Chapter 123 Searching for Jun Yu

"Uncle Huang, you are here." Jun Zhouliang stood on the hall by himself, looking down at Jun Yu.

Jun Yu was wearing a black python robe, and he walked over slowly by himself.

Facing Jun Zhouliang's posture, he didn't panic, instead he looked at him calmly: "King Liang, are you trying to seek power?"

"It's funny, Ninth Prince, you killed Chen'er, a rebellious official and traitor, and dare to accuse Liang'er? Liang'er's ascension to the throne is expected by everyone." An Ruyi stood in the middle, staring at Jun Yu coldly.

"That's right, the Ninth Prince, the Empress Dowager and the Emperor have treated you well, but you are killing the king, you are in vain!" An Shigou pointed at Jun Yu and growled, his white beard was blown up because of his anger.

"Oh? Are you in vain?" Jun Yu lowered his eyes and sneered.

But the moment he raised his head, his whole body was like a gust of wind passing by, and he was directly in front of An Shigou.

"Ah" screamed.

An Shigou's fingers were broken just like that, and his face twisted in pain.

"Bold, Ninth Prince, you actually hurt Prime Minister An in front of the emperor and Ai's family!" An Ruyi was furious, she gritted her teeth and asked Jun Yu for guilt.

Jun Yu's eyes remained calm, and he said lightly: "Queen Mother, I recognize your identity, but the emperor? Isn't the emperor dead? The one above, could it be that the emperor cheated the corpse?"

"Puff..." Shen Chuannan couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud.

A Yu either doesn't speak, or when he speaks, it's the kind that poisons people to death.

Listening to people... feels very comfortable.

"You..." An Ruyi was so angry that her face flushed.

"You, you, you..." An Shigou pointed at Jun Yu with his broken finger, his colorful face didn't know whether it was pain or anger.

"Anxiang, I don't like people who point their fingers at me the most, so I advise you to take your fingers back, otherwise it won't be as simple as breaking them next time."

Jun Yu looked sideways, and stared at An Shigou indifferently, his aura was not angry but majestic.

An Shigou was considered a veteran of several dynasties, but at this moment he was shocked by Shang Junyu's cold eyes, he couldn't help but take a few steps back, and couldn't help but drop his fingers silently.

"You all say that this king killed the emperor, what's the evidence?" Jun Yu's indifferent eyes swept over everyone in the hall.

"Ninth Prince, do you still want to quibble at this time? The Emperor kindly went to see you at the Prince Regent's Mansion, but you brutally murdered him and threw his body into the backyard of Kunning Palace..." Ann Ruyi asked Jun Yu angrily and resentfully.

"Empress Dowager, what's the evidence?" Jun Yu raised his eyes and looked at An Ruyi quietly, his cold expression did not change at all, he was so calm as if nothing could make him panic.

so helpless……

Shen Chuannan let out a sigh of relief, his eyes were a little shocked, it was the first time he saw A Yu's appearance as a rascal.

"You all say that the king killed the king, what about the evidence?" Jun Yu's cold eyes also scanned the people in the hall, and finally, his eyes fell on Chu Tianlu who was following behind Shen Chuannan.

The corner of his mouth raised a cold arc: "Why don't you, Mr. Chu, tell me how this king killed the emperor?"


Chu Tianlu looked up in shock, his face was pale, and he didn't expect Jun Yu to mention him suddenly.

"Nine, Lord Nine, my servant..." He gritted his teeth, not knowing how to speak.

The people around also looked at Jun Yu and Chu Tianlu with puzzled faces.

It's strange, isn't Mr. Chu a member of the Regent? Why does the Regent seem to be embarrassing Mr. Chu now?

Shen Chuannan also looked at Jun Yu in puzzlement.

What is he doing, A Yu? He didn't hurry up to deal with that old hag An Ruyi at this time, but he actually made things difficult for his own people...

Master Chu is not a traitor, so why make things difficult for him.

Wait... Mole?
Shen Chuannan's eyes narrowed slightly, and a sharp light flashed inside.

"Master Chu, please tell me, how do you think the Ninth Prince killed the emperor?" Shen Chuannan also turned her head, with a cold arc on the corner of her mouth.

Before King Ji passed away, Chu Tianlu appeared in the army as a military adviser.

Chu Tianlu was also present when discussing the important matter of King Han's ascension to the throne.

Seeing the change of Shen Chuannan and Jun Yu's attitude towards him, Chu Tianlu's heart sank slightly. It seemed that he had been exposed.

He raised his head, exchanged a glance with An Ruyi, and felt ruthless.

He hurriedly stood up, and then knelt down in the middle of the hall: "Empress Dowager, it is indeed the Ninth Prince who killed the emperor, and he is still trying to usurp the throne."


God, is the Ninth Prince really going to do this?

Those neutral ministers didn't know the truth, and when they heard that people from Jun Yu's faction came out to testify against Jun Yu, they felt that Jun Yu must have done something.

"Master Chu, what evidence do you have?"

After Chu Tianlu kowtowed a few times, he raised his head and said righteously: "I do have evidence. When the Emperor went to the Prince Regent's Mansion, he wore his personal jade pendant. He was killed by the Ninth Prince." After that, the jade pendant was taken off..."

"Where is the jade pendant now?" An Ruyi continued to ask.

"It's on the Ninth Prince's body!" Chu Tianlu assured with every word.


Shen Chuannan's eyes changed slightly.

He remembered that after the discussion yesterday, A Yu purposely left a few ministers behind.

A Yu told him that they don't have to be afraid today, they can come as they want.

A Yu said that he has Jun Zhouchen's jade pendant in his hand, which can mobilize Jun Zhouchen's hidden guards, so even if there is any accident in the palace, these hidden guards can protect them.

It's over, the jade pendant must be on A Yu, Shen Chuannan looked at Jun Yu worriedly.

"Jade pendant?" Jun Yu's indifferent eyes darkened slightly.

"That's right, it's the emperor's jade pendant. That jade pendant was handed over to the emperor by the Ai family back then. Come, search the body, and we must find the emperor's jade pendant." An Ruyi said in a ruthless voice.

After she finished speaking, several of them were waiting for the eunuch to rush up.

This posture, it looks like it has been prepared for a long time.

The few remaining ministers who knew about it all looked at Jun Yu worriedly.

Seeing their expressions from the corner of the eye, An Ruyi sneered in her heart, Jun Yu, let's see what excuses you can think of this time.

Just when the eunuchs were about to walk to Jun Yu, Jun Yu suddenly raised his hand and said indifferently: "You can do a body search, but I want King Runnan to do the search."

King Runnan?
The shocked and puzzled eyes of the people in the hall fell on King Runnan.

King Runnan, who had been silent all this time and had been meditating from the very beginning, also changed his expression slightly at this time.

He also seemed curious why Jun Yu asked him to help with the search.

Could it be that he noticed something?

An Ruyi frowned, he and Jun Zhouliang looked at each other with nervous expressions.

But they soon realized that King Runnan hated Jun Yu the most.

Even if he wasn't on their side, he definitely didn't want the throne to fall on Jun Yu.

Thinking about it this way, An Ruyi felt a lot more at ease.

She nodded: "King Runnan, then you can help the Ai family to search for the emperor's jade pendant on the regent's body."

King Runnan lowered his head and pondered for a while, then raised his head, and he showed a smile that was half-hearted: "Okay."

He walked towards Jun Yu slowly, with no emotion in his voice: "Brother Huang, Brother Huang has offended you."

After speaking, he began to search.

In a position where no one can see, he suddenly said quietly: "I will find the jade pendant later, and this king will also hide it for you. Brother, you don't have to be too nervous."

"Brother Huang, is this going to help me?" Jun Yu looked sideways, and met King Runnan's cold eyes.

"It's just entrusted by others..." King Runnan said strangely.

He had seen the changes in the expressions of Shen Chuannan and others just now, so he naturally felt that the jade pendant was indeed on Jun Yu's body.

But in the next moment, Jun Yu actually added indifferently: "That may be a waste of brother Huang's kindness, because this king doesn't have any jade pendants at all."

(End of this chapter)

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