Chapter 117 You Are Brother Han Wang

"Yeah." Jun Yu nodded coldly.

Every time they plan something, the queen mother will know that it is time to find out the inner ghost.

"Then when will we announce King Han's enthronement?" Shen Chuannan asked with a frown.

The queen mother has made so many moves, so they can't sit still.

"Morning tomorrow." Jun Yu glanced at Shen Chuannan, and said coldly.

"Tomorrow morning? Isn't it too anxious?" Shen Chuannan was a little worried. Although it needs to be urgent, is it too anxious for tomorrow?

They haven't thought about how to convince the people and other neutral ministers to King Han.

Hearing Shen Chuannan's worried words, Jun Yu sneered: "An Ruyi and An Shigou have already planned to have Jun Zhouliang succeed to the throne tomorrow morning."

"This, A Yu, how did you know?"

"Master Shen, since the other party can place ghosts on our side, why can't Uncle Huang arrange our people on their side?" Jun Zhouhan's eyes fell on Shen Chuannan with a smile.

I see……

Shen Chuannan breathed a sigh of relief, he felt that he had been abandoned by A Yu, and he didn't know any plans.

"Okay, if you have any plans, just implement them, and I'll just help you." He muttered.

At this moment, Wuxi's voice came from the door: "My lord, Princess Deyin is here."

Yin'er is here?

Jun Yu turned his head quickly, and Jun Zhouhan also put down the fan in his hand, and quickly looked in the direction of the door.

After a while, Wuying came in with a bouncing little girl.

Yuan Deyin jumped over the threshold and when she saw Uncle Nine Emperors, she quickly ran over and called out obediently, "Uncle Nine Emperors."

"Didn't I tell you to stay in the Ji Palace? Why do you want to go out? It's very dangerous outside now." Jun Yu looked at the little girl with a straight face, and his tone was very severe.

After finishing speaking, he looked sideways at Wuying: "Didn't this king order to watch the princess? Why did you let her go out?"

"Uncle Nine Emperors, don't blame Brother Wuying, it was Deyin who asked him to come..." The little girl shook her head anxiously and explained.

"Master Deyin came to see you for something. Wuying is protecting you. It's okay. A Yu, you don't have to be so nervous."

Seeing that a certain prince was obviously very worried about the little girl, but insisted on preaching in such a serious tone, Shen Chuannan couldn't help persuading her.

"Yes, Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin is really in a hurry to come to you," Yuan Deyin nodded seriously, and then hurriedly said, "Xiaobai found out that Yuanying'er's maid was secretly going out to deliver letters, so I let Wuying My brother followed up, only to find out that the other party was sending a letter to King Runnan. Deyin knew that you planned to make King Han ascend the throne, but Yuan Yinger wanted King Runnan to help you ascend the throne..."

After Yuan Deyin finished speaking in one breath, the expressions of all the people present changed.

"King Runnan? Uncle Four?" Jun Zhouhan frowned first.

Fourth Emperor Uncle is old and cunning, father was very wary of him back then, why would he help Ninth Emperor Uncle.

Shen Chuannan lowered his eyes and began to analyze: "Concubine Runnan is also the daughter of the An family. Although Princess Runnan has passed away for many years, the Palace of Runnan has a relationship with the An family, so when Jun Zhouchen succeeded to the throne, King Runnan is also on Jun Zhouchen's side. Over the years, he has often opposed A Yu in order to help Jun Zhouchen. Outsiders, he really did his best to the Queen Mother's family, but... ..."

"However, we know the character of King Runnan. He is insidious and cunning. He yearns for the dragon chair more than anyone else. When the father was alive, he made a lot of noises. It is impossible for him to fight against the king for a dead princess. Zhou Chen is sincerely good..." Jun Zhouhan took Shen Chuannan's words.

"That's right, if he helped Jun Zhouchen before, he wanted Jun Zhouchen to deal with A Yu. Then why does he want to help A Yu now, and Yuan Ying'er asked him to help? It's related..."

This is what Shen Chuannan can't figure out the most.

"Ah Yu, what do you think?" Shen Chuannan turned his head and asked Jun Yu solemnly.

Now that there is another King Runnan, there must be no mistakes in tomorrow's plan.

"Wu Xi, you send someone to watch Runnan Palace and Yuan Ying'er." Jun Yu raised his eyes and ordered Wu Xi in a cold voice.

"Your subordinate obeys." Wu Xi nodded, and quickly went out to carry out the order.

"Tomorrow, just follow the original plan." Jun Yu glanced at Shen Chuannan and Jun Zhouhan again.

"Wait, Princess Deyin, why do you know that King Han is going to ascend the throne tomorrow?" Shen Chuannan realized this problem only at this time, he turned his head and looked at Yuan Deyin curiously.

"My princess guessed it." Yuan Deyin replied obediently.

"Guess, how to guess?"

This time, not to mention Shen Chuannan's face full of curiosity, even Jun Yu and Jun Zhouhan's eyes fell on the little girl.

"Jun Zhouchen is dead, Chi Yan can't be without a king for a day, lest the villain take advantage of the loopholes, so we must find a suitable person to take the throne as soon as possible. The princess knows that Uncle Jiuhuang is not interested in the throne, so I boldly guessed that he will find someone else. people ascended the throne..."

"and then?"

"The first emperor didn't have many brothers left. One was King Runnan, the other was Uncle Nine Emperors, and the third uncle was too old and sick in bed, so it can basically be ruled out; besides, the first emperor had a total of thirteen brothers. They are Jun Zhouchen, Jun Zhouliang, Jun Zhouxu who is in the fiefdom, King Han who is rumored to have passed away in the fire, and King Jing who has been traveling in mountains and rivers all year round."

"You know so much, so why don't you suspect that it's King Jing who traveled around the mountains and rivers, but the dead King Han?" Jun Zhouhan raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.

"Deyin was also skeptical about respecting the king at the beginning, until Deyin remembered that his mother and concubine once said that when Concubine Jiang passed away, although the world still had a bad name for her, the grandfather of the late emperor still risked the world's disgrace to do it for her. Funeral. But when King Han was burned to death, Grandpa Late Emperor ordered people to bury him quickly, "

"So..." Shen Chuannan touched his chin, staring at Yuan Deyin more and more urgently.

"So, the princess suspects that the grandfather of the former emperor was trying to hide something, such as the fact that King Han was not dead." Yuan Deyin shook his head and explained slowly.

"But this is not the reason why you ruled out King Jing and confirmed King Han." Jun Zhouhan couldn't help interrupting her judgment again.

"No, Deyin is definitely King Han. Because you are brother Hanwang." Yuan Deyin turned around quickly, looking at Jun Zhouhan firmly.

This time, Jun Zhouhan just laughed out softly: "How did Xiaoyin recognize me?"

Little tone?

Hearing this address, Shen Chuannan and Jun Yu looked at Jun Zhouhan at the same time, and Jun Yu's eyes were darkened.

(End of this chapter)

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