The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 132 Not all relatives deserve to be treated sincerely

Chapter 132 Not all relatives deserve to be treated sincerely
"No, no way, Young Master Zuo is only eight years old, so he won't think so much..." Cang Ling followed behind Yuan Deyin, and she couldn't help but speak out.

"That's not sure. That kid is too cunning. Every time he sees me, he makes a fuss. This king sees that he is clearly torturing me." When Yun Mo talked about Zuo Qi, his face was full of anger.

"As for whether it's true or not, you'll know after testing Zhou Xuanmeng." Yuan Deyin withdrew his eyes and walked quickly to the firewood room.

Before they approached the firewood room, they heard Zhou Xuanmeng yelling curses from a distance.

"Let me out quickly, I'm the lady of Prince Ji's Mansion, you dog slaves..."

"When Miss Ben goes out, I will definitely kill you."

"Have you given her food?" Yuan Deyin looked sideways, looking at Cang Ling puzzled.

"Reporting to the princess, the servant was starving her at the beginning, but she was afraid of starving her to death, so I gave her some food. I didn't expect that she would start cursing after she gained strength. It was the servant's negligence." Cang Ling quickly knelt down.

"Forget it, it's not your fault." Yuan Deyin quickly helped Cang Ling up.

Opening the door of the firewood room, the dimly lit room finally had light coming in. Of course, it also allowed people to see clearly the unkempt Zhou Xuanmeng.

Zhou Xuanmeng's entire face was quite shriveled, her lips were also split, and her fingers were full of mud marks.

When she saw Yuan Deyin coming in, she rushed over immediately: "Sister Deyin, those lowly maids locked me up, you have to teach them a lesson for me."

"Zhou Xuanmeng, have you forgotten what you have done?" Yuan Deyin threw her away with a cold tone.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's stern voice, Zhou Xuanmeng's body trembled, and then remembered the scene where she pushed Zuo Qi into the lake, and Yuan Deyin also saw it.

But at this time, Zhou Xuanmeng still felt that she was right, she muttered: "That Zuo Qie is not from the Ji Palace, sister, why are you treating him so well, and I don't see you treating us well, I just don't like him , just teach him a lesson.”

"He is the younger brother of the princess, and you are at best a boarder." Yuan Deyin looked at Zhou Xuanmeng with a cold face.

This time, Zhou Xuanmeng lowered her voice when she was stunned by Yuan Deyin's eyes, "If it wasn't because he was wandering outside the Winter Garden, Miss Ben happened to see him, and Miss Ben would not bother to deal with him, dirty! Miss Ben's hand."

Zuo Qie Been to the vicinity of Dongyuan?

Yuan Deyin frowned slightly, and she and Cang Ling looked at each other, both of them had complicated expressions.

Over there, Zhou Xuanmeng was still shamelessly saying: "Sister Deyin, how can you help an outsider to deal with your relatives? If the emperor and Zheng Guiren in the palace know about it, I don't know what they will say about you... ..."

She has been locked here for a few days, so she doesn't know that the outside world has changed, and she foolishly wants to use Jun Zhouchen and Zheng Lan to threaten Yuan Deyin.

"Cang Ling, Zhou Xuan's dream of murdering someone, you send her to the police, you can deal with it as you like, it is best to let her stay in the prison and never come out to harm people." Yuan Deyin turned her head and calmly told Cang Ling .

Now that she has obtained the answer she wanted from Zhou Xuanmeng, all that remains is to make her suffer the punishment she deserves.

Regardless of whether Zuo Xie fell into the water on purpose or not, Zhou Xuanmeng had the intention of harming others.

"Send to an official?" Jun Xuanmeng was still threatening Yuan Deyin over there, but she didn't expect Yuan Deyin to send her to an official without saying a word.

"Yuan Deyin, I'm your cousin, and my mother is your aunt, you can't treat me like this..."

When the servant came in and dragged Zhou Xuanmeng away, she wailed tearfully.

Don't forget to scold Yuan Deyin: "Yuan Deyin, you will be punished by God..."

Cang Ling moved quickly, picked up the handkerchief, and blocked Zhou Xuanmeng's mouth.

Yuan Deyin rubbed his ears, and said to Cang Ling: "Cang Ling, when you arrive at the government, report the name of the princess, and let the people in the government 'take care of' her more."

The little princess still held grudges very much, Cang Ling suppressed a smile, and nodded quickly: "Your servant obeys."

When Zhou Xuanmeng was dragged out, Zhou Xuanxue also came outside, and she watched this scene with red eyes.

Seeing Yuan Deyin coming from behind, she quickly knelt down and said with a crying voice, "Princess, I taught my younger sister to be helpless, and she didn't know how to repent when she did something wrong. I'm here to apologize to you."

After she finished speaking, she kowtowed heavily.

"Aren't you going to let the princess spare her?" Yuan Deyin asked curiously when she saw Zhou Xuanxue's sincere appearance.

"I do have this hope in my heart, but I also understand that the mistake she made in Xuanmeng this time is too great, and she should take responsibility for her own mistakes. I only hope that the princess can forgive her this time."

After speaking, Zhou Xuanxue kowtowed again with tears in her eyes.

"Hmm..." Zhou Xuanmeng, who was dragged not far away, heard Zhou Xuanxue's words. She turned her head and stared at her resentfully.

As a sister, she actually said that she should take the responsibility. She was not wrong, so why should she take the responsibility!

Zhou Xuanxue, you don't deserve to be my sister!
Seeing Zhou Xuanxue's good intentions, but Zhou Xuanmeng obviously didn't accept it at all, a certain little girl sighed.

She came over, helped Zhou Xuanxue up, and said in a low voice: "You have helped her clean up so many messes, but she doesn't know how to repent, and she doesn't know how to be grateful. You have tried your best, don't make yourself so Embarrassed."

"But, she is my younger sister." Zhou Xuanxue looked sad.

"Blood relationship cannot be severed, but you have to see if she is worth what you do to her. You should think about it for yourself." After Yuan Deyin instructed her earnestly, he turned and went back to Xiyuan up.

"Unexpectedly, Zhou Xuanmeng is so arrogant and domineering, and there is such a sensible and kind sister." Yun Mo folded his arms and said in a very emotional tone.

But Yuan Deyin didn't mean to answer what he said at all, she wrinkled her face and thought about Zuo Qi's matter.

Yunmo glanced at her: "I'm still thinking about Zuo Qie, my lord saw that your expression was not right just now, did you notice anything?"

Hearing his words, Yuan Deyin turned around, and she replied in a low voice: "I know Zhou Xuanmeng and the others are uneasy and kind, so I repeatedly told Zuo Qi not to go to Qianyuan and Dongyuan. But..."

"However, Zhou Xuanmeng just said that she followed Yuan Deyin to the lake because Zuo Qi appeared at the gate of the garden." Yunmo quickly took over Yuan Deyin's words.

"That's right, the kitchen, Xiyuan, Dongyuan, and the lake are not on the same road, and the detours are very long. Unless it is intentional, there should be no intersection." Yuan Deyin's tone gradually became depressed.

Thinking about it this way, there is only one answer - Zuo Qie deliberately lured Zhou Xuanmeng to the lake.

What is he trying to do?

Yuan Deyin had just paid homage to her father, queen, mother and concubine, when suddenly Xuanying quickly opened the door and said in a serious tone: "Master Han, they are using your name to invite guests, and now the hall is full of them The people are entertaining guests, and many ministers and their family members have come."

In just a few days, there was such a disturbance in the palace.

Who in this capital does not know that the current emperor has a good relationship with the regent, and the regent cares most about Princess Deyin.

Therefore, whether it is a minister with an official position or a wealthy businessman in the capital, they all want to establish a good relationship with Yuan Deyin.

Now that she heard that she was holding an 11th birthday party, and saw the "Daughter of the Halberd Palace" on the invitation, she naturally hurried over with a generous gift.

"What? In the name of the princess!" The little girl's face darkened instantly.

She said angrily, "Xuanying, the county chief changes clothes."

Originally, she was not interested in the birthday banquet at all, and she just wanted to pay homage to her father, queen, mother and concubine and teach Zhou Xuanmeng a lesson when she returned to the palace.

But now that someone wants to use her name to do things, she can't just sit idly by.

Hall entrance.

When Han saw these dignitaries handing over expensive gifts, she couldn't see her teeth with a smile.

"Old madam, this is the wife of Lord Censor Ming." The servant whispered in Han's ear.

Mrs. Han hurriedly greeted the luxuriously dressed woman in her 30s in front of her: "Mrs. Ming."

"Old madam, this is the glaze wash sent by our lord. It is specially sent to the princess." Madam Ming said with a smile.

Behind her, a servant came up with a big box.

Han's heart was so excited that she shook a few times, she said with a smile: "Master Ming and Mrs. Ming are too polite, you come in first, our Ying'er will come out soon."


Mrs. Ming was stunned for a moment. She remembered that Princess Deyin's name was "Deyin". Could it be that "Ying'er" was her nickname?

But looking at the guests in this room, she had no doubts, she nodded to Mrs. Han, and came in.

"This is, Madam Senator."

"Yes, I am."

"My master asked me to send me a pair of gold bracelets and a pair of blue and white porcelain."

"My master asked us to send us a string of pearls."

"Master Zheng sent a golden Buddha."

"Ying'er, did you hear that, did you hear that?" Listening to these gifts, Han's legs felt a little weak. How long had it been since she had seen these good things.

"Grandmother, Tong'er heard, these are all ours." Yuan Tong'er's eyes were also burning hot, and she wished she could take those gifts for herself now.

"Seeing that there are more and more distinguished guests here, what about Xuanxue, why doesn't she come to help?" Mrs. Han was a little overwhelmed, and her tone became cold.

Hearing her grandmother ask about Zhou Xuanxue, Yuan Tonger reluctantly replied: "Where else can I go, I must have gone to the firewood room to find Zhou Xuanmeng."

"Didn't I tell her that when today's banquet is over, I will find a way to rescue Xuan Meng. Why is she so disobedient and ran to the woodshed again? Doesn't she know that it's the birthday banquet now?" Is it important!" Han's face crooked angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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