The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 118 The Imperial Decree Was Destroyed

Chapter 118 The Imperial Decree Was Destroyed
"Brother Han, have you forgotten that we met once when we were young? At that time, our mother and concubine were still alive. Although you look different from when you were young, I still remember that Concubine Jiang's favorite is rose, so she has rose all year round. Fragrance, I came in just now and smelled the rose fragrance on your body, so I am sure that you are Brother Hanwang." The little girl raised her head and explained very seriously.

"Xiaoyin is still the same as when he was a child, very smart." Jun Zhouhan raised his hand and rubbed Yuan Deyin's little head, his tone more gentle.

"Brother Han Wang, how have you been doing these years?" the little girl asked in a low voice, her tone seemed a little sad.

"My king is doing very well. It's just that due to many reasons, I couldn't come back to see you and Princess Ji. I didn't expect that after coming back again, Princess Ji..."

"It's okay, Brother Hanwang can't help himself..." The little girl shook her head.

Wait, did they know each other when they were kids?

Shen Chuannan found that the atmosphere in the study next to him was very strange, especially the regent's face was a little cold. He smiled wryly, why did he suddenly regret that he had asked Princess Deyin that question just now.

Just when the atmosphere was going to continue to be weird.

Suddenly there was movement outside. "Lord Nine."

Soon, Mu Chen hurried in with a box in his hands.

He was dusty and dusty, and there were still traces of dew on his body.

When he saw Jun Zhouhan and Shen Chuannan, he quickly greeted them too: "King Han, Prime Minister Shen."

Mr. Mu is not surprised to see King Han. It seems that only he, Shen Chuannan, knows the inside story until now.

Shen Chuannan sighed, feeling inexplicably that he was an outsider.

"Lord Shen, don't get me wrong. There is a reason why Uncle Nine Emperors didn't say anything, because the traitor has been staring at you. Mr. Mu hadn't revealed that he was Uncle Nine Emperors at that time, and it was convenient to do things, so Uncle Nine Emperors just Arrange for him to pick up the king first."

Jun Zhouhan could see through Shen Chuannan's mood at a glance, and he quickly comforted him softly.

It turned out that, upon hearing this, Shen Chuannan's mood really improved a lot.

"My lord, I found what you asked my subordinates to look for." Mu Chen wiped the sweat off his face, and presented the box.

Jun Yu opened the box and saw half of the imperial decree inside.

"My lord, my subordinates are incompetent. When we dug up the imperial decree from the ruins, there was only half of the imperial decree." Mu Chen said solemnly.

"Ah Yu, what imperial decree is this?" Shen Chuannan stepped forward and asked curiously.

"Back then, the reason why Concubine Jiang was framed was because someone heard the news that the emperor intended to make King Han the crown prince and inherit the throne. This decree was dug up from the ruins of Zhaochun Palace where Concubine Jiang lived. "Jun Yu said coldly.

Brother Huang also knew that this matter killed Concubine Jiang and Taishi Jiang, so he felt guilty until he died.

He hoped that Jun Zhouhan would live a stable life and never be harmed by the imperial power again, so he never let him return to Beijing, nor did he have the intention to retrieve the imperial decree and re-establish the imperial decree.

Hearing Uncle Jiuhuang talk about the past, Jun Zhouhan smiled wryly: "I know that my father is painstaking, so I have never thought of becoming emperor these years, and I have never returned to Beijing. In the bottom of my heart. But I never thought that the father gave Jun Zhouchen and the others a chance, but they used it to harm the Ji King, the Nine Emperor Uncles, and the people of Chi Yan."

At the end, Jun Zhouhan clenched his fists tightly, and his gentle face was stained with anger.

This time, he will never let the queen mother do harm to others again.

He will avenge all the revenge he deserves.

Shen Chuannan took out the half of the imperial decree, only to find that the important part had been burned.

"Lord Nine, what about now?" Mu Chen asked worriedly.

Although A Yu had enough troops in his hands, and half of the ministers in the court were on their side, An Ruyi was not a vegetarian either.

Without the imperial decree, how can they justifiably let King Han succeed to the throne?
After all, King Han is different from the Ninth Prince in that he has prestige in the court. In this respect, he is not even comparable to Jun Zhouliang.

"Can't you rewrite it?" The little girl Yuan Deyin asked in a soft voice, sandwiched between them.

"Princess Deyin, the previous emperor has passed away, how do I rewrite it?" Mu Chen was so anxious that he wept.

He really wanted to say, the situation is very anxious now, Princess Deyin, please stop adding trouble.

However, Yuan Deyin's tone was more serious than anything else: "Can't you just find someone with the same handwriting as Grandpa Xianhuang to rewrite it? Deyin remembers that the royal father has a blank imperial decree bestowed by Grandpa Xianhuang in his hand."

Blank decree?

Shen Chuannan and Mu Chen's eyes lit up. That's right, the late emperor had indeed rewarded the King of Ji with a blank imperial decree in private. He wanted the King of Ji to write down the reward again if he had a wish in the future.

It's just that when the first emperor passed away, King Ji didn't ask the first emperor to fulfill any promises, so the imperial decree was basically invalidated.

If someone could imitate the first emperor's handwriting and inscribe on it, wouldn't it be...

"But, who can imitate the late emperor's handwriting? Everyone's handwriting is unique..." Shen Chuannan frowned even deeper.

"Yin'er, do you have a solution?" Jun Yu suddenly walked up to Yuan Deyin and Jun Zhouhan, blocked Jun Zhouhan silently, and raised his hand to help her tangle the messed up hair by Jun Zhouhan. flatten.

"Yeah." The little girl nodded vigorously.

Send Wuying back to Jiwang Mansion to get back the blank imperial edict, and Yuan Deyin spread out the imperial edict.

Next to her was a pile of imperial edicts issued by the former emperor to Uncle Nine Emperors.

After watching for nearly half an hour, she rubbed her fingers: "Okay, we can start."

"Princess Deyin, don't you want to imitate the handwriting of the first emperor yourself?" Shen Chuannan was a little worried when he heard it.

The first emperor's handwriting was sonorous and powerful, but he had seen the handwriting written by Princess Deyin, the handwriting was very neat and beautiful, but it was in small and delicate characters, which were completely two kinds of handwriting.

"Ah Yu, why don't you persuade Princess Deyin to write it." Shen Chuannan persuaded Jun Yu earnestly.

Although a regent's handwriting doesn't look like the first emperor's handwriting, it's still better than Princess Deyin's.

In the midst of Shen Chuannan's anxiety, Mu Chen suddenly said in shock: "Princess Deyin, how did you do it?"

Hearing Mu Chen's voice, Shen Chuannan turned around quickly, only to see Yuan Deyin writing a few lines of large characters on the imperial decree eloquently. The font was calm and powerful, exactly the same as the first emperor's font on the half of the imperial decree.

"Okay, it's finished. Remember to make this decree a little old, it will be more real." After the little girl put down the brush, she still didn't forget to remind her earnestly.

She can really...

(End of this chapter)

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