Chapter 131 Birthday
"Yin'er hasn't reached Ji yet." Jun Yu's voice was tinged with anger.

Jun Zhouhan didn't expect Uncle Jiuhuang to be angry. He thought about it for a while, and soon understood something.

He smiled helplessly, and quickly explained: "Uncle Nine Emperors, you misunderstood what I meant. I didn't let Xiaoyin enter the palace now as the queen. I was worried that Xiaoyin would live alone without anyone to take care of me, so I let her enter the palace." Gong. I haven’t been able to take care of Princess Ji in place of Princess Ji these days, so I want to make up for it.”

Not now... what about after that?
Also, it's not entering the palace as a concubine, but entering the palace as a queen!

Yu Shengxiao seemed to have heard some terrible secret. He looked at Shen Chuannan in shock, and anxiously asked with his mouth: "Shen Fox, what is the relationship between the emperor and our little Deyin?"

The princess is the emperor's green plum and his fiancée.Shen Chuannan replied to Yu Shengxiao with a deadpan expression.

Yu Shengxiao: "!!!"

It's over, this genius doctor wanted to abduct Xiao Deyin to Xiao Su Mo as a child bride, but I hope the little emperor doesn't know.

Yu Shengxiao, who was devoting himself to praying, didn't notice at all that the face of Jun Yu, who was closest to him, was so dark that it looked like a storm was about to come.

"My king disagrees." Jun Yu's voice was terrifying.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, I know that you treat Xiaoyin like your own niece these days, so you can't bear to part with her. But I promise you that I can also take good care of Xiaoyin."

Seeing that Uncle Jiuhuang didn't want to let go, Jun Zhouhan continued to say seriously: "Besides, Xiaoyin will grow up, and she will also enter the palace in the future. Uncle Huang, you can't protect her forever."

Who said that this king can't protect her for the rest of her life...

Jun Yu was about to say this sentence, but when the words came to his lips, it turned into a sentence: "Yin'er, do you want to enter the palace?"

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on a certain little girl.

Yuan Deyin shook his head quickly: "Deyin doesn't want to enter the palace."

"Why don't you want to?" Jun Zhouhan became anxious when he heard it.

He leaned over and persuaded him patiently; "Xiaoyin, there are many guards in the palace to protect you, there are many maids to play with you, there are many delicious foods, and..."

"But, there is no Nine Emperor Uncles in the palace." The little girl suddenly interrupted Jun Zhouhan.

Her words successfully changed the expressions of Jun Zhouhan and Jun Yu at the same time.

Jun Zhouhan frowned. It seemed that Uncle Nine Emperors had too much influence on Xiaoyin.

There was a flash of relief in Jun Yu's eyes, but in the end it was covered up by his calmness.

"Brother Emperor, it's getting dark, you'd better go back to the palace as soon as possible, and be careful." The little girl Yuan Deyin actually issued an order to evict Jun Zhouhan.

Jun Zhouhan sighed silently, and nodded his head: "Okay, then I will go back to the palace first, Xiaoyin, remember to tell me when you want to enter the palace."


When Jun Zhouhan left, the cold atmosphere in the study subsided a little.

"Let's go." Shen Chuannan walked to Yu Shengxiao's side, and carried him away without saying a word.

Yu Shengxiao didn't know why she was dragged away until she was dragged away.

The little girl Yuan Deyin continued to sit down on the chair. She held her small face and asked curiously, "Uncle Nine Emperors, are you angry?"

"Why is this king angry?" Jun Yu glanced at her and said quietly.

"Oh, Deyin thought Uncle Nine Emperors would be reluctant to let Deyin go to the palace." The little girl lowered her head and sighed, looking very disappointed.

Jun Yu's eyes fell from the top of her head to her neck, and found that she was still wearing a jade pendant.

She seemed to have been wearing that jade pendant since he saw her in the ancient tomb.

He suddenly remembered that Jun Zhouhan said that he had a jade pendant that was exactly the same as Yin'er, and it was a token given to them by Concubine Jiang and Princess Ji.

"Yin'er, do you like this jade pendant very much?" Jun Yu asked in an unclear tone.

Following his gaze, Yuan Deyin saw the jade pendant on her chest. She quickly lifted the jade pendant and replied seriously: "This is given to Deyin by the concubine mother, so Deyin has to wear it all the time."

"Then do you know why your mother and concubine let you wear it all the time?" Jun Yu asked in a calm tone.

"I don't know." Yuan Deyin pursed her lips and shook her head.

"Then you give the jade pendant to me." Jun Yu continued.

"Why should I give it to you?"

"This jade pendant is too heavy, it will weigh you down, and it will not grow taller in the future." Jun Yu said solemnly.

That's it!
When the little girl heard this, she realized that she was indeed a little short, so she quickly took off the jade pendant and handed it to Uncle Jiuhuang.

"That Yin'er is for Uncle Nine Emperors, and I won't wear Yin'er in the future." She said obediently.

"Put this on." Jun Yu took out a jade pendant engraved with the word "Yu" from his body, and put it on for her.

"But, this is also a jade pendant, and it will be heavy." Yuan Deyin frowned, looking at Jun Yu with some puzzlement.

"This one is lighter than the one just now." Jun Yu replied calmly.

Yeah?The little girl tilted her head, looking very uncertain.

But she soon heard Uncle Jiuhuang say: "This is the jade pendant that symbolizes the identity of the king. Holding it can mobilize all the hidden guards. In the future, even if you leave Chi Yan and go to another country, you can also mobilize the king's eyeliner." .”

so smart!

The little girl stopped being entangled in an instant, she quickly hugged the jade pendant tightly, and said foolishly: "Then I will take this jade pendant, Jiu Huangshu is not allowed to take it back."

"Well, don't take it."


In the morning, Yuan Deyin heard a familiar voice in his sleep.

She quickly opened her eyes, only to see Cang Ling standing by the bed, looking at her with a smile: "Princess, it's time for you to get up."

"Cang Ling, why are you here?" Yuan Deyin quickly got up from the bed, rubbed his eyes, and asked excitedly.

"Princess, have you forgotten what day it is today?" Cang Ling patted Yuan Deyin's back lightly, carefully helping her up.

"What date?" The little girl asked reluctantly, still full of sleepiness.

"Princess, today is your birthday. You are 11 years old." Cang Ling picked up the dress beside her and put it on Yuan Deyin, and answered patiently.

"Birthday? Oh, yes, today is the princess' birthday." The little girl nodded, looking interested, as if she was not interested in her birthday at all.

"On your birthday, you still have to go back to the Halberd Palace to worship the Halberd King and the Halberd Palace." Cang Ling continued to add.

Her words successfully lifted Yuan Deyin's spirits.

"That's right, I want to pay homage to the father and mother." Yuan Deyin hurriedly put on the dress, and then ran out with the hem of the skirt. Cang Ling chased after him, but almost couldn't catch up.

When he ran to the door, he happened to meet Butler Dong.

She nodded to Steward Dong, and said anxiously: "Butler Dong, Deyin has returned to the Palace of Ji, please explain to Deyin and Uncle Jiuhuang."

After speaking, the person ran away without a trace.

Back at Jiwang Mansion, Yuan Deyin could see from a distance that the gate was full of people.

She frowned and walked straight to the back door.

When he came to the back, he saw a little guy squatting at the door waiting for her.

"Sister... sister." Zuo Qi saw her, and ran over with his short legs, his eyes were red.

"Zuo Qi, how is your health?" Yuan Deyin also walked in front of him and patted his head lightly.

After he fell into the water, she had no time to take care of him, and she didn't know how he was doing.

"He's in good health, but this king is not." Suddenly at this moment, Yun Mo jumped down from the roof, his face darkened beyond recognition.

"Why did you become like this?" Yuan Deyin was shocked when he saw his face full of vicissitudes.

"You still have the nerve to ask why? You went to the palace to deal with the queen mother, and you went to live in the regent's mansion, and then left this brat in the care of the king. Don't you know that the king hates taking care of children the most?" Yun Mo's face was full said angrily.

Ji Xia and Lan Qiu also hurried out from the door, and said to Yuan Deyin in pain, "Princess, since Master Zuo woke up, he has been crying to find you."

Crying for her?
The corner of Yuan Deyin's mouth twitched, as if he was a child looking for a mother.

However, thinking of Zuo Qie's particularly shy character, she also understood.

She patted his head lightly again, and said softly, "Don't be afraid, my sister is back."

Sure enough, Zuo Xie, who was still red-eyed just now, became happy when he heard her words.

"By the way, how is Zhou Xuanmeng?" Yuan Deyin's tone suddenly became sharp.

Zhou Xuanmeng pushed Zuo Qi into the lake, and she hasn't settled the debt with her yet.

"Reporting to the princess, Zhou Xuanmeng has been locked up all the time, and the Han family also came to make a big fuss halfway, trying to force us to release him, but later he heard that King Han ascended the throne, and after the empress dowager and the former empress fell, she hid in despair. Garden." Ji Xia quickly replied.

Desperately hiding back?
Yuan Deyin raised his eyebrows, which is normal. Han has always relied on Zheng Lan as a nobleman in the palace, so he always thought that he could turn over.

Now that she knew Jun Zhouchen was dead and An Wanwan was down, she couldn't be ashamed anymore.

"Princess, come in quickly. The slaves will dress you up. Your birthday party is about to begin. Yuan Yinger's side is almost ready, and we can't leave too much behind." Lan Qiu said in a serious tone.

"Yuan Ying'er?"

"Well, princess, have you forgotten that Yuanying'er specifically mentioned that her birthday banquet was on the same day as yours? There are so many people at the door, all of whom came to your birthday banquet. If you don't show up again, those guests But they all went to Yuan Ying'er." Xuanying became more and more anxious as she spoke.

"But, her aunt is not in the palace now..." Yuan Deyin wanted to say, Yuan Ying'er relied on Zheng Guiren, and now that Zheng Guiren was in an awkward situation in the palace, would she still be in the mood to hold a banquet?

But she soon thought that maybe it was because Zheng Lan would not be able to be Yuan Ying'er's backstage in the future, so Yuan Ying'er wanted to take this opportunity of the birthday banquet to build a good relationship with the dignitaries in the capital.

"Okay, don't talk about this for now, Ji Xia, you send Zuo Qi back to Xiyuan first, and the princess goes to settle accounts with Zhou Xuanmeng." Yuan Deyin told Ji Xia.

"What about this king?" Yun Mo realized that he had been abandoned, and his face was filled with displeasure.

"You follow the princess." Yuan Deyin's voice came from the front.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Yunmo flicked his sleeves and followed.

The place where Zhou Xuanmeng was imprisoned was the firewood room of Prince Ji's Mansion. To get there, Yuan Deyin and the others had to pass through the lake where Zuo Qi fell that day.

Yuan Deyin walked by the lake.

"Goose goose goose", a flock of geese swam past, she looked over and saw the reflection in the lake, as well as her own reflection.

"Yuan Xiao, are your legs too short, why are you walking so slowly?" Yunmo stopped in front, and without turning his head, he complained about Yuan Deyin in a disgusted tone.

Yuan Deyin's eyes sank instantly, and she quickly walked over and pushed him on the back.

Yun Mo gave a big jump, turned his head around quickly, and ran away quickly. He said depressedly: "What are you doing, you actually play a sneak attack? Don't you know that this king can see all your actions from the reflection in the lake?"

But the little girl didn't want to answer him at all, she lowered her head and said to herself: "Yes, you can see the action of the princess from the reflection of the lake, and then avoid it, but why did he I can't avoid it..."

He can't escape?

Yun Mo heard something tricky, and he tentatively asked, "You mean, Zuo Qi?"

"That's right, are you saying that he didn't see Zhou Xuanmeng's movements, or... did he fall into the water on purpose?" Yuan Deyin raised his head quickly with sharp eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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