Chapter 122
Zichen Palace.

All the officials were already waiting in the palace in court uniform.

Although their positions are divided according to their official positions, it is obvious from the atmosphere that they are divided into their own camps.

The faction on the right is represented by An Shigou, An Ruyi and Jun Zhouliang.

The faction on the left is represented by Shen Chuannan, Jun Yu's people.

The two factions in the middle are the absolutely neutral ministers and the suspected neutral ministers, represented by King Runnan.

An Shigou stood there strategically, because he knew that An Can had already led people to ambush at the entrance of the capital at this time.

As long as Jun Zhouhan is found, he will be killed directly on the spot.

Jun Zhouhan is dead, Jun Yu can find someone to take the throne?

The atmosphere here is turbulent, everyone has different thoughts, but Shen Chuannan dozed off, thinking to himself, why these people haven't done anything yet, they are so sleepy.

At this time, the entrance of the capital.

An Can took a group of men and horses, disguised as ordinary people in the capital, and wandered around.

"General An, why hasn't anyone appeared yet? Is it because King Han is not coming?" His subordinate couldn't help but asked worriedly.

"Impossible, the news can't be wrong, let those masters keep an eye on this general, and don't let them slack off for a moment." An Can's face turned cold, and his whole body was a little bit dark.

It was all because Jun Yu broke the tendons in his hands, so even if he reconnected them, he would still be a useless person.

Without martial arts, he has the title of great general for nothing, and he still needs to rely on the protection of masters given by the queen mother when he goes out.

"Jun Yu..." An Can gritted his teeth and shouted out these two words in hatred.

After King Liang ascended the throne, he must find a way to get rid of Jun Yu.

"General, the notice has been written." Suddenly, a soldier under An Can ran over, holding several notices in his hand.

On it was the evidence of Jun Yu killing the emperor, as long as Jun Yu didn't cooperate, they would tell the world about his crimes and let the people all over the world condemn him.

But at this moment, they heard the people passing by talking to themselves in fear: "Go home quickly, don't come out, Prince Liang and An's family killed the emperor, they are going to plot a rebellion now."

"Yes, yes, we little people, hurry up and hide away. This Chiyan is about to change..."

King Liang killed the king?

It was clearly the king who killed the king!
An Can was full of hostility, and wanted to kill those two civilians on the spot.

But thinking that doing it here might scare the snake, so he could only suppress his killing intent.

As a result, at this time, he saw the people around him rushing home and said: "Run, don't go out for a few days, maybe the King of Liang will do anything to us people."

"Damn it! King Liang kills the king and wants to be the emperor. Has he forgotten that the emperor is his own brother..."

"I hope the regent can protect Chi Yan well..."

"Damn it, go and investigate what's going on with General Ben!" An Can said violently as he pushed his subordinate.

The subordinate quickly ran away, and after a while, he rushed back, and said with a troubled face: "General, General, last night, someone spread the news that it was... the king of Liang killed the king and wanted to seize the throne."

"Jun Yu, you're ruthless enough to hit me upside down." An Can clenched her fists tightly, wishing she could kill Jun Yu right now.

At this time, another subordinate ran over: "General, King Han has been captured."

got caught?

An Can ran over quickly, only to see several masters capture a man in a crescent robe, next to him was Wu Xi who was also under control.

An Can naturally knew Wu Xi, he sneered: "Wu Xi, you also have today."

"Let us go, the one in front of you is King Han." Wu Xi darkened his face and warned An Can.

"Let go? This general came here to arrest you." An Can smiled contemptuously.

He took the portrait brought by his subordinates and compared it with the man in front of him: "That's right, it's Jun Zhouhan."

"General, do you need to kill him now?" An Can's subordinates had already lit up their swords.

But An Can shook his head indifferently: "No, the original plan was to kill them all, but Jun Yu actually slandered King Liang secretly. This general wants to teach him a lesson and threaten him with a letter from Jun Zhou!"

"General, what do you mean?"

"Tie up Wuxi and Jun Zhouhan, and escort them to the palace." An Can ordered coldly.

"Let go, our lord will not let you go, let go of King Han..." Wu Xi did not forget to warn them sternly before he was kidnapped.


Lord Zichen.

"The emperor is here, and the empress dowager is here." A eunuch's voice sounded.

They saw a bright yellow figure walking in from the gate of the palace, and An Ruyi in the empress dowager's robe.

Jun Zhouliang was wearing Jun Zhouchen's dragon robe. Due to time constraints, he didn't have time to make his dragon robe, so he could only feel aggrieved and wear the old dragon robe.

An Ruyi stood beside her, her head held high, her expression proud.

When Jun Zhouchen ascended the throne, she also stood beside her as the queen mother, but she has never been so relieved as today, because Jun Zhouchen and her disagree.

Even if she is a queen mother, she is still a queen mother without real power.

But now that Liang'er is on the throne, it's different. Liang'er listens to her and is easy to manipulate.

Those ministers secretly glanced at Jun Zhouliang's empty dragon sleeves, quickly looked away, and then quickly knelt down: "Long live the emperor, long live the queen mother."

Those who knelt down were all from An Shigou's faction.

People like Shen Chuannan straightened their backs and remained unmoved.

Because of his status, King Runnan didn't need to kneel down, he just had to bend down.

He bowed symbolically, without moving his mouth, no one knew who he was saluting to and what kind of salute he was saluting.

As for those neutral people, they secretly glanced at each other with blank expressions.

In the end, he quickly knelt down, lowered his head, and didn't make a sound, trying to get away with it.

An Ruyi's cold eyes swept across the entire hall, her eyes paused for a long time on those silent ministers and Shen Chuannan and his group, and the corner of her mouth curved into a contemptuous arc.

They are just a group of trapped beasts, still proud and arrogant. After today, they will die.

"Your Majesty, ascend the throne." An Ruyi withdrew her eyes lightly, and then spoke to Jun Zhouliang.

Jun Zhouliang has accepted the fact that he will become the emperor.

To be emperor means to have supreme power, and most importantly, it is easy to kill Jun Yu in the future, so he soon has no burden in his heart.

He nodded, then raised his head, put his hands on his back, and then slowly walked up to the dragon chair in the hall.

But when he walked to the top and was about to sit down on the dragon chair, a cold voice suddenly came from the entrance of the main hall: "I don't know, the throne has changed."

(End of this chapter)

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