Chapter 128 Who is Ambush Who?

Seeing that the door of Fuyang Hall was about to be pushed open, An Ruyi bit her voice and warned An Wanwan: "When they come in, just say you are the only one here."

"Don't worry, Auntie, Wanwan... will naturally protect Auntie." An Wanwan raised her eyes again, and took a faint look at An Ruyi.

Although she felt that An Wanwan's eyes were too weird, An Ruyi didn't have time to delve into it now. She was full of disgust, but in the end she could only hide under the coffin.

Over there, the guards of the Prince Regent's Mansion broke in, and they found that the temperature in the hall was extremely low, and it even looked a little gloomy.

"The emperor's dragon body is here, aren't you afraid of disturbing him?" An Wanwan kept her head lowered while burning paper money, she just uttered such a sentence coldly.


Wu Xi just glanced at An Ruyi, ignored her, and asked their people to quickly search the hall.

"Master Wuxi, no."

"Master Wuxi, I didn't find it."

"Master Wuxi, there is no trace of the Queen Mother."

Three consecutive batches of people who searched separately came to Wu Xi's side, saying that they could not find An Ruyi in Fuyang Palace.

"Go, go to the next place." Wu Xi raised his hand, and was about to turn around and leave.

But suddenly, Jun Yu came to the door and said indifferently: "The coffin hasn't been searched yet."


By the way, there are also coffins.

Wu Xi suddenly remembered this, he lowered his head, and said with an annoyed expression: "This subordinate has neglected his duty."

Jun Yu walked past Wu Xi and walked straight to the middle of the hall.

An Wanwan threw the last piece of paper money into the fire, she stood up slowly, and turned her head.

Just in time, I saw Jun Yu coming, and behind him were Shen Chuannan, Jun Zhouhan, King Runnan, and the bloody Jun Zhouliang who was being dragged along.

"They're all here." An Wanwan murmured these words, with excitement flashing deep in her eyes.

Not waiting for Jun Yu to come here completely, she suddenly stared at the coffin, and said in a cold tone: "Auntie, you have such a noble status, it is not in your character to hide secretly, you should come out."

"You..." An Ruyi crawled out from under the coffin in disgrace, her eyes were gloomy as if she wanted to eat people.

She stood up from the ground with difficulty, staring fixedly at An Wanwan: "You are a foodie, how dare you betray Aijia."

"Auntie, you're joking. Wanwan just felt sorry for you and wanted to hide even though you were old, so I let you out in advance." An Wanwan said with a half-smile.

"An Wanwan, you help outsiders deal with Aijia, what is your intention?" An Ruyi asked An Wanwan with a gloomy face.

But at this moment, An Wanwan covered her mouth and laughed: "Auntie, you are joking, Wanwan won't help anyone."

After speaking, her eyes also became gloomy.

She glanced at An Ruyi, then turned her eyes to Jun Yu, Jun Zhou Liang, and Jun Zhou Han.

"The emperor is dead, and only Rui'er is left to rely on in this palace, but why do you still want to snatch Rui'er's throne, Chi Yan's emperor, you should kill Rui'er. Since you all want to grab things from Bengong and Rui'er , then I want you to die." An Wanwan screamed like a crazy woman.

She pushed hard on the coffin.

It turned out that the very strong coffin was like a few pieces of broken wood. She pushed it and it fell apart.

Only Jun Zhouchen's body was left lying there, and the smell wafted out.

"What is that?" Shen Chuannan's eyes were sharp, and he soon discovered that there were gunpowder pots under and around Jun Zhouchen.

"An Wanwan, what do you want to do?" An Ruyi also saw this at this time, and she asked An Wanwan with a slightly shocked expression.

"What are you doing? Naturally, I let you traitorous officials go down to accompany the emperor." An Wanwan covered her mouth and continued to smile coquettishly.

But her "giggle" laughter was not pleasant at all in this tightly wrapped palace, on the contrary, it was very gloomy.

"I was thinking about how to lure you all here, but I didn't expect that I didn't do anything, you all came, it really didn't take much effort..."

"An Wanwan, Ai's family is your aunt." This was the first time An Ruyi saw An Wanwan like this, and she felt more and more uneasy.

Seeing An Ruyi's terrified expression, her smile became more publicized.

"Auntie, ask yourself, do you really think of me as your niece and daughter-in-law? Since childhood, everyone has told me that I will be the mother of the world in the future, and I will bear the century-old prosperity of the An family behind me. But never People told me that after becoming a queen, I will become a puppet. The emperor doesn’t love me. There are hundreds of women in his harem. Aunt, you don’t like me either. You just need a queen to stabilize your power in the harem. .Grandpa will not help Bengong, he only listens to you... Bengong, you are the most noble woman in the world, but you live in the most embarrassing way..."

An Wanwan vented her resentment. Although the corner of her mouth was smiling, tears kept flowing from the corners of her eyes.

"Shut up, aren't you satisfied with being a queen? If it weren't for Aijia, do you think you could be a queen? Your Rui'er can be a prince. With the stupid appearance of your mother and son, you would have died a long time ago In the harem."

Hearing An Wanwan question her, An Ruyi's face was full of anger, and she stared at An Wanwan with hatred, hating this idiot for not being grateful.

"Contentment? Aunt, you deserve to say these two words. In this dark palace, you are the most dissatisfied. You are already the empress dowager, but you still want to control the emperor. You abandon the emperor and choose King Liang , but because King Liang listens to you more." An Wanwan exposed An Ruyi's thoughts mercilessly.

Not far away, Jun Zhouliang was dying of pain, but when he heard An Wanwan's words, he looked up at his mother in disbelief.

It turned out that his mother did not refute.

Could it be... is the truth really like this?

The queen mother has always wanted to push him to the throne, not for him, but for herself?

Damn it, if so many gunpowder jars are set on fire, let alone the Fuyang Palace, even the nearby palaces will be unavoidable.

Shen Chuannan frowned and looked at Jun Zhouhan, and the two were about to rush forward to control An Wanwan and An Ruyi while they were arguing.

But when they took the first step, An Wanwan seemed to have eyes beside her. She quickly turned her head to stare at them, and quickly took out a fire from her arms and lit it.

She gritted her teeth and threatened: "King Han, right? Do you think it's you who is the quickest, or I am the quickest, if this fire book is thrown away, you will all be buried here."

"Queen, if this place is bombed, you will not be spared." Jun Yu said coldly.

In the end, An Wanwan actually burst out laughing: "Uncle Nine Emperors, are you panicking now? But I am not panicking at all. It is worth it to be buried with you. The most important thing is that no one can It hinders Rui'er's succession."

An Ruyi was listening to An Wanwan's words, and she never expected that An Wanwan would be so reclusive now.

However, seeing that everyone was so neat, her mood inexplicably improved.

She let out a long breath, and then sneered: "Jun Yu, weren't you very arrogant just now? You still wanted to kill Ai's family, but in the end, it was nothing."

"Don't talk nonsense to me, you all go to hell." An Wanwan shouted with a ferocious expression, she was going to throw the fire folder on the explosive jar.

Wu Xi's group all changed their faces, he shouted: "Retreat, protect the prince."

But at this time, a soft voice came from above the hanging beam: "Brother Wuxi, don't panic."

As soon as the words fell, Yu Shengxiao grabbed the little girl's shoulders and landed, with Wumu and Wumu following behind them.

"Yin'er, why are you here?" The moment Jun Yu saw a certain little girl, his expression immediately darkened.

Facing Uncle Jiuhuang's stern eyes, the little girl shrank her neck, a little timidly.

She trotted over and said coquettishly: "Uncle Nine Emperors, now is not the time to investigate why Deyin appeared here, now is to deal with the enemy together."

"That's right, that's right." Yu Shengxiao was also a little timid, worried that Jun Yu would settle accounts with him, so he nodded quickly.

"Oh, Yuan Deyin, it's even better that you're here. It didn't kill you, it was just a thorn in my throat. I'm going to drag you to hell now." An Wan When Wan saw Yuan Deyin, her face became more excited.

Jun Yu held Yuan Deyin in one hand, and pushed her directly to Jun Zhouhan's side: "Later, I will protect you, King Han, take Yin'er out quickly."

"Uncle Nine Emperors..." Jun Zhouhan called Jun Yu with a heavy expression.

Seeing everyone's solemn faces, Yuan Deyin and Yu Shengxiao looked at each other, and the two of them actually laughed silently.

The little girl ran away from King Han, ran to Jun Yu again, and said softly, "Uncle Nine Emperors, don't panic, we don't need to run away, we're fine."

"Yuan Deyin, you dare to be arrogant when you are about to die." An Wanwan was very annoyed when she found that Yuan Deyin didn't look panicked at all.

"Light it up, light it up if you have the ability." Yuan Deyin met An Wanwan's sinister eyes, not only did not panic, but even made a grimace at her with a smile.

"You're looking for death." An Wanwan was dazzled, she let go of her hand, and the firefoil in her hand fell directly on the gunpowder jar.

An Ruyi was also very arrogant at first, but in the end she was still afraid of death, she yelled sharply, and ran away outside.

But she ran for a long way without hearing the sound of gunpowder exploding.

She turned her head stiffly, only to find that An Wanwan was also standing there blankly.

Because, after the torch was dropped, it gradually extinguished.

"Fry it, fry it, why don't you blow it up." An Wanwan picked up the second torch in a panic.

But no matter whether it was the second Huozhangzi, or the third or fourth Huozzizi, the gunpowder failed to blow up.

(End of this chapter)

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