Chapter 121 The Water Is Not Right
Well, it seems that Yu Shengxiao really doesn't want to protect her.

The little girl Yuan Deyin sighed, and silently turned her head away.

"Cang Ling, where did Zuo Qi go?" Yuan Deyin suddenly thought of Zuo Qi.

Zuo Qie has already lived in Jiwang Mansion, and I don't know if he is used to it, he is very afraid of strangers.

"Master Zuo woke up just now, he said he was a little hungry, Ji Xia took him to the kitchen." Cang Ling replied quickly.

But as soon as she finished speaking, Ji Xia hurried in.

"Princess, Master Zuo is missing." Ji Xia said in a panic.

"Zuo Qi disappeared? Ji Xia, calm down, what's going on?" Yuan Deyin's heart was also suspended.

"My servant and Young Master Zuo Qi went to the kitchen to finish his breakfast. Just as I was about to bring it out, I found that he was gone. The servant searched the kitchen and the road, but I just didn't see anyone." Ji Xia was so anxious that his eyes froze. famous.

"Zuo Qi? That Wu Ling kid?" Yu Shengxiao paused for a moment with his fanning hand, and he quickly retracted the fan.

"Hurry up, spread out and find someone." Yuan Deyin instructed Cang Ling and Ji Xia.

Zuo Xie is very afraid of strangers, he will be afraid of not being able to find acquaintances, and it is still an extraordinary period, so he must find someone as soon as possible.

Lan Qiu and Xuan Ying also ran out, even Wu Ying Wu Mu came out to find someone in the dark.

Yuan Deyin and Cang Ling came out of Xiyuan and started looking for people from other paths.

There is a small lake in the Jiwang Mansion, which is diverted from the river outside.

"Princess, look, is that Young Master Zuo Qi?" Cang Ling saw a small group squatting by the lake in a daze from afar.

Looking in the direction Cang Ling pointed, Yuan Deyin also saw Xiaotuanzi.

"It's him." She nodded quickly.

The two of them ran over there quickly, but before they reached the lakeside, they saw a person sneaking out from behind the willow tree. The other person didn't see them, and that person went specifically to target Zuo Qie. of.

"Princess, isn't that Zhou Xuanmeng?" Cang Ling suddenly felt uneasy, and she asked worriedly.

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhou Xuanmeng over there also turned ruthless, and immediately pushed Zuo Qi into the lake.

Zuo Qi was unprepared and fell into the lake with a "plop".

"" He couldn't swim and struggled desperately in the water.

The small body slowly sank into the depths of the lake.

"Hmph, it's best to drown you!" Zhou Xuanmeng looked viciously at Zuo Qi in the lake.

Yesterday, she heard from her maid that Yuan Deyin brought back a little bastard and wanted him to be the young master of Jiwangfu.

Does Yuan Deyin want to be a good person? She brings all kinds of cats and dogs to the Palace of Jiwang.

Killing is best!
"Zuo Qi." Yuan Deyin and Cang Ling ran over quickly.

Hearing the sound, Zhou Xuanmeng turned her head quickly, and seeing Yuan Deyin, her expression changed drastically.

By the way, why did Yuan Deyin come here!

Stamping her feet resentfully, Zhou Xuanmeng hurriedly ran away.

"Princess, wait a moment, the water is very deep, and this servant will find a pole to rescue Young Master Zuo." Although Cang Ling was anxious, she was still able to maintain her rationality.

But before she could find the pole, Yuan Deyin shook her head: "It's too late."

After speaking, Yuan Deyin jumped into the lake directly.

"Princess..." Cang Ling's eyes turned red anxiously.

Wuying Wumu and Yushengxiao also rushed over.

Wuying Wumu didn't even blink his eyes, just jumped down.

Cang Ling and the others also wanted to dance, but Yu Shengxiao grabbed them back: "Can you swim?"

"Slaves can't." Cang Ling shook her head, they were nervously clenching their fingers.

"Then you don't go into the water, or you'll be slowed down." Yu Shengxiao put on a straight face, and immediately called the other hidden guards to dive into the water to save her.

Yuan Deyin and Zuo Xie disappeared long after they dived into the water.

Time kept passing, but the people who entered the water still couldn't find Yuan Deyin and Zuo Qie.

"Princess, princess..." All the hidden guards were shouting Yuan Deyin.

Wuying got up from the water, and asked Wumu who was not far away in a solemn tone: "Did you find anything?"

"No, the water is muddy, and no one can be found." Wumu's face also began to become heavy.

They shouted on the water for so long, Princess Deyin didn't even show signs of struggling...

Shouldn't it be...

"Xiao Deyin." Yusheng Xiao realized that something was wrong, his water skills were poor, but at this moment he also wanted to take off his coat and go into the water.

Suddenly at this moment, on the shore far away from them, there was a "crash", and Yuan Deyin came out of the water like a flexible fish, holding the unconscious Zuo Qi in her arms.

"Quick, catch him." Yuan Deyin was so tired that he didn't have much strength now.

Yu Shengxiao quickly ran over to pick up Zuo Qi, touched him, there was still body temperature, nose and breath, he was still alive, just temporarily unconscious.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Cang Ling and Ji Xia wanted to pull Yuan Deyin up, but Yuan Deyin shook his head.

She took off the lotus leaf next to it, filled it with a little lake water and gave it to Yu Shengxiao: "Doctor Yu, please smell it."

Smell... smell this?

A certain Jade doctor's first reaction was to frown, but seeing Yuan Deyin's dignified expression, he didn't hesitate anymore, quickly took the lotus leaf, and gently smelled the lake water.

"Xiao Deyin, what's the problem?" Yu Shengxiao looked at Yuan Deyin puzzled.

"You didn't smell it, does the water smell like sulfur?" Yuan Deyin asked.

"Sulphur? How could there be sulfur? There are no hot springs around here, so there shouldn't be sulfur in the water." Yu Shengxiao pondered for a while, and he sniffed the lake water a few more times, but still didn't smell anything .

Yuan Deyin shook her head, and she continued to dive into the water like a nimble fish. After a while, she got out and nimbly jumped to the shore.

Taking the cloak Cang Ling gave her, she wrinkled her face and said, "No, the Princess is sure, this lake smells like sulfur."

"Brother Wuying, do you know where the lake of Jiwangfu is connected?" Yuan Deyin felt something was wrong, and she quickly turned her head to look at Wuying.

Wuying also flew out of the lake at this time. Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, he immediately replied respectfully: "Reporting to the princess, this lake is connected to the Jin'an River outside, and a section of the Jin'an River is connected to the moat."

"The moat? The river in the palace?" Yuan Deyin's voice changed slightly.

"To be more precise, it should be the river at the gate of the palace. It is upstream, and the river near Jiwang's mansion is in the middle and downstream." Yu Shengxiao also explained for Wuying at this time.

"The smell of sulfur in this lake is not light. According to the flow rate of the water, if there is really sulfur flowing down from the upstream, the smell should be eliminated quickly. But the smell is still there, it is very likely that the sulfur has just entered the water Soon..." Yuan Deyin lowered his head and muttered.

Soon, she quickly raised her head, her face tensed: "Brother Wuying, hurry up, bring this princess into the palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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