Chapter 126 Let's do it

Is this... King Han?

When many ministers saw Jun Zhouhan's face, no one doubted his identity at all.

His appearance is really too similar to Concubine Jiang and the former emperor.

"You actually caught King Han." Shen Chuannan clenched his fists, looking very annoyed.

"Shen Chuannan, aren't you very majestic following Jun Yu? You are also majestic now if you have the ability." An Can put the sword on Jun Zhouhan's neck, and spoke to Shen Chuannan disdainfully.

"An Can, let go of King Han." Mu Chen stood up and warned An Can.

"The general is not stupid, Jun Zhouhan is our biggest bargaining chip." An Can laughed wildly.

He has been suffocated for so long, and today, he can finally be released.

"Queen Mother, what do you want to do?" Jun Yu's black eyes narrowed slightly, and he stared sharply at An Ruyi.

"Oh, Junyu, you are finally getting nervous. It's very simple. Aijia wants you to destroy the imperial decree of the first emperor and let Liang'er become the emperor. Otherwise, Jun Zhouhan will lose his head." It's gone." An Ruyi threatened Jun Yu loudly.

"Ah Yu, no." Shen Chuannan called Jun Yu worriedly.

As a result, An Can over there threatened again in an arrogant tone: "Jun Yu, you have to think clearly, my general's sword doesn't have eyes."

"Empress Dowager, Prime Minister An, General An, you are outrageous and violating human relations." A minister couldn't bear it anymore, and he accused each word of grief and indignation.

In the next moment, An Ruyi grabbed the sword from the guard next to him and stabbed him directly.

Fortunately, the minister turned to the side, the sword missed the vital point, but stuck into the shoulder, and the blood also stained his official robe.

He groaned in pain. Seeing this, the other neutral ministers lowered their heads in fear, their bodies trembling.

"Anyone who still dares to question Aijia, this is the fate." An Ruyi ruthlessly threw the blood-stained sword aside, her face full of sternness.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, let's do it." Jun Zhouliang also stared at Jun Yu contemptuously.

It was the first time he looked at Uncle Nine Emperors with such a lofty posture, and his mood was unprecedentedly happy.

"What if I don't?" Jun Yu said indifferently.

"Then don't blame me for not..."

Before An Can could even say the word "polite", a man in a crescent robe walked in at the door.

The face of the other party... was exactly the same as Jun Zhouhan who was under his control.

"Hey, what's going on here? How come there are two kings?" A minister couldn't help shouting in shock.

An Can also looked angry, what the hell is going on.

At this moment, the "King Han" who was controlled by him broke free from the rope to see, then grabbed his sword with his backhand, and pressed the sword against his neck.

Wu Xi next to him also easily broke free from the rope, then grabbed the sword of the guard next to him, and pointed the sword at An Shigou's heart.

"Are you pretending to be caught by this general?" An Can was controlled by someone, and it was only at this moment that he realized that his face was gloomy.

Wu Xi and this "Jun Zhouhan" are so skilled, but they were caught so easily... This only shows that the other party did it on purpose.

"General An, it seems that you are not so stupid. Although your martial arts have been abolished and your hands and feet are not good, but your brain is still there."

A contemptuous sneer sounded, "Jun Zhouhan" raised his left hand, and tore off the layer of human skin mask on his face, revealing a resolute face.

He also quickly said to the regent behind him: "My lord, my subordinates have fulfilled their mission and completed the mission."

"You belong to Jun Yu!" An Can shouted angrily.

Damn it, it's true that Jun Zhouhan was not caught, and even let Jun Yu's people sneak in.

"Queen Mother, you killed this king's mother and concubine. These years, have you slept soundly every night?" The warmth on Jun Zhouhan's face faded, and his whole body was a bit gloomy.

"Reliable? Without the biggest competitor, the two princes of the Ai family are also valued, so the Ai family is naturally down-to-earth. What the Ai family regrets most is that they did not let your mother and concubine die earlier, nor did they kill you. "

At this point, An Ruyi didn't bother to pretend anymore, she stared at Jun Zhouliang contemptuously, and said in an arrogant tone.

"Sure enough, you were the one who killed the concubine mother. This king is going to kill you." The veins on Jun Zhouhan's fists twitched violently. He picked up his sword and was about to rush over to kill An Ruyi.

As a result, at this time, the surrounding guards surrounded him tightly.

And at this time, twenty masked men in dark blue robes came out of the darkness.

Seeing the totem on their masks, the pupils of Shen Chuannan and the others shrank slightly.

"Twenty Rivers?"

Erchuan is the most powerful dead soldier in the royal family. He has been trained since the time of Taizu. If one dies, he will be replaced.

These twenty dead men were selected from among the [-] dead men, and survived from the flesh and blood.

Therefore, the strength of "Twenty Rivers" is no less than the ten dark guards of the Prince Regent's Mansion, and even stronger than the ten dark guards.

"You actually made Erchuan work for you." Jun Yu's cold eyes swept over Erchuan, and then fell on An Ruyi.

There was not much emotion in his cold voice.

"Heh, Jun Yu, what's the use of having so many soldiers and horses, the palace is owned by the Ai family, as long as you die, your soldiers and horses will still be used by the Ai family."

"Queen Mother, don't forget that Master An and General An are still in our hands." Wu Xi and Wu Wuxi brought An Shigou and An Can to this side, intending to use them to threaten An Ruyi.

An Can's face was not right at this time, because Wu Wuxing directly drew a few bloodstains on his neck with his sword.

He could feel the endless murderous intent, so he shouted to An Ruyi in a panic: "Auntie, save me, save me quickly."

However, for his wailing, An Ruyi acted as if she didn't hear him. She chuckled, then waved her hand indifferently, and said directly: "Do you really think that this can threaten Aijia? Since ancient times, The emperor needs to go through hardships to ascend the throne, and his hands are stained with blood. Two lives, what are they?"

Two lives, what is it?
An Can heard what An Ruyi meant, and he began to panic: "Auntie, I am your nephew. My father passed away early. As his only son, I will depend on me after the family settles down. Auntie, please help me!" I."

"Chan'er, the Ai family knows that you are afraid now, but it is your honor to sacrifice for the emperor. After you and your father die, the Ai family will let the emperor canonize you as heroes. The An family will not fall, because the An family... Sad family." An Ruyi said to An Can with a smile.

"Aunt, you, you..." An Can's face was bloodless.

He knew that his aunt loved power, but he didn't know that she could even disregard the lives of her biological father and nephew for the sake of imperial power.

"Grandpa..." An Can turned her head and looked at An Shigou with pleading eyes.

He wanted his grandpa to talk, so that his aunt would be moved.

But An Shigou slowly closed his eyes when An Ruyi said those words, his face was full of exhaustion.

He is different from An Can, he has long expected such a day will come.

From the day he sent An Ruyi into the palace, he knew that his daughter would be rejected by her relatives for the sake of power.

As long as she can still take care of An's family's interests and prevent An's family from declining, he, an old man, is worth his death.

"Grandpa, talk, talk..." After waiting for a long time before An Shigou could speak, An Can roared angrily.

It's okay for grandpa to die at an early age, he is still young, he doesn't want to die.

Seeing An Can, who was majestic just now, now in a state of tears and snot, many ministers of the neutral faction sighed.

The consequences are really... cruel and merciless.

If she and King Liang were really successful today, they would not be far from death.

Not to mention that the ministers of the neutral faction are suffering, the ministers of An Ruyi's faction are also very flustered.

According to the empress dowager's ruthless appearance, will she be cooked like a rabbit?

"Twenty Rivers, kill them all for the Ai family." An Ruyi sat down behind her, and ordered quietly.

Wu Xi and Wu WuXi knocked An Can and An Shigou unconscious, threw them aside, and retreated to Jun Yu's side.

The hidden guards hiding in various places also rushed out.

Except for Wuying and Wumu, all the top ten hidden guards of the Prince Regent's Mansion came, even Wuyi who had not fully recovered.

Jun Zhouhan's three secret guards, An Feng, An Miao, and An Yu, who turned into ordinary palace servants, also began to appear.

"Oh, they sneaked in, killed them all, and killed them all." An Ruyi saw that Jun Yu and the others had brought so many hidden guards, instead of panicking, she was very excited.

Because she knew very well what Erchuan meant.

After her order fell, the twenty dead soldiers began to slaughter without blinking an eye.

Eight hidden guards surrounded Jun Yu tightly, trying to protect him.

But Jun Yu ordered them coldly: "Protect the Minister and King Han."

After Jun Yu's voice fell, he raised his sword and confronted the three dead men.

Shen Chuannan was not idle either, he took out a Yuxiao from his arms to block the knife cut by the dead man.

With a "bang", he took a few steps back, and the tiger's mouth was shaken with pain.

He raised his left hand, gently wiped the blood from the palm of his hand, and actually pulled a smile on his face: "Twenty Rivers really deserves its reputation."

As soon as the voice fell, his feet were like flowers, and he fell directly behind the dead man, and the other party beat you and me indiscriminately.

Mu Chen and a few secret guards escorted the ministers to hide aside. Of course, the escorts were all ministers from his faction and the neutral faction.

As for the ministers of An Ruyi's faction, there is no good end.

When they fought, they fled with their heads in their arms, but they were stabbed by Jun Yu's men.

And An Ruyi and Jun Zhouliang sat in the hall, watching them being killed with cold eyes, regardless of their life or death.

Just a bunch of ants.

(End of this chapter)

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