Chapter 127 An Ruyi Escapes

"Jun Yu, your men are no match for Twenty Rivers..."

An Ruyi asked someone to fan her with a cattail fan, she looked so relaxed.

She also kindly "persuaded" Jun Yu condescendingly.

It was also at this time that Jun Yu, who was surrounded by five dead soldiers, was scratched on his arm.

Blood ran down his arms, ran over the edge of his sword, and dripped to the ground.

It's no longer clear whether the "tick-tick" blood belonged to Jun Yu or An Ruyi's.

"My lord..."

"Ah Yu..."

Shen Chuannan and Wuxi shouted anxiously.

Because of distraction, Shen Chuannan's jade flute was almost knocked down.

"Don't worry about me, take care of yourselves." At this moment, Jun Yu was still distracted and kicked up a sword with his foot, and flew it into the wrist of the dead man in front of Shen Chuannan, helping him block the fatal blow.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Ben... If I were you, I would definitely not do such a trap. You might as well submit obediently, maybe there is still a way out."

Jun Zhouliang also sat down on the dragon chair, and he spoke to Jun Yu in a tone of charity.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Jun Yu actually cut off the head of a dead man. The head drew an arc in the air like a ball, and then rolled into his arms.

With a sound of "ah", Jun Zhouliang quickly stood up and threw away his head with one hand, his whole body was in a rage.

"Kill, kill, let me kill them all!" He roared angrily.

Twenty Rivers... now it has become Nineteen Rivers.

They also seemed to be enraged, and they attacked more severely.

Facing their fierce attacks, Jun Yu exuded a terrifying aura all over his body.

He put the sword on the ground, and when he looked up again, the blood inside flashed.

No one could clearly see how he did it. His sword was like a flash of cold light, and then countless iron-hard needles gathered in the air and shot towards Nineteen Rivers.

The other party reacted and blocked it with a sword.

But the swords in their hands were shot by cold needles and broke.

The five dead soldiers were unable to dodge in time, and the cold needles were directly shot into their hearts. When they met body temperature, the cold needles slowly melted into snow, mixed with blood and flowed out from their hearts, but they couldn't fill the hole in their hearts.

He fell slowly in five...killed with one move.

"Ning Hanbing, it's Ning Hanbing, how could he know this move." Jun Zhouliang stood up from the dragon chair, watching this scene in fear.

Freezing ice is a kind of martial arts legend in the world.

A cultivator uses internal force to turn the water in the air into a cold needle, which is indestructible and can be avoided by even the most powerful experts if they kill people and drink blood.

But hasn't this martial art been lost for a long time?

Moreover, it is rumored that this is extremely demanding for a practitioner, and without more than 50 years of internal strength, it is not enough to condense cold needles.

Uncle Nine Emperors...

How terrifying is the internal force!
Those in the know couldn't help but backed up and looked at Jun Yu in horror.

Only Shen Chuannan's heart was hanging.

A Yu's physical condition is simply not suitable for exerting so much internal force.

"Quick, we must stop him." Jun Zhouliang shouted in a panic.

Soon, the remaining fourteen dead soldiers came to kill Chao Junyu with a fierce look.

Jun Yu expressionlessly started the second Ning Hanbing.

After using Ning Hanbing this time, he killed another six dead soldiers. Jun Yu's tall body staggered, and he used his sword to support his body.

Jun Zhouliang and An Ruyi, who had been staring at him, noticed the situation at a glance, and they shouted in high-pitched voices: "Quick, he's dying, kill him quickly."

"If you want to kill Ah Yu, it depends on whether we agree or not." Shen Chuannan quickly stood in front of Jun Yu.

Jun Zhouhan's three secret guards remained in place to protect the minister, while he and the eight secret guards of the Regent's Palace came here quickly.

There are only eight dead soldiers in the hall.

"Eight..." Wu Xi and the others looked at each other and sneered.

Erchuan made them retreat steadily in terms of numbers, but now there is only Bachuan...

"Wuxi, let's do it." Standing beside Wuxi, Wuyi said lightly.

Jun Zhouliang and An Ruyi thought that Jun Yu's situation was not right and they were complacent, thinking that the remaining dead soldiers could kill him.

They completely forgot that Jun Zhouhan, Shen Chuannan and the eight secret guards of the palace were not simple.

Ten people confronted eight dead men, Jun Zhouliang and An Ruyi watched eight dead men beheaded.

"Come on, come on..." An Ruyi saw that there were no dead men to help them block Jun Yu, and they retreated in panic.

But at this moment, Yan Changmo walked in with his armor on: "My lord, the entire palace is under our control."

"What?" An Ruyi's expression changed drastically.

Jun Zhouliang also shouted in a panic: "Come, come, escort."

However, none of the people they had arranged to ambush came out.

"Jun Yu, you have been fighting the Ai family in the hall for so long, is it just to buy time for your people?" An Ruyi asked Jun Yu with a stern face.

Originally, the entire palace was her domain, but in the blink of an eye, it was invaded by Jun Yu's men.

"Noisy. King Han, you can deal with these two as you like." Jun Yu didn't bother to pay attention to An Ruyi, he turned his head to look at Jun Zhouhan, and said indifferently.

"Thank you, Uncle Nine Emperors." Jun Zhouhan nodded to Jun Yu, raised his sword, and walked towards An Ruyi and Jun Zhouliang step by step.

Wherever he passed, the blood on the sword merged into a river of blood.

The harsh sound of the sword and the ground, mixed with the sound of every step of Jun Zhouhan's footsteps, made Jun Zhouliang and An Ruyi's hearts hang.

"Jun Zhouhan, what do you want to do to Ai's family?" Even at this time, An Ruyi still maintains her queen mother's superior posture.

"Don't do anything, just let you pay for your life." Jun Zhouhan said expressionlessly.

"Jun Zhouhan, don't be arrogant, you can come here only because Uncle Nine Emperors helped you, you are all traitors, you..." Jun Zhouliang muttered loudly.

In the end, before he could finish his sentence, Jun Zhouhan directly stabbed his other arm.

"Ah..." Jun Zhouliang yelled in embarrassment, because his other arm was also cut off.

"Liang'er, Liang'er..." An Ruyi reached out to help Jun Zhou Liang, but in the end she received a severed arm.

Her face froze, and she threw the severed arm away.

"The Empress Dowager." Aunt Xiurong called her, and hurried over, enduring her nausea, and then helped Jun Zhouliang bring back the severed arm.

"Jun Zhouhan, do you think that your mother and concubine will come back after killing Aijia's Liang'er? She stole Aijia's things, and she deserves to suffer underground." The blood was wiped clean, and then he sneered at Jun Zhouhan.

"Shut up." Jun Zhouhan's hostility increased.

"The Ai family has been the Empress Dowager of Chi Yan for several years. Even if she dies, she will not lose. But she is different. It is so cold underground. Her weak body must have been tortured."

"Shut up." Jun Zhouhan raised his sword directly and pointed it at An Ruyi.

But at this time, An Ruyi directly pushed Nurse Xiurong who was beside her forward.

Jun Zhouhan's sword pierced directly into the heart of Nanny Xiurong.

"Empress Dowager...Your" Sister Xiurong collapsed with reluctance to die.

And An Ruyi took advantage of this opportunity to quickly press down on the faucet on the dragon chair, and the stone door behind her was opened, and she ran in.

The moment she entered, the stone door was closed.

Wu Xi and the others wanted to open the stone gate again.

Jun Yu's indifferent voice sounded from behind: "This door is originally used for escape, and it can only be opened once within half an hour."

"Now the outside of the palace is heavily guarded, so she can only escape inside the palace. Quickly, search the palaces immediately." Shen Chuannan said solemnly.

Jun Zhouhan put the sword away, and quickly took people out to search.

"Shen Chuannan, you stay here, and no one is allowed to leave until the king and the king come back." Jun Yu ordered Shen Chuannan in a cold voice.

After finishing speaking, he quickly went out with four of the eight hidden guards of the palace.


An Ruyi knew that the exit leading to the secret passage must have been guarded by heavy soldiers, she gritted her teeth, and chose to flee to Fuyang Hall.

There was Chen'er's body in that place, and they probably didn't find it so quickly.

The stone door was opened, and An Ruyi came out from the secret passage.

As a result, she saw a woman in white kneeling in front of Jun Zhouchen's coffin.

"Who!" She picked up the dagger hidden on her body and shouted sharply.

Hearing the movement behind her, the kneeling woman turned her head slowly, and then showed a pale smile, but her expression was still calm, as if she didn't care why An Ruyi came out here.

"Queen... Wan, Wan Wan, why are you here?" Seeing that it was An Wanwan, An Ruyi relaxed her guard a lot.

"Auntie, the emperor is dead. He's lying here alone. It's so cold, so the concubine came to accompany him." An Wanwan smiled strangely, then raised her hand, and set the paper money on the ground.

Seeing that An Wanwan's eyes were red and swollen, she seemed to have been crying for a long time.

An Ruyi nodded lightly: "If you have a heart, Chen'er will remember your kindness."

"What about you, aunt, will you remember the concubine?" An Wanwan raised her head again, her eyes fixed on An Ruyi.

Being stared at by her made her feel uncomfortable, and now she was very worried that Jun Zhouchen's people would search here, so An Ruyi said impatiently: "The Ai family has always been very kind to you."

"Really? Why don't you think it's a concubine?" An Wanwan suddenly lowered her head and smiled sinisterly.

"What did you say?" An Ruyi sensed something was wrong with An Wanwan's voice, so she asked again.

But this time, An Wanwan couldn't answer.

The sound of armor colliding came from outside, followed by the sound of awe-inspiring footsteps.

Wu Xi coldly ordered the people below: "All of you, go into Fuyang Palace and search."

(End of this chapter)

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