yan's great fortune to have a regent king.

Seeing these ministers crying and begging A Yu, Shen Chuannan sighed silently.

It is impossible for Ah Yu to become the emperor, he has no thoughts about imperial power.

Sure enough, the next moment, he heard Jun Yu say with a blank face: "Everyone, I understand your feelings, but I don't want to be emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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