Chapter 134 Get Out
Everyone looked over and saw a petite girl walking in slowly.

She was wearing a long plain dress with auspicious clouds embroidered on the cuffs, and a string of bells pinned to her waist, which jingled as she walked.

Bright eyes and white teeth, and shallow dimples on her face.

What a spirited little girl.

Everyone was still curious about her identity, so they saw Wuxi taking the lead in saluting: "This subordinate joins Princess Deyin." this the Princess Deyin?
They looked at Yuan Ying'er with weird eyes, only to see that her skin exposed outside the tulle was flushed with anger.

Yuan Ying'er stared at Yuan Deyin with sad eyes.

Didn't she move to the Prince Regent's Mansion?Why come back!Come back this time!
"I'm sorry, everyone. Yuan Ying'er invited everyone here in the name of the princess. Although it was not ordered by the princess, the Jiwang Mansion is in power by the princess. The lack of discipline has caused trouble for everyone." Yuan Deyin sincerely apologized to those present.

Yuan Yinger...

The person who pretended to be Princess Deyin was also surnamed Yuan.

The people present suddenly remembered the rumors heard a few days ago that after the death of Princess Ji, the second wife of the Yuan family wanted to occupy the magpie's nest.

Could this Yuan Ying'er be from the second room?
How dare you fool them like this!

They dare not have any opinion on Yuan Deyin, but it doesn't mean they are not angry with Yuan Ying'er.

Immediately, a pair of sharp eyes fixed on Yuan Ying'er and Han Shi.

Mrs. Han didn't care about their eyes, but said quite confidently: "The invitation card I gave you is written as 'the daughter of the Prince Regent's Mansion', and Yinger is indeed the daughter of the Prince Regent's Mansion. It's indeed her birthday, what's wrong with that?"

Without waiting for everyone to respond, she continued to mutter: "This birthday party was originally organized by Laoshen for Yuan Deyin and Ying'er. As their grandmother, is there any problem for Laoshen to hold a banquet for them together?"

Han Shi acted like she was absolutely right and that Yuan Deyin should thank her.

Seeing her posture, Yuan Deyin stepped forward slowly, looking at her with indifferent eyes: "Mr. Han, are you helping Deyin hold a birthday party? You know, I'm still in mourning period, and all banquets should not be big. Make a big deal. I agree with the banquet proposed by Cang Ling and the others. I want to invite familiar people like Uncle Jiu Huang to come to Ji Palace to gather together, instead of letting you use my name to bluff and kidnap! If you make such a fuss, Are you trying to trap me in a place of injustice?"

"I, I didn't think so deeply. Who knew you still had to watch the funeral." Han muttered in a low voice, looking like she was still Yuan Deyin.

"Not as deeply as I think? Han Shi, you are not only stupid, you are also bad!" Yuan Deyin was so angry that her face turned red.

"You, how can you say that about your grandmother, she is your grandmother!" Yuan Tong'er thought she had caught Yuan Deyin's braid, and hurriedly yelled.

"Grandmother? Are you joking with the princess? My father's mother has passed away for many years. The Han family didn't even enter the family tree of the Yuan family. If you put it nicely, it's the stepwife. If you put it badly, it's the concubine." Waiter."

"" Han Shi was so angry that he began to clutch his heart and tremble all over.

She has relied on her prestige as the "Mother of the Halberd King" for so many years, yet Yuan Deyin exposed her like this.

"Also, Yuan Yinger deserves to say that she is the daughter of the Prince Regent's Mansion"? Have you forgotten that the reason why the Jiwang Mansion is called the "Jingwang Mansion" is because the Jiwang used to live here, and now it is the Benji Palace. Princess, it's not 'Yuan Mansion'!"

Yuan Deyin walked slowly to Yuan Ying'er.

Although she was not as tall as Yuan Ying'er, she didn't lose her momentum at all, on the contrary she overwhelmed her.

"You, how can you be so heartless and ungrateful, we are obviously a family..." Yuan Tong'er was anxious when she heard Yuan Deyin say that they were not a family in front of so many people.

Heh, at this moment, I hope they are a family?
Yuan Deyin didn't even bother to give her one.

She looked directly at the crowd and said seriously: "Today, taking advantage of all of you present, this county mainly announces one thing. After the death of the father, queen, mother and concubine, the princess of the county let them continue to live for the sake of their surname Yuan. They are in the palace, but they often push forward, and often do things that murder the princess and damage the reputation of the Jiwang Palace. If this is the case, from today onwards, the Han family and the second room will move out of the Jiwang Palace, and there will be no more gossip with the Jiwang Palace. In the future , if they use the name of Jiwangfu again, the princess will definitely not take it lightly."

"Yuan Deyin, how dare you? I'm your grandmother, God damn it, the ancestors of the Yuan family will never forgive you..."

As soon as Mrs. Han heard that she was going to be kicked out, she sat down on the ground and started messing around.

Although everyone was shocked by Yuan Deyin's approach, but thinking about today's events, I am afraid that the Han family and the people in the second room did not do this kind of thing less in the past.

There is absolutely no problem with Princess Deyin's approach.

For such shameless people, you must be ruthless, otherwise they will kick their noses in the face.

Therefore, none of the people present sympathized with Han.

Han Shi saw that she had been crying for so long, but no one wanted to speak for her, so she could only get up in despair.

"Sister, it's my sister who made a mistake today. My sister thought that celebrating your birthday with you would make you happier." Yuan Ying'er walked up to Yuan Deyin on lotus steps, her eyes were tearful, as if she was heartbroken To the extreme.

"Yuan Ying'er, are you really for this princess? Then why don't you explain when others call you princess?" Yuan Deyin ignored Yuan Ying'er's tearful eyes, and she asked coldly.


"We're not fools, just pretend once. If you pretend like this every day, the Princess doesn't want to act with you anymore." Yuan Deyin said indifferently.

She turned her head and told Cang Ling directly: "Cang Ling, you get all their things out, and within half an hour, the chief of this county will see that the entire Ji Palace is clean."

"Yuan Deyin, you are going too far. If you drive them away, where will they have a place to live?" Zheng Lan had been ignored for so long, and she came out with her pregnant belly to speak for Yuan Ying'er and the others.

Mrs. Zheng also nodded: "That's right, they have nowhere to go, how can you bear it?"

"If my princess remembers correctly, before this princess came back to Jiwangfu, it was the Han family and the second room who were domineering in the palace. Young mansion, does this mean that you have no place to live?" Yuan Deyin's eyes slowly fell on Zheng Lan and Mrs. Zheng.


"Also, if you really feel pity for them, take everyone back to the Zheng family, Mrs. Zheng, aren't they your granddaughter?" Yuan Deyin asked back.

Now, Mrs. Zheng silently shut her mouth.

The Zheng family's family business is not big, if so many people go to eat and drink, she can't stand it.

Seeing the closed mouths of Madam Zheng and Zheng Lan, everyone ridiculed in their hearts. In the final analysis, these two people are just as selfish as the Han family and the others.

"Where is the house outside as comfortable as King Ji's Mansion..." Han Shi still felt aggrieved.

But Yuan Deyin didn't want to give her a chance to make noise this time, so she gave Xuanying her eyes directly.

Xuanying directly brought a group of servants to drag them all out.

After the Han family and Yuan Ying'er were kicked out, Yuan Deyin felt that her ears were much cleaner.

"Everyone, I made you laugh today, but it is really inconvenient for the princess to hold such a grand banquet, so please take all the gifts you sent back. The princess has received all your wishes."

Yuan Deyin looked at the crowd and said in a relaxed tone.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, the princess said so, then if they kept the gift, wouldn't they be like the Han family, trapping her in injustice.

"Princess, it's because we didn't think carefully enough to embarrass you, so we'll take the gift away right now." Mrs. Yin spoke out first.

"You are great. This is how you should treat people like Yuan Ying'er." Yin Panrong, who was standing beside Mrs. Yin, gave Yuan Deyin a thumbs up.

"Rong'er, why did you talk to the Princess?" Mrs. Yin frowned and reminded Yin Panrong.

"Mrs. Yin, it doesn't matter. When my concubine was still alive, Deyin heard her mention you and Sister Panrong. Sister Panrong has the demeanor of a wealthy female general." Yuan Deyin said obediently.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Mrs. Yin couldn't help laughing from the bottom of her heart: "Princess, your mother and concubine taught you really well."

The other guests also took back their gifts.

Yuan Deyin also ordered Lan Qiu to give each guest a gift from the Halberd Palace.

"It's a small gift, I hope you will accept it." Yuan Deyin said to everyone with a smile.

Yu Shengxiao and Shen Chuannan also arrived at some point, they crossed their arms and stood behind Jun Yu at the same time, watching a certain little girl send off the guests in an orderly manner.

"Okay, Xiao Deyin has become an old Jianghu now, and the genius doctor saw that the guests who left were all very satisfied. Does this mean that she has bought all the dignitaries in the capital?" Yu Shengxiao raised her eyebrows , looking at Shen Chuannan with curious eyes.

Shen Chuannan couldn't help chuckling: "If the little princess is a man, he must be tactful enough to enter the court as an official."

"Master Shen, are you praising the princess or demoting the princess?" Yuan Deyin had just sent all the guests away, and when she turned her head, she heard Shen Chuannan's words, and she hurried over.

"Cough," Shen Chuannan hurriedly coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment, and then whispered, "Praise you, praise you."

"Why is Yin'er so resolute today? Didn't you say in the past that your father said you would take care of the Han family, so you didn't do anything to her?" Jun Yu glanced sideways at a certain little girl.

Her resolute appearance today really caught him a little by surprise.

Shen Chuannan and Yusheng Xiao also looked at Yuan Deyin curiously, and they also wanted to know the answer.

(End of this chapter)

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