Chapter 129 Uncle Nine Emperors, Are You Happy?

In this weird atmosphere, Yuan Deyin and Yusheng Xiao laughed out loud.

"Xiao Deyin, she is so stupid." Yu Shengxiao laughed louder and louder.

The little girl also burst into tears, and she nodded in agreement.

An Wanwan was stunned for a long time, and she quickly picked up the gunpowder jar to have a look, only to find that the gunpowder was gone.

All gunpowder is gone.

"Where did my gunpowder go?" she yelled brokenly.

"Of course I threw it away." The little girl straightened her waist and stood there with her arms folded very calmly.


"How did you know about Bengong's plan?" An Wanwan asked brokenly.

"You don't care how the princess knows." Yuan Deyin rolled her eyes, and then she waved to Wuying.

Wuying and Endless quickly stepped forward to bring An Wanwan under control.

"Let go of me, I'm the queen, I'm going to kill you, kill you..." An Wanwan couldn't accept this result at all, she struggled and cursed.

An Ruyi sat on the ground in embarrassment, and laughed maniacally: "The Ai family doesn't have to die, the Ai family doesn't have to die..."

"Wu Xi, put them all in the sky prison." Jun Yu ordered Wu Xi in a cold voice.

"Subordinates obey."

Several hidden guards were also sweating from fright. Fortunately, there was no gunpowder, otherwise, they might not be able to walk out of Fuyang Palace today.

King Runnan stood beside him, with an indifferent expression as if he hadn't experienced a death threat just now, he just looked at Yuan Deyin with an inquiring, obscure look.

"Now we can say, why did you appear here?"

Other things can be done by Wuxi and the others. Jun Yu is standing beside Yuan Deyin, looking down at her, with the sternness on his face undiminished.

The little girl's face gradually collapsed, she looked down at her feet in embarrassment, and then whispered: "De, Deyinji Palace sensed that something was wrong, and was worried that Uncle Nine Emperors and you were in danger, so I asked Brother Wuying to take me in." Here comes the palace."

"Princess Deyin, how did you notice something was wrong in the Palace of Jiwang?" Shen Chuannan also came over, his face full of curiosity.

"that is……"

Yuan Deyin quickly noticed that Zuo Qi fell into the water in the morning, and then when she went to rescue people, she noticed that something was wrong in the water.

"Because sulfur is an important thing for making gunpowder, it is forbidden to appear in Chiyan except for the army. Deyin smelled such a strong smell of sulfur in the water, so he boldly guessed that it was the people from the upper reaches who were here a few days ago. Within two hours, I secretly transported sulfur on the waterway, and then accidentally dropped the sulfur into the water."

Yuan Deyin explained very seriously.

"Xiao Deyin also thought that the current situation in the palace is special. It is very likely that this batch of sulfur was transported to the palace by water. In order to ensure safety, we sneaked into the palace to investigate, and we found that the empress used the excuse of transporting funeral objects to send the sulfur to the palace. Send it to Fuyang Palace, so we took the opportunity to exchange the sulfur." ​​Yu Shengxiao took Yuan Deyin's words and helped her explain.

It turned out to be like this...

When An Wanwan heard the truth at the last moment of being dragged away, she hated it to death.

Originally, this plan was feasible, but it was destroyed by Yuan Deyin.

"Xiaoyin's observation is really subtle." Jun Zhouhan walked to Yuan Deyin's side and said softly.

"It's all a fluke, if not, it's really possible for the Queen to succeed." Yuan Deyin said in a complicated tone.

"So, Yin'er has been staying in Fuyang Palace?" Jun Yu stared at the little girl again, and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, of course." Yuan Deyin raised his head and chest, and replied very seriously.

After finishing speaking, she secretly gave Yu Shengxiao a serious look, telling him not to talk nonsense, and then she continued to add: "Uncle Jiuhuang told Deyin not to run around. The emperor's uncle Deyin made sense, how could Deyin go to other places?"

"Yes, yes, we have been waiting here in Fuyang Palace, watching the queen since we entered the palace and found out the queen's tricks." Yu Shengxiao also nodded solemnly.

Looking at the sincerity of the two of them, Jun Yu seemed to no longer intend to pursue this matter, he nodded lightly, and said, "Then return to Prince Ji's mansion now, and I will be with you."

"But, the palace is in such a mess right now, why don't we stay and deal with it?" The little girl quickly raised her head and asked suspiciously.

"Xiaoyin, the palace is too bloody, you and Uncle Nine Emperors should leave the palace first, and I will handle the rest of the matter." Jun Zhouhan nodded to Yuan Deyin.

"Okay, brother Han Wang, goodbye." The little girl looked at Jun Zhou Han, and then hurriedly trot to follow Uncle Nine Emperors who had already walked out.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, this is for you." Yuan Deyin chased Jun Yu, then took out a pill and handed it to him.

"What is this?"

"This is what Deyin asked Miraculous Doctor Jade to ask for. It specializes in treating the loss of internal energy. Uncle Nine Emperors, you should take it quickly." The little girl put the pill in his palm, and said in a serious tone.

But in the next moment, Uncle Nine Emperor's faint voice came from above her head: "Didn't Yin'er say that she has been in Fuyang Palace? Then why do you know about the loss of my internal energy?"

Yuan Deyin: "..."

It's over, I accidentally exposed my stuffing.

She shrugged her head, twisted her fingers uneasily, and then whispered: "Uncle Nine Emperors, I'm sorry, Deyin... Deyin did go to the Zichen Palace and saw that you used Ning Hanbing, but Deyin didn't Listen to your words carefully, keep hiding and don't run out, Deyin didn't hurt you..."

"Do you think that the king asked you to stay in Jiwang's mansion because he was afraid that you would hurt him?" Jun Yu's face darkened, and there was a little anger in his black eyes.

"No, Uncle Nine Emperors is worried that Deyin will be hurt. But Deyin is also worried about Uncle Nine Emperors." A certain little girl didn't know where her courage came from. She suddenly raised her head and looked at him with red eyes. .

Taking a deep breath, she said in a crying voice, "You always ask Deyin to stay well and don't run around, but if you stay alone, you will be afraid... you will be afraid that you will be in danger."

Listening to her words, Jun Yu's expression gradually eased, and his eyes were even a little complicated.

He raised his hand, rubbed her head lightly, and said in a gentle tone, "Don't cry, I promise you that I will never let you stay alone again."

"Really?" The little girl's tears stopped instantly, she looked at him with bright eyes, and her tone was a little cheerful, as if the little crying bag just now was not her.

Knowing that she might have been pretending to cry just now, but Jun Yu couldn't get angry, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly: "Well, really."

"Then let's go home now."

"it is good."

Wu Zing had already brought the carriage over, and Jun Yu skillfully pulled a certain little girl into the carriage.

The carriage drove to the gate of the palace, and the entire palace was guarded by the Regent's Mansion. When they saw the sign on the carriage, they just saluted respectfully and let the carriage pass.

The wheels ran over the bloodstains all over the ground, which shows what kind of struggle these places have just gone through.

The struggle for imperial power will inevitably lead to corpses everywhere.

Jun Yu is also well aware of this truth, but the blood must be shed, because this is the most essential difference between the imperial era and the primitive era.

"Take it." Jun Yu put the incense burner in Yuan Deyin's arms.

The little girl hugged the incense burner obediently. She knew that Uncle Jiuhuang was afraid that she would smell the blood outside.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why don't you want to be the emperor?" The little girl held an incense burner, raised her head suddenly, and looked at him curiously.

Unexpectedly, she would ask such a question, Jun Yu gave her a sideways glance.

After a long silence, Jun Yu spoke slowly: "Because, this king is not a saint."


"That's right, the emperor holds the imperial power in his hands, which means he has to care about the world, but this king can't do it."

"But Uncle Nine Emperors, you also care about the common people."

"Caring about the world is different from caring about the lives of the people." Jun Yu's expression suddenly became complicated.

Is it different?

The little girl tilted her head, as if she didn't understand very well.

"If in the future, the enemy army came to Chiyan's border city, and they took many people as hostages, Yin'er, if you were the emperor, what would you do?" Jun Yu suddenly asked the little girl such a question.

"Of course it is to save the people at all costs." The little girl said seriously.

"However, if these people are saved, the few soldiers in the city may die. What's more serious is that the towers of this fortress will be breached, and the enemy will drive in and break into more land."

"Deyin understands," the little girl was smart and understood many things in an instant, she said with a lost tone, "If the emperor has the world in mind, the choice he will make will be to give up the lives of those people and choose to save the entire world." The people of Chiyan. However, if it was Uncle Nine Emperors, Uncle Nine Emperors would choose to meet the enemy alone and save those common people, right?"

Looking at her clear eyes, Jun Yu slowly withdrew his eyes.

He led troops to fight for so many years, but he never thought that in the end, it would be a little girl who saw through his heart.

"That's right, the emperor has too many burdens on him. He has the world in his heart. Sometimes he is kind, and sometimes he is cruel." Jun Yu lowered his eyes and said in a deep voice.

He just saw that his father and brother had burdened too much, so he didn't want to take that position.

Brother Huang didn't know that the An family was the one who killed Concubine Jiang, but the An family had so many soldiers and horses in their hands at the time, for Chi Yan's safety, he endured it.

"Then why did Brother Han want to be emperor?" The little girl Yuan Deyin frowned.

"Because he wants to take revenge, he chose this path himself."

For everyone's life, if there is a choice, there will be loss, and others can only be a bystander.

"Then Uncle Nine Emperors, are you happy?" The little girl looked at Jun Yu with a wrinkled face.

It seems that being born in the royal family is not a good thing.

"I was not happy before, but now, it seems, I have a little hope of living." Jun Yu raised his eyes to look at her, and the haze on his face disappeared instantly, revealing an indistinct smile.

(End of this chapter)

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