The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 130 I want Xiaoyin to enter the palace

Chapter 130 I want Xiaoyin to enter the palace

When the carriage stopped at the gate of the Prince Regent's Mansion, Yuan Deyin opened the curtain and jumped out of the carriage.

At the gate of the palace, the Queen Mother's people have been cleared out long ago, only the guards of the Prince Regent's Palace are guarding, Dong Butler has been standing here waiting, feeling like he is waiting.

Seeing Yuan Deyin and the others came back safely, he wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with his sleeve: "Little princess, lord, you can be considered to be back."

"Dong Steward, don't worry, we are all fine." Yuan Deyin quickly comforted Dong Steward.

"That's good, that's good." Dong Guan's parents breathed a sigh of relief.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin should go back to Prince Ji's mansion now, otherwise, Cang Ling, the others and Zuo Xie will always be worried." Yuan Deyin suddenly remembered this, she turned her head and said to Uncle Nine Emperors in a serious tone.

"Young servant will help you go to Jiwang's Mansion and tell them that you have stayed in the Regent's Mansion recently. There are still many remnants of the Queen Mother's family that have not been cleared up, and the Regent's Mansion is the safest." Jun Yu said calmly.


The little girl pondered for a while, and felt that it made sense, she nodded seriously: "Then I will trouble Uncle Nine Emperors and Steward Dong."


Within a day, the Queen Mother's family stepped down, and all the men and treacherous ministers who participated in the seizure of the throne by the Queen Mother, King Liang, and the An family were all imprisoned.

The crown prince was deprived of his title and demoted to Prince Rui, and was raised by Concubine Wen.

King Han ascended the throne and supported many loyal ministers.

As soon as these changes came out, the surrounding countries and people were shocked.

Unexpectedly, King Han, who had been "dead" for so many years, could be resurrected to inherit the throne.

But the people don't care about this, because King Han was enthroned by the imperial decree of the previous emperor, and he promised to amnesty the world on the day of enthronement, and announced many policies that benefit the people.

Jun Zhouhan exposed An Ruyi's crimes, justified his mother and concubine's name, and let his mother and concubine enter the imperial mausoleum dignifiedly, but An Ruyi would suffer from the torture of the people even if she was in the prison.

Jun Zhouchen's scandalous deeds were also reported. Instead of sympathizing with him, the people were angry at why he didn't die sooner.So at his funeral, almost no one offered condolences, and he was buried hastily.

Jun Zhouhan didn't need to wait for Jun Zhouchen's first seven days to be over. On the second day after the An family was imprisoned, he directly announced his ascension to the throne, and the whole country celebrated with joy.

The gates of the Regent's Palace remained closed.

After Jun Yu came back from the palace, he stayed behind closed doors.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Brother Han is enthroned today. As the regent, you are still the greatest hero. Why don't you go? It is said that there will be rewards today."

The little girl was lying on the table, seeing her Uncle Nine Emperors reading a book, she couldn't help asking curiously.

Uncle Nine Emperors didn't answer yet, but Butler Dong held back a smile and couldn't help saying, "Little Princess, what else does our lord lack? Haven't he seen any rewards before? He doesn't like this kind of scene."


Yes, Uncle Nine Emperors likes to be quiet.

The little girl nodded knowingly.

Suddenly at this time, Wu Xi came in from the outside.

He first saluted Jun Yu and Yuan Deyin respectfully, and then said in a serious tone: "My lord, my subordinates went down to investigate, and all those who sent sulfur into the palace died suddenly... After the queen was sent to the prison, In the middle of the night, he suddenly died of poison."

"Ahem..." Yu Shengxiao also walked in with a jade bone fan at this time.

He sat down next to Yuan Deyin very familiarly, and then said: "I just went to the prison with Xiao Wuxi to see it. Everyone is alive and well, even Jun Zhou Liangfei is still in that state." If she didn't die, An Wanwan was poisoned to death."

"What poison? When did you inject it?" Jun Yu looked at Yu Shengxiao with sharp eyes.

Although the An family has fallen, there are too many strange things about the queen.

"It's one day's death. One day's death, as the name suggests, means that after taking the poison, the poison will be released after a day. When the poison occurs, the internal organs will be corroded, and the whole person will be tortured to death slowly. No." Yu Shengxiao sighed while shaking his head.

He has not seen such a vicious poison for many years.

"Did Empress An expect that she would fail a long time ago, so she took the poison in advance to avoid being tortured?" Wu Xi frowned and analyzed.

"No, it's impossible." Yuan Deyin shook his head quickly.

She stood up from the chair, and said seriously: "Although Deyin has not had much contact with Empress An, she still knows what she is like. She is cowardly and selfish, so she must not do anything so cruel to herself."

"That's right, I suspect that there is someone behind her." Jun Yu put down the book, his brows were full of chills.

"That's right, since she was about to perish with everyone in Fuyang Palace, this genius doctor felt that something was wrong. She was only disfigured at the beginning, so she was so anxious. Why did she choose to be killed by gunpowder and tortured to death by poison? status."

Yu Shengxiao rubbed his chin, lost in deep thought.

"She did all this for the crown prince to be able to ascend the throne. Isn't it the common saying: a mother is strong. Maybe she has such courage for the sake of the prince?" Wu Xi thought of this and answered quickly.

"It's still not right..." The little girl Yuan Deyin scratched her hair, then shook her head very seriously.

She quickly ran to Uncle Nine Emperors, took pen and ink from him, and quickly drew a map of the palace on paper.

"Look, this is the entrance between the moat and the palace, but from here, Fuyang Palace has passed through eight palace gates, and there are countless guards patrolling in the middle. It is difficult to imagine. But the queen succeeded, De Yin thinks... she shouldn't have such a plan." Yuan Deyin frowned and said seriously.

"That means she's stupid." Yu Shengxiao continued Yuan Deyin's words.

"Wu Xi, you continue to investigate, who has An's contact with these days." Jun Yu's voice was cold.

"Subordinates obey."

"Hey, Jun Yu, you don't have to panic. Even if someone is really instigating An's back, Jun Zhouhan should be worried, and it has nothing to do with you." Yu Shengxiao raised an eyebrow at Jun Yu, with a relaxed tone said.

"You should change your mouth and call the emperor." Jun Yu squinted and gave him an indifferent look.


At this time, the eunuch's sharp voice came from the door: "The emperor is here."

After a while, Jun Zhouhan, who was wearing bright yellow imperial clothes, and Shen Chuannan, who was wearing dark red prime minister's court clothes, walked in slowly.

"Your Majesty." Jun Yu nodded lightly to the other party.

Yu Shengxiao also made a symbolic salute, because the status of Miracle Physician Valley determined that he, the owner of the valley, did not need to kneel down to the emperor of any country.

Yuan Deyin looked to the side and found that Wu Xi had already knelt down.

She also quickly wanted to kneel down, after all, she was just a princess, and brother Han Wang had become the emperor.

"Deyin sees the emperor." She pressed her knees down.

Seeing this scene, Jun Yu's black eyes darkened, and he wanted to reach out and hold her.

But Jun Zhouhan's movements were faster, with a flash of bright yellow clothes, he went directly to her, grabbed her arm, and lifted her up.

"Xiaoyin, you don't have to salute me." Jun Zhouhan said softly.

No need to kneel?That would be great.

Yuan Deyin was so happy that her eyes lit up, she nodded quickly: "Thank you, Brother Emperor."

Jun Yu's black eyes just stared at Jun Zhouhan holding Yuan Deyin's hand, and the aura on his body gradually cooled down.

Hey, Shen Fox, have you noticed that the surrounding temperature is very cold?

Yu Shengxiao asked Shen Chuannan with his eyes.

Shen Chuannan gave him an indifferent look, isn't everyone aware of it?
Shen Chuannan silently stepped back a few steps, so as not to be accidentally injured later.

"Your Majesty, you have just ascended the throne and are busy with business, so you shouldn't be leaving the palace." Jun Yu's indifferent eyes slowly fell on Jun Zhouhan, and he spoke coldly.

When Jun Zhouhan heard his words, he nodded sincerely: "Uncle Jiuhuang taught that, but I have three things to do when I leave the palace this time. The first thing, Uncle Jiuhuang, I want to put All the members of An's faction beheaded, what do you think?"

All beheaded?Yuan Deyin also turned his head to look at Uncle Jiuhuang, wanting to see how he would answer.

"Your Majesty, you have already ascended the throne, and you must learn to make your own judgment in everything." Jun Yu replied calmly without changing his expression.

"I understand this truth, but when I took office, I killed so many people, will other ministers and people..." Jun Zhouchen frowned, very worried.

He wants to be a wise king, not to practice tyranny.

Jun Yu could see through his thoughts at a glance, and his tone was a little bit sharp: "Your Majesty, Ming Jun does not mean stupid benevolence. Since some people have already torn their faces, they should be killed as soon as possible, so as to avoid future troubles."

"I understand, thank you Uncle Nine Emperors." Jun Zhouchen nodded vigorously.

Thinking of the second thing, he turned his head and gave the eunuch a look, and the eunuch came up with the imperial edict.

"Ninth Prince, the emperor wants to reward you." The eunuch said to Jun Yu with a smile.

However, Jun Yu's brows darkened: "No need for the emperor. In the past few years when Jun Zhouchen took the throne, the treasury has been insufficient and corrupt officials have been rampant. The rich wine and meat are stinky, and the roads are frozen to death. If the emperor really wants to reward, he will give this money Give the rewards to the refugees who are dying of starvation."

"Uncle Jiuhuang has such a heart, it's because I didn't think carefully. Little Lizi, you can step back."


"Your Majesty, what about the third matter?" Jun Yu actually took the initiative to ask Jun Zhou's letter.

He looked like he was very reluctant for Jun Zhouhan to stay here.

Jun Zhouhan didn't realize that Jun Yu wanted to chase someone away, he chuckled, then looked at Yuan Deyin with gentle eyes, and said seriously, "Uncle Nine Emperors, I want Xiaoyin to enter the palace."

After Jun Zhouhan's voice fell, Shen Chuannan and Yusheng Xiao, who had excellent hearing, heard a subtle "click" sound immediately.

They looked at the source of the sound, and saw a regent's big palm on the table, and the table was cracked with two gaps, giving it a precarious feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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