Chapter 125
after awhile.

A slender man in a white robe who looked to be in his 30s was brought up.

"The humble Jiang Bing greets the lord." The man respectfully knelt down to Jun Yu.

Jiang Bin?

"Isn't this person the one who committed adultery with Concubine Jiang back then?" Some ministers present still remembered what happened back then, so naturally they also remembered this name.

When An Ru saw Jiang Bi, her face turned pale.Wasn't he... silenced...

"The king has seen this face before. He is Concubine Jiang's bodyguard. He was brought into the palace from An's house. Of course, he is also the one who committed adultery with Concubine Jiang. But hasn't he been missing for many years? I heard that he is still Missed from the dungeon."

King Runnan suddenly said leisurely.

No one knew why he suddenly said such a remark, but it probably let the people present know Jiang Bin's identity.

"Are you the concubine Jiang's bodyguard?" Jun Yu asked Jiang Bin indifferently.

"That's right, it's a humble job." Jiang Bin replied respectfully.

"Back then, he was the one who committed adultery with Concubine Jiang, Empress Dowager, do you remember?" Jun Yu raised his head and turned his head, his indifferent eyes fell on An Ruyi.

An Ruyi didn't know Jun Yu's intention of bringing him up, and she always felt that something bad was about to happen, so she wanted to deny it.

However, King Runnan has revealed Jiang Bi's identity just now, and she still denies it now, wouldn't she appear guilty!
So, she took a deep breath, and then said with the same complexion: "Yes, it is the traitor who committed the crime below. Aijia said why he disappeared from the prison back then. It turned out that the Ninth Prince gave him Take it away, Ninth Prince, what do you mean, are you worthy of the late emperor?"

An Ruyi beat him back, and started questioning Jun Yu directly.

But Jun Yu didn't panic, he snorted coldly: "Since the queen mother has confirmed this person, it will be easy. This king has always wanted to ask, how can a woman commit adultery with Concubine Jiang?"


The faces of the other people above the hall changed.

"That's right, Humble is a woman. In order to protect Concubine Jiang more conveniently since she was a child, she became a bodyguard. Humble and Concubine Jiang grew up together. She treated Humble like a sister, but she never thought that someone would frame her and Humble adultery……"

"That day, Concubine Jiang was not feeling well, so she drank a bowl of medicine, but someone put something else in that bowl of medicine. The humble officer sensed that something was wrong with her, and went down to help her, but was taken by the emperor. We broke into the door..." Jiang Bi said with a sad expression.

"It's ridiculous, if you were really a woman, why didn't you confess to the first emperor." An Ruyi's voice was aggressive.

"I also want to talk about the humble job! But you, the queen mother, also rushed in at that time, and let people take the humble job away, and then locked them in the sky prison and tortured them severely. The emperor has no chance to interrogate the humble job." Jiang Bin clenched his fists. Holding hands, staring at An Ruyi with hatred.

"Come here, give him a medical examination." Jun Yu said indifferently.

As soon as he finished speaking, several court ladies stepped forward.

But An Ruyi said quickly: "Wait a minute, the man was brought here by the Ninth Prince, the Ai family can't be trusted, Sister Xiurong, you go."

"Old slave obeys." Sister Xiurong nodded, and then she walked down to take Jiang Bin for a physical examination.

There was no panic in An Ruyi's expression, because she knew that Jiang Bin was definitely a man.

After a while, Nanny Xiurong brought someone back, her face was a little gloomy.

An Ruyi didn't notice the change in Sister Xiurong's expression, she snorted coldly and said, "Sister Xiurong, how about it, is it a man?"

"Reporting to the Empress Dowager, yes... yes... she is a woman." Sister Xiurong gritted her teeth, and finally bit the bullet and turned her head.

"Female? How is it possible? When the people from the Ai family killed him, his body was obviously a man." An Ru was furious, but she accidentally said the words.

As soon as she spoke, the surroundings fell into a strange silence.

Even Jun Zhouliang and An Shigou looked at her annoyed, how could she tell the truth.

"Aijia... Aijia went to the prison to see him once, he is indeed a man." An Ruyi gritted her teeth and corrected herself reluctantly.

"However, we have all heard what you said just now, Empress Dowager, you did kill him. You are so anxious to kill Jiang Bin, what are you trying to hide?" Shen Chuannan asked An Ruyi with a smile.

Although this question sounds benign, it is very aggressive.

An Ruyi took a deep breath: "Chen Xiang, don't rely on the trust of the Ninth Prince to question Aijia in such a tone. Aijia is naturally angry that Concubine Jiang has failed the emperor's favor, so she killed the emperor for the emperor. This adulterer."

"Empress Dowager, do you still want to quibble? You were worried that the humble official would confess your life experience to the emperor, so you killed the humble official early so that you could continue to frame the concubine Jiang. Fortunately, the regent saved the humble official at that time, so that the The humble official has the opportunity to accuse you." Jiang Bin said with hatred on his face.

I see……

Those ministers suddenly realized, no wonder why Jiang Bi is still alive.

In order to fight for favor, the empress dowager can be so cruel.

Concubine Jiang, it's too miserable.

Now, they have roughly understood what the truth is. Although they dare not say it in front of An Ruyi, it doesn't mean they don't think about it.

An Ruyi was going mad with anger: "Jun Yu, you have done so much, didn't you just want Jun Zhouhan to be enthroned in a legitimate way? But according to the order, he is Liang'er's younger brother, and Chen'er passed away. No matter what, it will not be his turn, Zhou Han, to succeed him."

"It's not my turn? Then what if there is an imperial edict from the late emperor?" Jun Yu took out the imperial edict he had prepared at this time.

"This is the imperial decree made by the emperor back then. He intends to make the king the crown prince, and you, the empress dowager, are eager to attack Concubine Jiang because of this news." Jun Yu said indifferently.

When he unfolded the imperial decree.

Shen Chuannan and his party knelt down very consciously.

"Following heaven's fortune, the emperor Zhao said, King Han's conduct is upright and he has the world in his heart. He is the most suitable candidate for the crown prince. Therefore, he is appointed as the crown prince and I admire you."

Jun Yu finished reading the imperial decree in a calm voice.

It turns out that King Han is the candidate for the crown prince, that is, the future king, so Jun Zhouchen...hasn't he occupied the throne of King Han for many years?The faces of many ministers changed, and their hearts were even more complicated.

"Impossible, impossible, this can't be the emperor's imperial decree, Jun Yu, you made it up." An Ruyi roared at the top of her voice, as if she didn't want to admit it.

"This is the emperor's handwriting and Yuxi, Queen Mother, what objection do you have?" Jun Yu stared at the other party indifferently.

"That's right, this is indeed the late emperor's handwriting." The minister of the neutral faction couldn't help but scream out.

They remained neutral because both the regent king and the king of Liang's succession to the throne may not be justified, but King Han has the emperor's imperial edict, so that is different.

"That's right, King Han is the one who should succeed." Many ministers from the neutral faction who were loyal to Chi Yan shouted loudly.

Seeing that the situation was out of control, An Ruyi's eyes were gloomy, and she sneered, "Even if the imperial decree is true, so what, Jun Yu, are you sure that King Han will be destined to ascend to the throne?"

After her words fell, a group of armored guards rushed in and surrounded them tightly.

"Empress Dowager, what do you mean? Are you really trying to seek power and usurp the throne?"

The minister of the neutral faction couldn't help asking a question.

"That's right, the Ai family really wants to make Liang'er the emperor today, and whoever refuses to accept it will leave his life behind." An Ruyi said sternly.

"Queen Mother, are you sure you want to do this?" Jun Yu looked at An Ruyi and said in an unclear tone.

"Jun Yu, the Ai family knows that you have military power and that you have bluffed the people, but... King Han is in the hands of the Ai family."

After An Ruyi's voice fell, An Can came in with Wu Xi and Jun Zhouhan who were tied up.

(End of this chapter)

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