Chapter 133 You are also worthy

Yuan Tong'er quickly patted her on the back, and said coquettishly: "Grandmother, don't worry, Tong'er will take care of everything for you, and you don't need the help of the two cousins."

"You are still caring." Han nodded in relief.

"By the way, is Yuan Deyin back?" Thinking of this, Han was a little worried.

If Yuan Deyin came here, how would they continue to perform today's scene?
"Grandmother, don't worry, our people are blocking the gate, and we haven't seen her. She is probably still in the Prince Regent's Mansion, so don't worry." Yuan Tong'er looked calm.

"That's good."

"Mrs. Yuan, why hasn't the princess come out yet?" Some noble ladies couldn't help it, and she asked Han curiously.

Han's expression froze for a moment, she could only nod: "It will be out soon."

After finishing speaking, she turned her head and gave the old mother a look: "Hurry up and remind Miss."

After the words fell, a delicate, crisp, lark-like voice appeared from the door.

"Grandma, don't worry, the granddaughter is here."

Soon, a graceful figure appeared in front of them.

Yuan Ying'er was wearing a white floor-length dress with pink patterns embroidered on the wide hem, a long smoky purple silk on her arm, and a slender waist tied with a purple emerald brocade belt. .

Her jet-black hair was tied with a lavender ribbon, and a few strands of hair mischievously hung down her shoulders, making the fragile skin even more white.

The face is covered with tulle, which makes it difficult to see the face, giving people a kind of hazy beauty.

"This is Princess Deyin, she is really a beauty."

Yuan Ying'er just walked in, and immediately someone started flattering her.

"That's right, Princess Deyin really inherited the beauty of Princess Ji."

Hearing these people's compliments, under the tulle, Yuan Ying'er raised her red lips.

No matter what purpose these people praised her for, they just praised her anyway, which made her feel very good.

Suddenly at this time, a thirteen or fourteen-year-old woman in yellow clothes sitting on the left side couldn't help muttering: "I'm wearing a veil, and I didn't even see half of my face, so I started to praise the beauty. Is it against my will?"

Her voice was not loud, but it was heard by many people. The expressions of those who praised Yuan Ying'er loudly just now were distorted, and they looked at the woman unkindly.

Even Yuan Ying'er glanced at the woman angrily.

She recognized each other immediately.

"Yin Panrong, why is this vulgar girl here?" Yuan Ying'er muttered in her heart, and her heart began to panic.

Yin Panrong, her grandmother was the princess of Wei State, and her grandfather was the famous Changsheng General who was highly valued by Taizu.

But in a big battle 11 years ago, both her grandfather and father were killed.

The Yin family also gradually declined, but because the Taizu had told many loyal officials in the court to take care of their orphans and widows when he was alive, no one dared to despise the Yin family over the years.

Although Yin Panrong is a woman, she doesn't look like a woman. She wields knives and guns all day long, and doesn't study hard in the academy, which makes her a headache. , not yet qualified to enter the academy.

She hates Yuan Ying'er's pretentious appearance, and she is one of the few women in the academy who is better than Yuan Ying'er.So naturally, Yuan Ying'er also hated her to death.

It's really a narrow road.

Hope she doesn't recognize her as well!Don't spoil her good deeds!

"Rong'er, what are you talking about?" Mrs. Yin frowned and scolded Yin Panrong in a low voice.

Because there are only orphans and widows left in the Yin family, they generally do not participate in this kind of banquet.

However, King Ji was kind to her husband back then, so she brought Rong'er to the banquet on Princess Deyin's birthday.

Of course, she also hoped that Rong'er could make friends with Princess Deyin.In this way, even if the Yin family really can't survive in the future, Princess Deyin can still help.

But why is Rong'er so ignorant?
Seeing the helplessness in her mother's eyes, Yin Panrong gritted her teeth and said unwillingly, "Mother, my daughter knows her mistake."

But she still couldn't help muttering in her heart: "They are just hypocritical."

Seeing that Yin Panrong was silent, Yuan Ying'er felt a little relieved.

At this time, a voice came from behind her: "Mr. Zheng Gui is here."

Zheng Guiren?
Many people present got up, could it be that Zheng Guiren?

Soon, they saw Zheng Lan with her pregnant belly walking in with the support of her mother Mrs. Zheng, followed by many maids of honor.

This... Isn't she a former nobleman?

How can I still leave the palace?Many people have a lot of thoughts.

Zheng Lan raised her head, with an aloof expression like a peacock.

She naturally knew what these people were thinking now.

Although the emperor has fallen, Jun Zhouhan is now in power, but as long as he hasn't done anything to the harem for a day, then she will still be pregnant with the nobles of the Jun family.

She came out of the palace today just to let people outside the palace take a good look at her. Zheng Lan hasn't lost yet, and the Zheng family won't fall either!
"Participate in Zheng Guiren." Some tactful people hesitated for a while, and finally knelt down.

No matter how bad Zheng Lan is, he is still the one who harbors the dragon species of the former emperor.

The current emperor is not a cruel person, as can be seen from the fact that he did not kill innocent people.

Therefore, the child in Zheng Guiren's womb could not be a prince, he might be a prince or a county king, and they could not despise him.

The others also thought of this, and they quickly knelt down to pay their respects.

Yuan Ying'er glanced at Zheng Lan and her grandmother, feeling a little unhappy.

Originally this was her home game, but they came here to steal her limelight?

However, the more resentful and angry she felt, the gentler Yuan Ying'er's expression became: "Come here, hurry up and help Zheng Guiren and the old lady to sit down."

Zheng Lan and Mrs. Zheng also seemed to understand that Yuan Ying'er still wanted to pretend to be Yuan Deyin today, so they just smiled and nodded at her without calling out her name.

"Princess, why didn't you see the Ninth Prince today?" Someone asked tentatively again.

Others followed suit and nodded.

They also wanted to take this opportunity to show their faces in front of the Ninth Prince.

"Uncle Nine Emperors is busy with work, so it's inconvenient today..." Yuan Yinger whispered.

But she wasn't done yet.

The eunuch's voice came from the door: "Princess Zhou Ping has arrived."

A reward from Princess Zhou Ping?

Now, everyone quickly stood up.

Princess Zhou Ping is the eldest sister of the Ninth Prince, and she was the eldest princess back then, but hasn't she been leading the practice in Yunshan for nearly ten years?
How can you care about worldly things?
Before they could think clearly, they saw a dozen guards standing in the yard carrying several boxes.

The father-in-law immediately began to read the list: "One plate each of coral beads, golden amber beads, beeswax beads, agarwood beads, four sapphire beads of various styles, four white jade beads of various styles, two crystal beads of various styles, and gold amber beads of various styles. Two pieces, two coral bracelets, two agarwood bracelets, two emerald fingers..."

Hearing the father-in-law read these lists, many noble ladies present couldn't help feeling sour.

With so many precious ornaments, did Princess Zhou Ping empty out her princess mansion?

After reading for nearly half an hour, the father-in-law can be regarded as finished reading the list, which is full of precious accessories, almost collecting the dreams of all women in the world.

At the same time, another book boy appeared at the door.

"Prince Shen has arrived to congratulate you."

After finishing speaking, more than a dozen book boys came in carrying several boxes.

"Three isolated copies of Qin Yi, two isolated copies of tea art, one isolated copy of seven-character ancient poems, one isolated copy of five-character quatrains, one isolated copy of Ci, and one isolated copy of landscape painting..."

This, this, this...

Many civil servants present were heartbroken.

Who in this capital does not know that Shen Chuannan has the most collection of books, his collection can surpass the library in the palace, and all of his collections are orphans.

How many literati lovers want to buy one of the lonely copies with thousands of dollars, but he is unwilling.

But now, he actually gave a few boxes to Princess Deyin.

God, please take pity on us literati!

Before they could finish crying, they heard—

"Master Mu has arrived. A box of silkworm cocoon paper, a box of Kaihua paper, a box of imitation Jinshu Mountain scripture paper, a box of ice-pattern plum blossom rice paper, and a box of sprinkled gold paper..."

"Pfft..." I don't know which adult couldn't hold it anymore and started vomiting blood.

"The Jade Doctor has arrived. Ten bottles of Qingxin Pill, ten Panlong Ginseng, ten Ginseng, ten Sifangcao..."

Now, someone is clutching their heart and feeling a dull pain again, is the medicine of Miracle Doctor Yu free?
"The third prince of the Western Regions has arrived. Three snow lotuses, one box of antelope horns, five colorful jades, three pieces of ice silk, and one box of agate..."

The third prince of the Western Regions?
They looked at the servant of the Western Regions with thick eyebrows, big eyes and high nose, and they were all shocked to the point of speechlessness. Why did the third prince of the Western Regions have a relationship with Princess Deyin?
Before they could figure out a reason, another eunuch came in.

"The emperor rewarded me."


"Give Xunzhou City the fiefdom of Princess Deyin."

Xunzhou City?manor?

It was the wealthiest city in Chiyan other than the capital, and the emperor actually rewarded it to Princess Deyin.

Throughout the ages, there has never been a precedent for a princess to have a fief.

Your Majesty thinks too much about Princess Deyin!
"Princess Deyin really cast a good tire." Someone couldn't help muttering in a sour tone.

"That's right, the Ninth Prince is missing now. Why hasn't the Ninth Prince appeared yet, even when the Prime Minister came to congratulate him?"

At this moment, a black figure suddenly appeared at the door.

"The Prince Regent's Mansion has arrived with a congratulatory gift." Wu Xi followed behind and shouted expressionlessly.

The Ninth Prince finally came.

Many people were excited, Yuan Ying'er's eyes lit up, her heart beat faster, and she couldn't move her eyes away from Jun Yu's body.

"Join the Ninth Prince." Everyone knelt down one after another.

But they couldn't help sneaking a peek behind Jun Yu from the corner of their eyes, only to find that there was nothing.

Strange, didn't it mean that the congratulatory gift from the Prince Regent's Mansion has arrived?Why is there nothing.

At this time, they suddenly heard Wuxi say loudly: "The regent donated to the master of Deyin County Jingshui Building, Xiangshan Jushi, Shuyu Pavilion, Qingyun Pavilion, Zuixiao Tower, Guiyun Pavilion, Julongzhai... ..."

This, isn't this all the gourmet restaurants of various countries?
Could it be that these are all properties of the Ninth Prince.

Seats in these gourmet restaurants are hard to come by, and the money is increasing day by day, and the Ninth Prince actually gave them all to Princess Deyin!
The envious and jealous eyes of many women present fell on Yuan Ying'er.

Yuan Ying'er's little face couldn't help but blushed, and her heart was beating wildly.

"Princess Deyin, please accept the congratulatory gift." Wu Xi, the father-in-law in the palace, and Shen Chuannan's servants all shouted loudly.

Seeing Yuan Ying'er staring blankly at the Ninth Prince, Mrs. Han stamped her feet a little resentfully.

Now is the time to receive gifts, why is she in a daze!

Unable to bear it any longer, Han walked over with a smile on her face, wanting her own people to remove all the congratulatory gifts.

In the end, her people bumped into the box, and Wu Xi, the guards in the palace, and other servants raised their swords at them at the same time.

Wu Xi sneered and said, "These gifts are for Princess Deyin, Mrs. Han, do you deserve them too?"

"I'm Deyin's grandmother, why don't you deserve it?" Han Shi was taken aback, and after realizing it, she asked shamelessly with an old face.

As a result, at this moment, a soft and crisp voice sounded behind her.

"Deyin only has one grandmother, and she has been dead for decades, Mrs. Han, do you think you are worthy?"

(End of this chapter)

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