The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 116 The Mantis Catches the Cicada Oriole Behind

Chapter 116 The Mantis Catches the Cicada Oriole Behind
"If something really happens to the emperor, the regent will definitely seize the opportunity to ascend the throne. He is the most suitable person to be the emperor of the dragon..." Yuan Ying'er said slowly.

When Qing'er heard this, she covered her mouth in panic: "Miss, do you mean that the regent intends to seek power and usurp the throne?"

"Shut up, that can't be called seeking power to usurp the throne. The throne should belong to him, and he just took back what belongs to him." Yuan Ying'er gave Qing'er a sharp look in her eyes, frightened De Qing'er quickly lowered her head.

"Small, Miss, what can I do for you? Do you want to contact Mr. Zheng now?" Qing'er asked tentatively.

After all, the only person the eldest lady can rely on now is Mr. Zheng, who is an official in the court, so Qing'er thought that she wanted to ask Mr. Zheng for help.

As a result, Yuan Ying'er quickly took out a piece of jade pendant: "You find a way to go out, go to Runnan Palace, find King Runnan, and ask him to help the regent ascend the throne."

Run, King Runnan?
Qing'er widened her eyes in shock.

Although she didn't know anything about the court, she still knew that King Runnan was the younger brother of the former emperor and the elder brother of the regent, but he had always been on the emperor's side, why would he help the regent?

Also, why didn't she know that their young lady had something to do with King Run Nan.

However, she is just a maid, and it is not a good thing to know too many secrets.

So she nodded quickly: "Your servant obeys."

After finishing speaking, the two of them walked out of the house, and the other walked out of the mansion.

Unbeknownst to them, in the grass next to them at this time, a fat rabbit was holding a radish and gnawing thoughtfully.


"Guzhi Guzhi..." Master Yin Master Yin, Yin's family has returned from inquiring about you.

A certain big fat rabbit jumped into Yuan Deyin's arms.

Yuan Deyin originally disliked its dirtiness and wanted to throw it out, but after hearing what it said, she paused and smoothed its fur very gently.

"Tell me, what news."

"Googling..." Your elder sister Yuan Ying'er let her maid slip out of the house.

"Qing'er? Do you know where Yuan Ying'er asked her to go?" Yuan Deyin frowned.

At this time, according to Yuan Ying'er's cautious character, her people should not be allowed out of the house.

"Guzhi Guzhi..." It seemed that he was going to deliver a letter to someone. By the way, he was going to tell that certain king to help the Ninth Prince ascend the throne.

Send a letter to what king?

"What king?" Yuan Deyin asked urgently.

"Googoo..." I forgot.

Yuan Deyin: "..."

She really wanted to hang up this big fat rabbit that could only eat and beat it up. How could it forget such important information!

The other party must want to send a message to some prince, but Chi Yan's prince said that there are not many, and that the young master is not many.

What kind of prince would help Uncle Jiuhuang ascend the throne, and what kind of prince has something to do with Yuan Ying'er?

Yuan Deyin had a headache thinking about it.

Forget it, I don't want to.

She quickly threw the rabbit aside, then walked to the window and called out, "Brother Wuying."

Soon, a black shadow fell in front of her.

"Princess." Wuying saluted her respectfully.

"Yuan Ying'er asked her maid to go out to deliver the letter, you go follow her, you must find out who she sent the letter to." Yuan Deyin's face was serious.

"Subordinates obey." After Wuying replied, the whole person disappeared like a ghost.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..." Master Yin, I heard that Yuan Ying'er said that the regent is going to seek power and usurp the throne. Is it true? Is it true?

A certain rabbit looked excited.

Yuan Deyin only felt a little pain in his temple. He was a rabbit, and he knew how to seek power and usurp the throne.

"Uncle Nine Emperors won't be the emperor." Yuan Deyin threw it away, and then said firmly.

"Googling..." Why?

"You think everyone wants to be the emperor so much. Although the emperor has a lot of power, the shackles on his body are also heavy. Uncle Jiuhuang doesn't want to be that kind of person." Yuan Deyin shook his head and said softly.

"Guzhi Guzhi..." I don't understand, this rabbit thinks it's good to be the emperor, at least there are radishes that can't be eaten.

After it finished speaking, it took out a carrot from behind and continued to chew on it.

Yuan Deyin: "..." She really wanted to lose this rabbit, why did she keep it!

in the palace.

More than a dozen ministers have also been waiting for a long time.

An Ruyi and the reluctant Jun Zhouliang walked in.

"I see the Empress Dowager, King Liang." Those ministers knelt on the ground.

"Stay flat." An Ruyi glanced at them lightly, and sat down at the main seat.

"Empress Dowager, what's going on?" Those ministers were all from the emperor's faction, but they suddenly received news from Prime Minister An that the emperor had passed away, and they hurried into the palace without knowing what was going on.

"The emperor passed away, he was killed by Jun Yu." An Ruyi raised her eyes and glanced at them coolly, without a trace of grief in her expression.

"Jun Yu... how dare he? He actually killed the king!" Those ministers roared angrily.

"Empress Dowager, please give me an order. I will arrest Jun Yu and bring him to justice." The servant of the Ministry of War, Ye Zhiyi, said angrily.

"Now is not the time, Jun Yu still has military power in his hands, and Chi Yan urgently needs a monarch to sit in charge now." An Ruyi said lightly again.

"Is the Empress Dowager planning to let King Liang ascend the throne?" Because An Shigou had prepared them psychologically before coming, they probably knew what An Ruyi was thinking.

Originally, they were a little reluctant in their hearts, after all, King Liang was a man with a broken arm.

But they also thought that if King Liang didn't take the throne, then the throne would belong to Jun Yu.

They have fought against Jun Yu so many times in the past, if Jun Yu becomes the emperor, will they still be able to keep their heads?

So after weighing it, they quickly accepted An Ruyi's decision.

"That's right, time is running out, so as not to have long nights and dreams, the Ai family summoned you here just to want you to support King Liang's ascension to the throne in the morning tomorrow." An Ruyi's indifferent voice reached the ears of everyone present.

"We will definitely support King Liang as emperor." Those ministers quickly knelt down on the ground.

Hearing that they all expressed their sincerity, An Ruyi's indifferent expression eased a bit.

"Queen, I have one more thing to worry about," General Li Kuli said solemnly, "How could Jun Yu agree to King Liang's ascension to the throne?"

"He will, he will," An Ruyi said with a sneer, "He thinks that by letting Jun Zhouhan become the throne, the world will stop scolding him. He is simply wishful thinking."

Your weekly letter?letter king?

All the ministers changed their faces. Hasn't King Han been dead for many years?

Why did Jun Yu let him out?

Moreover, how did the Queen Mother know about this.

"Empress Dowager, Jun Yu asked Jun Zhou to secretly enter Beijing tomorrow (7-9 am)." An Can said suddenly.

"Very good, we have laid an ambush for Aijia. Jun Zhouhan failed to die with his short-lived mother and concubine before. This time, Aijia must let him come and go." An Ruyi's eyes were full. It is vicious.


child time. (late night from 23 to 1 o'clock)
Shen Chuannan pushed open Jun Yu's study door.

He saw a slender figure in a crescent robe looking at a painting with his back turned to him, he thought it was Jun Yu,

So he said quickly: "Ah Yu, Lord Yan's people have already made preparations, and they will definitely ensure that King Han enters Beijing smoothly tomorrow morning."

But after he finished speaking, the figure in the crescent robe slowly turned around, and a strange handsome face appeared in front of his eyes.

"Who are you?" Shen Chuannan asked in shock.

The person in front of me is not A Yu.

"This king is the King Han you mentioned." The other party said slowly with a faint smile on his lips.

"King Han? Aren't you going to be able to enter Beijing tomorrow?" Shen Chuannan asked in shock.

"King Han stayed at the Prince Regent's Mansion five days ago." Jun Yu suddenly came out from the door and said in a cold voice.

"Five days ago, A Yu, then why did you say in front of the minister today that King Han will go to Beijing tomorrow, and that Mr. Yan must protect you?" Shen Chuannan was shocked and bewildered.

But soon, he thought of something, and his eyes widened in shock: "A Yu, are you catching a mole?"

(End of this chapter)

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