Chapter 124 The truth of the year
King Runnan searched Jun Yu again, and it really...was nothing.

Finally, he looked back at An Ruyi with a strange expression and said, "The empress dowager, the regent has no jade pendant."

"How is it possible?" An Ruyi, Jun Zhouliang and Chu Tianlu said at the same time.

"This king didn't kill the emperor, where did you get the jade pendant?" Jun Yu said expressionlessly.

No jade pendant?Shen Chuannan breathed a sigh of relief, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a satisfied arc.

He just said, with A Yu's meticulous temperament, why did he still leave those ministers to tell Yu Pei.

It seems that A Yu had already guessed that the traitor was hiding among those few people, and wanted to use this method to lure them out.

"Impossible, you killed the emperor, and you still want King Han to ascend the throne." Chu Tianlu roared in panic.

Now he can only try his best to testify against Jun Yu in order to seek protection from the queen mother, otherwise, he will die.

"King Han? Hasn't King Han passed away?" The ministers of the neutral faction were also at a loss.

A prince who has been dead for so many years, and this prince has an adulterous mother concubine, no one in the court would mention this matter before, why is it brought up now.

Speaking of Concubine Jiang, many ministers sighed.

Born in the Jiang family, she was a famous talented woman back then, and many young talents admired her.Most importantly, she has to be favored by the late emperor.

Concubine Jiang, what else is she dissatisfied with, she even committed adultery.

letter king?

Your weekly letter?King Runnan's eyes became sharp.

He did know that Jun Zhouhan was not dead, and he had noticed it since Brother Huang frequently sent letters out many years ago.

It's just that they never found out where Jun Zhouhan was hiding, let alone that Jun Yu would let him come back to inherit the throne.

What exactly does Jun Yu want to do? Isn't he even interested in the throne?
"King Han is not dead, and the emperor knew beforehand that in order to protect King Han from being harmed by traitors, he did not let King Han return to Beijing." Shen Chuannan stood up at this time and explained slowly.

"King Han is the prince, who can harm him?" The ministers of the neutral faction really couldn't hold back.

"Naturally he is the one who framed Concubine Jiang." When Shen Chuannan said this, his eyes were on An Ruyi.

Following his eyes, the faces of many ministers changed.

Was Concubine Jiang framed by someone?
From what Shen Xiang meant, it seemed that the person who harmed Concubine Jiang was also in this hall.

"It's funny, Concubine Jiang's indiscretion back then, and having affairs with others, was all a matter of ironclad. At that time, the whole palace knew it, even the ministers and the common people knew it. How can she still cheat!" An Ruyi said sharply.

"That's right, it's because the ministers and the common people know that this king is so curious. At that time, this king was still in the palace, so I naturally remember that at that time, the emperor's brother found someone in the palace of Concubine Jiang at Chenshi, but within half an hour, outside The ministers and Baixin all know about it, but the emperor clearly ordered to block the news, what is the reason for the news to spread so quickly?" Jun Yu said indifferently.

Mu Chen replied lightly from the side: "Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for news to spread so quickly, unless someone has already known about it and is ready to spread the news."

"What are you guessing? Isn't it normal for scandals to spread quickly?" An Ruyi spoke very quickly.

"Empress Dowager, you are so anxious, it makes people feel that you are guilty." Shen Chuannan looked at An Ruyi leisurely, and her face darkened.

"At that time, the first emperor found out that the person who spread the rumors was closely related to the An family, but before the first emperor had time to question the empress dowager, something happened in the palace where King Han lived." Jun Yu told the truth of the year.

An Ruyi clenched her fists tightly, and she said with a gloomy face: "Ninth Prince, do you know what crime it is to slander Ai's family?"

"The first emperor has passed away, Ninth Prince, you can talk as much nonsense as you want." An Shigou snorted coldly, looking like Jun Yu was talking nonsense.

"Whether the king has said nonsense, someone will testify."

After Jun Yu finished speaking, an elderly man in ragged clothes was pulled up.

"This is..." Many ministers looked curious.

"Prince Regent, spare your life, Prince Regent, spare your life, Caomin didn't intend to spread rumors about Concubine Jiang back then, Caomin was instigated by someone..."

As soon as the man was dragged to the hall, he began to kneel down, begging for mercy.

"This person was a storyteller in the capital back then. Before the news about Concubine Jiang's concubine got out of the palace, he had already talked about it outside the palace, saying that Concubine Jiang had an affair with someone..." Jun Yu He spoke indifferently.

"That's right, when I was a little servant back then, I heard my wife come back from the street to talk about this matter, and she said it was told by a storyteller..."

"That's right. Back then, I hadn't been able to become an official in the court. It was indeed in the teahouse that I saw this person talking about Concubine Jiang."

Many ministers recognized the storyteller.

"Tell me, who ordered you?" Jun Yu's cold eyes fell on that person again.

"Yes, it was the housekeeper of An's family who found Caomin, and said that he must make the matter of Concubine Jiang known to everyone." The storyteller was trembling, he glanced at An Shigou in fear, and then quickly shrank his head .

"Absurd, where did the trickster come from to frame the truth. Ninth Prince, did this trickster deceive you, or did someone instruct this trickster to frame the truth." An Shigou said loudly.

He gritted his teeth and emphasized the word "framed".

"No, it wasn't framed," the storyteller took out a jade finger from his bosom with trembling hands, "At the beginning, I saw that the rumors I spread were effective, so the An family found me again that time, hoping that the rumors would spread harder , so at that time I was afraid to raise the price on the spot and asked them to increase the money. At that time, the housekeeper of the An family didn't have much money, so he gave me a jade plate finger that he carried with him. Later I found out that this jade plate finger is the palace It is unique here, because there is a word 'official' on it, so I haven't dared to pawn it all these years..."

Jade finger?Many people looked over, and sure enough, they saw the word "Official" clearly visible on the thick jade finger.

"Back then when the royal brother came back with his family, he was very happy, so the celebrity made three jade fingers, two of which were used as burial objects when the royal brother was buried, and one was given to the concubine An... Empress Dowager, can you Remember?" Jun Yu looked at An Ruyi with cold eyes.

"The jade finger of the Ai family has long since disappeared. It turned out to be stolen by a thief. Someone here will drag the thief down and beat him to death with a stick." An Ruyi turned her head and slapped the people around her in a tone full of sternness. Order.

"This king will see who dares." Jun Yu stood there, his aura of calm and prestige made those palace people dare not come forward at all.

The empress dowager's angry appearance... has made many people understand something, but they dare not say anything.

Jun Zhouliang clenched his fists tightly: "Ninth Prince, what do you want to do by bringing such a person to slander your mother? Could it be that you think this will clear up the scandal that Concubine Jiang did back then? She did commit adultery, no matter what Whether or not the scandal spread, she did it."

"It's a good one, just do it, come here, bring him up to this king." Jun Yu said coldly again.

(End of this chapter)

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