Chapter 114 You Are My Brother
"Yin'er, the capital is not peaceful these days, don't run around while you are staying in the Ji Palace, Wu Ying and Wu Mu will protect you well," Jun Yu said in a deep voice.

The capital is not peaceful?
The little girl Yuan Deyin instantly understood why.

She quickly turned her head to look at Shen Chuannan: "Master Shen, you must follow Uncle Nine Emperors."

"Huh? Why? Are you worried about the safety of the truth?" Shen Chuannan raised his eyebrows.

He thought that Princess Yuan Deyin wanted him to follow A Yu, and A Yu would protect him.

Unexpectedly, the little princess shook her head seriously: "No, Deyin thinks that you can help Uncle Jiuhuang avoid danger."

Shen Chuannan: "???" Now the truth can be regarded as knowing how Yushengxiao's sadness comes from every day.

Hearing the little girl's words, a certain regent's mouth curved slightly.

Very good, I did not raise him in vain, and I know that I am worried about his safety.


Because there are still many things that need to be dealt with by him, Jun Yu didn't stay in the Ji Palace for long before returning to the Prince Regent's Palace.

Before leaving, his indifferent eyes fell on Yunmo.

Yun Mo's back stiffened, he thought Jun Yu was going to drive him back to the Western Regions.

But who knows, Jun Yu actually said to Wu Xi coldly: "Leave a place for Prince Yunmo in Jiwang Mansion, if he wants to stay, he can stay."

Ah Yu actually let Prince Yunmo live in the Ji Palace?Shen Chuannan was slightly shocked.

But when he saw a faint and weird smile on the corner of a regent's mouth, he instantly understood that A Yu wanted Prince Yunmo to be a free bodyguard...or a hostage.

In the next period of time, the capital will definitely be in chaos, and other countries, including the Western Regions, will inevitably move their minds, but with the three princes of the Western Regions as a bargaining chip, the Western Regions naturally dare not act rashly.

This approach... is really wise.Shen Chuannan shrugged.

After walking out of the room, Jun Yu still did not forget to order Wu Ting in a cold voice: "Take three hundred elite soldiers to guard Ji Wang's mansion."

"There hasn't been any big movement outside the palace for so long, so they shouldn't care about the Palace of Ji." Shen Chuannan couldn't help frowning when he heard Jun Yu's words.

Because in his opinion, the Prince Regent's Mansion is now much more dangerous than the Halberd King's Mansion.

The [-] elite soldiers in the Prince Regent's Palace are worth [-] internal guards. The Prince Regent's Palace needs these elite soldiers even more.

But just after Shen Chuannan's words fell, Wu Wuhe walked over from the gate.

"My lord, Lord Shen, there are two groups of guards coming out of the palace, one is going to the Palace of the Regent, and the other is going to the Palace of the Prince Ji." Said endlessly respectfully.

There was no change in Jun Yu's indifferent eyes. He glanced at Wu Ting coldly: "In half an hour, the elite soldiers must go to the Ji Palace. This king does not want to see Yin'er in any danger."

"Subordinates obey." Wuzong quickly left to dispatch troops.

Shen Chuannan let out a sigh of relief, and he just said that the few people in the palace did not move, and the movement came immediately.

It seems that Ah Yu knows the Jun family best.


In the room.

When Yunmo heard that Jun Yu actually let him stay, he thought Jun Yu had found out because of his conscience, and couldn't bear to embarrass him anymore.

He sat down on the chair, his ice blue eyes were full of amusement.

Chi Yan is in such a mess now, he naturally wants to stay and watch the show well.

"Ji Xia, you and Brother Wuxi go to clean up the Nanfeng Garden, and then let Prince Yunmo move in." Yuan Deyin turned his head and told Ji Xia.

"The slaves obey."

"Nanfengyuan, sounds good." Yunmo nodded in relief.

"It's not bad. It's the closest to the south gate of the Jiwang Mansion. There are often thieves who worry about it. Going there can just protect the safety of the Jiwang Mansion." Miss Yuan replied obediently.

Yun Mo: "..." Sure enough, this king was thinking too much.

"Princess, this child is awake." Suddenly, Cang Ling's excited voice came from behind.

Yuan Deyin turned around quickly, and finally met a pair of nervous and frightened eyes.

Zuo Qie moved his small body to the corner like a frightened rabbit, looking nervously at the people in the room.

"Don't be afraid, we won't harm you." Yuan Deyin walked over and comforted him softly.

She also beckoned to him, wanting him to come closer.

Seeing Yuan Deyin's outstretched hand, Zuo Qie looked at her nervously.

"We met in a dream, you told me to run away quickly, don't you remember?" Yuan Deyin's voice was patient and gentle.

"I saw it in a dream?" Zuo Xie lowered his head, his body was shaking, and he repeated these words in a low voice.

Soon, he raised his head and asked with some uncertainty in his eyes: "Are you the sister in the dream?"

"Yes, it's me." Yuan Deyin nodded quickly.

Seeing her nodding, the vigilance in Zuo Xie's eyes was reduced a lot. He clenched his fingers and moved towards this side carefully.

"Sister." He squinted his big eyes and called again weakly.

"Well," after he finally leaned over, Yuan Deyin raised her hand and stroked his head gently, she said softly, "you can live with me from now on, no one can hurt you again gone."

"Do I want to live with my sister? But...but I am the one who harms my sister...I am Wu Ling..." Zuo Qi lowered his head, his small body trembling.

"The witchcraft has been broken, and Zuo Wei is dead. You are no longer a witch spirit, and you can live a normal life like an ordinary person." Yuan Deyin said seriously.

She specially asked Doctor Jade to help her read his master's handbook, which mentioned that as long as the person who cultivated the witch spirit died, the witch spirit would return to normal.

"Really, really?" Zuo Qi raised his head, and his blank eyes were a little more excited to be born again.

"Really. Or take a look." Yuan Deyin helped him roll up his sleeves. He no longer had any mandala totems on him.

"I'm a normal person now, I'm a normal person now..." Zuo Qi buried his head between his knees, and couldn't help sobbing.

His pitiful appearance made the eyes of several sisters in this room red...

Of course, except for Yun Mo.

Seeing that Yuan Deyin was so kind to this little witch spirit, Yunmo felt unbalanced. He stood up, walked quickly to the bed, and said seriously, "Man, why are you crying?"

"Zuo Qi is a younger brother, a child, so what's the matter crying, he has gone through so many things, can't he cry?" Yuan Deyin turned his head directly, and said to Yunmo in a bad tone.

Yunmo was teased by her, and he touched his nose.

This little girl's film is so fierce.

"Sister, he's right, I won't cry anymore..." Little Zuo Qi quickly raised his head, wiped away his tears, and looked at Yuan Deyin seriously.

Yuan Deyin was amused by his serious appearance.

She stretched out her soft little hand to rub his head again, and said in a gentle voice: "From now on, you will be the young master of the Prince Regent's Mansion, my younger brother Yuan Deyin, no one can bully you, you understand. "

"En." Little Zuo Qie nodded seriously.

His obedient appearance once again warmed the hearts of Yuan Deyin and Cang Ling.

Of course, it also made a certain Prince Yunmo aggrieved.

(End of this chapter)

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