The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 113 9 Uncle Huang, shall we keep him?

Chapter 113 Uncle Nine Emperors, Shall We Keep Him?
"Uncle Nine Emperors." Yuan Deyin was overjoyed, she quickly jumped off the chair, ran towards Jun Yu, and threw herself directly into his arms.

Seeing the little girl rushing towards him, Jun Yu hugged her easily.

But after a while, he took her out of his arms with a straight face, and said solemnly: "In a few days, you will be 11 years old. There is a difference between men and women. This king is a man. Don't you dare?" I'm going to throw myself into this king's arms again, if not, how will you marry in the future?"

Yuan Deyin: "..."

"Oh." The little girl nodded lazily, but Uncle Nine Emperors didn't let her hug him anymore.

Shen Chuannan was beside him, touching his chin silently, why did he always feel that a certain prince would regret it in the future.

Seeing the little girl's unhappy look, Jun Yu sighed in his heart, and his tone softened a bit: "From now on, you can give her a little hug."

Give me a little hug?What kind of hold is this!
With a sound of "Puff", Shen Chuannan couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud.

As a result, the next moment, a certain prince glanced over dangerously, making his back stiff and he dared not speak.

"Yin'er, I heard from Wuying that you brought back that kid from Ling Ye Kingdom." Jun Yu's brows returned to indifference, and he spoke in a cold voice.

"It's not picking up, it's saving!" The little girl corrected his words in a serious tone.

"Hmph, you actually saved someone who was going to harm you, and I don't see you being so kind to me." Suddenly, the window on the side was opened, and Yun Mo jumped in from the outside with ease.

"Can you be the same as Taibai? Taibai couldn't help himself, you did the evil yourself." Yuan Deyin glanced at Yunmo, and turned back very rudely.

"Why haven't you returned to the Western Regions yet?" Jun Yu's cold eyes instantly fell on Yun Mo and the opened wooden window behind him.

Why were the doors and windows in Yin'er's yard opened so easily? It seems that it needs to be nailed here... Or, Yunmo's leg must be broken.A certain regent thought silently in his heart.

Facing Shang Jun Yu's cold eyes, Yun Mo shuddered inexplicably.

I am used to jumping through windows, but today I actually forgot that a certain master was here, and just jumped in.

But as the prince of the Western Regions, Yun Mo didn't allow himself to admit his weakness. He pretended that he didn't see Jun Yu's dangerous gaze, turned his head quickly, and said loudly to Yuan Deyin: "Why are you so heartless? You are a victim of witchcraft." This king was the first to discover it, otherwise, you would still be misdiagnosed by that quack doctor Yu Shengxiao."


Shen Chuannan was listening, and he couldn't help but raised his hand and rubbed his ears.

Was Yu Shengxiao innocently slandered?Yeah?

Worried that the two children would quarrel in front of A Yu, Shen Chuannan decided to stand up and be a peacemaker.

He stood among them, and then changed the subject: "Princess Deyin, did you save the witch spirit because of his pity?"

"Not entirely." The little girl shook her head.

"Any other reason?"

"Well, he is good-looking, and the princess wants him to be a playmate." The little girl said seriously.

Shen Chuannan: "..."

Jun Yu: "..."

Yunmo: "..."

Shen Chuannan sneaked a glance at a certain regent, and sure enough, he saw his temples bulge on his calm face.

He suddenly regretted asking this question.

"Why do you call him Taibai?" Jun Yu said suddenly, his voice indifferent.

"He is very white," Yuan Deyin glanced at the little boy on the bed, and then said, "His hair, eyelashes and skin are all white, just like Xiaobai, so we call him Taibai."

The fat rabbit hiding in the corner: "??? Crackling..." Does anyone say that?
Too white?Shen Chuannan glanced at the little boy on the bed again, and suddenly felt that being the playmate of the little princess is not a happy thing.

Seeing that Uncle Jiuhuang seemed unhappy, the little girl quickly said, "Well, Uncle Jiuhuang, Deyin was just joking just now. In fact, Deyin met Zuo Qi in the nightmare."

"Have you met him?" Jun Yu's black eyes darkened slightly.

Zuo Qi?Too white?Wu Ling?

"Actually, Deyin didn't finish all the nightmare scenes to that mother-in-law yesterday. In Deyin's nightmare, there are not only scenes of the death of his father, queen, mother and concubine, but also all the painful scenes that Zuo Xie has experienced since he was born and was cursed until now. Picture. In that nightmare, Deyin saw that he was stabbed with mandala vines when he was just born. At that time, he had a fever, but no palace people paid attention to him. They threw him into the cold palace, only a lame eunuch Pity him, feed him rotten goat milk every day..."

"When he was a few months old, Zuo Wei brought him back to the palace, but that's where his nightmare really started. The princes and maidservants in the palace could bully him. Chased into a frozen lake, competing with the watchdog for food at mealtimes, the curse Zuo Wei cast on him tortured him day and night..."

When Yuan Deyin recalled those pictures, her body was trembling.

She couldn't imagine that a child who was only seven years old was subjected to such torture.

When listening to her vibrato talking about these things, Shen Chuannan's mood was also very complicated.

Although he knew from the beginning that Wu Ling's background was miserable, he did not expect it to be so bloody and cruel.

"Don't think about it anymore." Jun Yu suddenly reached out and stroked the little girl's head, trying to dispel all the cruel images engraved in her head.

It was very painful for that witch spirit to experience these things, so as a child, she was also tortured watching those scenes.

Facing Uncle Nine's concerned eyes, the little girl shook her head with red eyes: "If Deyin was bullied, he would have been protected by his father, queen, mother and concubine, and Uncle Nine Emperors now, but Zuo Qi has nothing... "

"In the nightmare, there was a voice that kept forcing Zuo Xie to hurt me, but he fought against that voice. Even though he tortured himself until he was in pain, he still didn't do anything to hurt Deyin. Run Deyin..."

Yuan Deyin said in a low voice.

That nightmare was the net of heaven and earth laid down by Zuo Weibu.

Zuo Xie was nothing more than his murder tool, but Zuo Xie, after being tortured and cursed, could still maintain the purest heart, and would rather hurt himself than hurt others.

So at that time, Yuan Deyin made up his mind that as long as she could wake up, she would definitely save him.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, can we keep him? He can stay in Jiwang Mansion, and Deyin will treat him like a younger brother." The little girl raised her head and looked at Jun Yu expectantly.

Jun Yu looked at Zuo Qi on the bed with indifferent eyes, and a dark and stern light flashed in his eyes.

"Yin'er, are you sure you want to keep him, you won't regret it?" His voice was cold, and there was not much emotion in it.

"Well, he didn't hurt Deyin, so of course Deyin can't leave him alone." The little girl said firmly.

"Okay, I will help you. From now on, he will stay in the Prince Regent's Mansion." Jun Yu withdrew his indifferent eyes and said in a deep voice.

After his frightening eyes were retracted, Zuo Qie's fingers trembled slightly while lying on the bed.

Does Uncle Nine Emperors take Zuo Qi in?

The little girl tilted her head, why didn't she let Zuo Xie stay in Jiwang Mansion?

Forget it, Uncle Nine Emperors might even train him after raising him. After thinking about it, the little girl Yuan Deyin stopped being entangled. She nodded obediently: "Thank you Uncle Nine Emperors."

(End of this chapter)

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