Chapter 120 Worry
Kunning Palace.

An Wanwan looked at the flickering candlelight, her hair was messy, her face was covered with tears, she looked like a female ghost in embarrassment.

Suddenly, with a "squeak", the door was opened.

She looked up quickly, and saw An Can walking in.

He was clumsy in his hands and feet, and it was extremely difficult for him to walk.

And he looked at An Wanwan with indescribable indifference.

"Brother, brother, what does aunt say, has she agreed to let Rui'er take the throne?" An Wanwan rushed over desperately and asked anxiously.

When An Can saw her rushing over, he looked away indifferently: "After dawn, King Liang will ascend the throne, and our An family will continue to prosper forever."

"Eternal prosperity? Brother, Rui'er is your nephew, and he is still the prince. If he ascends the throne, the An family will also be able to prosper forever." An Wanwan questioned An Can with tears in her eyes.

But An Can was unmoved at all, and he said indifferently: "This is what my aunt meant, so don't make things difficult for Grandpa anymore. As long as you and Rui'er don't cause trouble, it's fine for you to die of old age in the palace, but if If you are restless, the aunt will not be polite, that's all for now, you can do it yourself."

After finishing speaking, An Can left with a flick of his sleeves, not even giving An Wanwan any extra glances.

"Brother, brother..." An Wanwan scratched the floor with her fingers, blood was coming out from her fingers, and her eyes were swollen from crying, but she couldn't attract any pity from An Can.

In the huge Kunning Palace, there is only desertion left.

An Wanwan sneered, she knew it.

What my aunt loves the most is King Liang, not the emperor.

Because Rui'er is the emperor's child and was raised by the emperor, my aunt was worried that Rui'er would not be easy to train, so she simply gave up their mother and son.

"Auntie, you are so cruel..." An Wanwan clenched her fists and wept.

"Hate it? Don't you think about resisting?" Suddenly at this moment, a contemptuous female voice came from behind An Wanwan.

"Who, who is pretending to be a ghost?" An Wanwan turned her head in horror.

As a result, a person dressed as a court lady stepped out from a dark corner. The person lowered his head, his expression hidden in the darkness.

"Didn't I give an order, no one is allowed to approach my bedroom, get out, get out!" An Wanwan thought it was a maid in her palace, so she cursed sharply.

"Queen, with your appearance like this, how can you help the prince regain the throne." The other party sneered coldly, and then walked to the candlelight.

"You...Mei Qingxue, how did you come in? Did you come to see Ben Gong's joke?"

Seeing that the other party was actually Mei Qingxue, An Wanwan quickly stood up from the ground, glaring at the other party with gloomy eyes.

"It doesn't matter how I got here. The important thing is that I can help you, empress." Mei Qingxue snorted softly, then turned around and sat down on the chair next to her, and slowly brought a cup of tea drink.

"Come to help Bengong? What do you mean? You are so kind," An Wanwan stared at Mei Qingxue vigilantly, and she even shouted out the door, "Come on, get this bitch..."

"Wait a minute, Empress Dowager, you are really willing to let King Liang ascend the throne. The crown prince is the emperor's son, and he is the one who should ascend the throne the most. And you should be the empress dowager." Mei Qingxue was not in a hurry, she chose. Nails, slowly put down the teacup.

"Mei Qingxue, what on earth do you want to do? Previously, you relied on the emperor's love for you and opposed me time and time again. Now that the emperor has passed away, do you still want to mock me?" An Wanwan inserted her fingernails into the palm of her hand. Heart, regardless of pain.

"Empress, I have already said that I really want to help you this time. Although I was against you before, it was because I thought that my future emperor would be able to squeeze out the crown prince, but I didn't expect that, The concubines and concubines have not been able to conceive the emperor, and the emperor passed away. The concubines have to think about themselves. If King Liang really ascends the throne, what kind of status will the concubines stay in the palace...Compared to King Liang However, the concubine still hopes that the prince can ascend the throne, at least the prince is the emperor's son, and the concubine can still be a concubine..."

Mei Qingxue's words were so true that her eyes were red.

"You really think so?" An Wanwan's face changed slightly, and she stared at Mei Qingxue uncertainly.

"Of course what the concubine said is the truth. The concubine has no children. If she is really kicked out of the palace, then the concubine might as well die. I beg the empress to help the concubine get a chance of survival."

As Mei Qingxue spoke, she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

She even knelt down and kowtowed to An Wanwan.

Staring at Mei Qingxue's grief-stricken appearance, An Wanwan's heart has long been shaken.

After all, in her memory, Mei Qingxue, a bitch, used to rely on the emperor's favor and was so arrogant that she was unwilling to salute her, but now she was willing to kneel down for her.

It seemed that she was really afraid of being kicked out of the palace.

An Wanwan, who was anxious to find an alliance, didn't think about a problem at all. The concubines in the entire palace were grounded, so how did Mei Qingxue know that the one who will ascend the throne tomorrow is Jun Zhouliang!

An Wanwan's face softened a bit, she sat down on the other side, then stared at Mei Qingxue and said, "Of course I want Rui'er to become the throne, but now the palace is full of people from my aunt and King Liang, and outside It's Jun Yu's world, so what should I do."

"Queen, this concubine has an idea..."

Hearing that An Wanwan was moved, the corner of Mei Qingxue's mouth curled up in a strange arc.

She quickly stood up from the ground, then walked to An Wanwan's side, and whispered her plan in her ear.


The next day, it was dawn.

Although the sun has risen, the entire capital seems to be shrouded in a layer of haze.

That night, many ministers were sleepless.

Because they all knew that after last night, Chi Yan's emperor was about to change again, and the court was about to attract a bloodbath.

In this game, who will have the last laugh and who will be reduced to cannon fodder is unknown.

Many people in the People's House could not sleep all night, because the streets outside were filled with the sound of soldiers and horses running by and carriages rolling by.

The entire capital seemed to be surrounded by soldiers and horses. No matter how stupid they were, they knew something big was going to happen.

"Princess, why don't you sleep a little longer?" Seeing Yuan Deyin coming out of the house, Cang Ling hurriedly followed.

"I'm a little worried." Yuan Deyin was dejected.

Although she knew that Jiuhuangshu and the others were very powerful, the enemy was also very cunning.

"Xiao Deyin, don't be nervous. If your Uncle Nine Emperors can't even solve this little problem, he will have spent the past ten years in vain." Suddenly, a figure jumped down from midair.

Yu Shengxiao played the jade bone fan and winked at Yuan Deyin.

"Master Yu, are you back?" Yuan Deyin's eyes lit up when he saw Yu Shengxiao, and he hurried over.

"That's right, at such a critical moment, how can I miss this genius doctor, but both Shen Huli and your Nine Emperor Uncle despise this genius doctor, and don't let this genius doctor follow you to the palace, and insist on letting this genius doctor protect you." Yu Sheng Xiao shook his head and sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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