Chapter 112 The King of Letters Is About to Return to Beijing
"This... Ninth Prince, if you don't ascend the throne as the emperor, then we Chi Yan really don't know where to go." Lord Tingwei Yan Changmo's eyes turned red.

"This king will naturally support the person who should be enthroned." Jun Yu said lightly.

"Ninth Prince, the person you said should be enthroned is not Prince Liang?" Chu Tianlu was in a hurry.

"Master Yan, let your people guard the capital for the next few days, and King Han will arrive in the capital tomorrow." Jun Yu raised his eyes and glanced at Yan Changmo, and his calm voice reached everyone's ears.

letter king?

Hearing these two words, everyone present, including Shen Chuannan, was shocked.

King Han, Jun Zhouhan, the eighth son of the first emperor, and his mother Concubine Jiang was the daughter of Jiang Taishi's concubine.

Concubine Jiang and the first emperor's childhood sweethearts were very popular after entering the palace, but later Concubine Jiang had an affair with her bodyguard, and after being discovered by the first emperor, she was so ashamed that she committed suicide in the palace.

Jiang Taishi lost his daughter in old age, and was distraught. Later, he also fell ill and died, and the young King Han also died in a fire.

Over the years, no one has ever mentioned this taboo.

Lord Nine, this means...

"Concubine Jiang was framed by someone back then. Brother Huang wanted to investigate the truth first, but the family and the people pushed too hard. Concubine Jiang chose to kill herself in order not to embarrass brother Jiang and protect Jiang's family. Walking out of the grief of concubine's death, the palace where King Han was staying was set on fire..." Jun Yu recalled what happened back then.

"What happened to King Han?" All the ministers looked at Jun Yu anxiously.

Many of them present were officials when the first emperor was alive. Jiang Taishi was a decent man. They were also very sad when their Jiang family encountered such a catastrophe. What was even worse was that they were actually framed.

"My king saved him and sent him to study with his master. I never found out who was going to burn him to death, so the first emperor was worried about letting him come back and kept him outside." Jun Yu Hei Glancing at them, he said in a deep voice.

That was a blessing among misfortunes.

"Lord Nine, do you want King Han to ascend the throne?" Yan Changmo continued to ask.

"En." Jun Yu replied coldly.

It can be regarded as psychologically prepared, so when Jun Yu made this decision, he was not too shocked, and even somewhat agreed.

Jiang Taishi was an upright person back then, and was admired by many imperial courts and ordinary people.

Moreover, the Ninth Prince said just now that King Han was sent to his master.No one knows that the master of the Ninth Prince is Old Man Tianji.The apprentices taught by the old man Tianji must not be bad.

"Your official will fulfill his mission and protect King Han to enter Beijing safely." Yan Changmo quickly knelt down and assured him in a solemn tone.

The other ministers also knelt down one after another, promising that they would support King Han.

Shen Chuannan watched from the side and raised his eyebrows.

Jun Zhouhan is still alive... As A Yu's friend, he didn't know it for so many years.

Looking at Jun Yu's calm expression, Shen Chuannan suddenly had a shocking thought in his heart.

Ah Yu, did he already make all the plans?

These ministers only thought that A Yu was thinking that King Han was the son of the first emperor, and they were planning to push him to the throne, but they never thought that there were many sons of the first emperor, and many princes were scattered in various fiefs. Talent is not low.

Why must it be King Han?
Shen Chuannan suddenly remembered that when his mother was still alive, she once said that Concubine Jiang and Concubine Ji were boudoir friends.

Ah Yu is paving the way for Princess Deyin!

Thinking of this, Shen Chuannan looked at Jun Yu with a little more shock.

After all the ministers left, Shen Chuannan went to the chair next to Jun Yu and sat down.

"I have always wanted to ask a question. Both you and King Ji thought that Jun Zhouchen would not be a good emperor. Why did you agree to put him on the throne?" Shen Chuannan turned his head and looked at Jun Yu curiously. .

If King Han or other princes had been allowed to succeed to the throne from the very beginning, maybe there would be no such thing as now.

"Back then, the emperor's brother was seriously ill, and other countries took advantage of the chaos to attack Chi Yan. The court was also uneasy, internal and external troubles, the former emperor had no choice, so before he died, he decided that he was still willing to trust Jun Zhouchen and An's family once, so he specially told this The king and the halberd king have trained Jun Zhouchen well..." Jun Yu didn't hide anything, he directly told the situation back then.

"What the first emperor didn't know at the time was that no matter how much you teach an ambitious beast, its wildness will not change." Shen Chuannan sighed silently.

"So, the second imperial decree given by the former emperor to this king is that if Jun Zhouchen does something that harms the country and the people one day, this king must stop the damage in time, even if he kills him himself." Jun When Yu recalled the exhortations of the former emperor, his eyes also flashed a little fiercely.

The first emperor...had issued such an imperial edict?
Shen Chuannan was stunned for a moment, but he understood what the former emperor was like.

Like the Taizu, the first emperor was diligent in governing and caring for the people all his life, and worked hard to govern the country. His hair was full of gray hair when he was over thirty.The first emperor died of illness so early in the past, but also because of worrying about state affairs.

Before his death, the first emperor was still thinking about Chi Yan.

In order to protect the country, he even arranged the way back.

The men of the Jun family, to a certain extent, can be said to be so far-sighted that it makes people shudder.

While Shen Chuannan was meditating, Jun Yu had already stood up and walked quickly to the door.

"Ah Yu, where are you going?" Shen Chuannan quickly stood up and followed.

"Go and see Yin'er." Jun Yu's cold voice came from the front.


Jiwangfu, in the side room of Xiyuan.

Yuan Deyin stared at the seven-year-old child sleeping on the bed with a small face. He was the "Wu Ling" that day.

Wuying originally wanted to exile him, but Yuan Deyin rescued him and helped him bandage the wounds on his body.

"Princess, is he really not dangerous?" Cang Ling asked worriedly.

She was also at the scene yesterday, and she could naturally see that King Wei of Lingye Kingdom used this witch spirit to harm the princess, so she was still worried about what the witch spirit would do to the princess after he woke up.

"Don't be afraid, he is also very pitiful. It was not his intention to become a witch spirit." Yuan Deyin shook his head and said helplessly.

A child who is only seven years old has been cursed so harshly, he is really pitiful.

"Cuckoo..." A fat rabbit suddenly jumped on Yuan Deyin's body.

It hadn't seen her for a long time and missed her.

But Yuan Deyin lifted it away with disgust for its sudden show of favor: "Xiaobai, you are so dirty, wash it up and come to the Princess."

"Guzhi Guzhi..." Xiaobai looked at Yuan Deyin sadly.

When this witch spirit came, a certain princess began to dislike this rabbit.

"Cuckoo..." Ben Rabbit has something to tell you.

Xiao Bai pointed in the direction of the door with his fat paw.

"Has Uncle Nine Emperors come?" Yuan Deyin glanced at Xiaobai, and his eyes lit up instantly.

She turned her head quickly, just in time to see Uncle Nine Emperors and Mr. Shen pushing the door open.

(End of this chapter)

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