Chapter 135 Ignorant Child
"It's very simple, because now the princess's backers are Uncle Jiuhuang and the emperor's elder brother, whoever dares to bully the princess, just beat him back."

The tone of a certain little girl was quite arrogant.

"Then the Halberd King said he wanted to take care of the Han family?" Shen Chuannan asked curiously again.

"Father didn't say to take care of Han, as long as she doesn't die. Also, Han's treatment of the princess, I'm afraid that the father wanted to get up from the ground to settle accounts with her, and the princess drove her away Go out and save her, okay?"

A certain little girl folded her arms, looking swollen.

Shen Chuannan: "..." This answer made it impossible to refute.

"That's what you should do. In the future, even if you bully you again, don't bear it. You can just get revenge." Jun Yu raised his hand and rubbed the little girl's hair, with a serious tone.

"If you can't win, Uncle Nine Emperors will help Deyin, right?" A certain little girl's eyes sparkled.

"En." Jun Yu nodded without any hesitation.

"Hey, if someone bullies this genius doctor in the future, can you also beat this genius doctor back?" Yu Shengxiao suddenly touched Shen Chuannan's arm with his elbow and asked curiously.

"No, I only know the truth, beat you with that person." Shen Chuannan glanced sideways, and glanced at Yu Shengxiao with disgust.

Yu Shengxiao: "..." After all, it was a wrong payment.

"Are these all for the princess?" Yuan Deyin looked at the boxes, his eyes were full of light.

"That's natural." Yun Mo, who had been standing far away, suddenly came over.

With a piece of foxtail in his mouth, he sat down in one of the boxes, looking at Yuan Deyin with ice blue eyes.

"My princess just heard that you sent snow lotus flowers and antelope horns. Don't you even have money to go back to the Western Regions? Where are there so many things?" Yuan Deyin frowned, looking very strange.

"Reporting to the Princess, it was my prince who wrote back to the Western Regions a few days ago, asking us to send gifts from the Western Regions." The servant with the high nose bridge immediately helped to answer.

"How is it? This king is also very rich in the Western Regions, are you very touched now?" Yun Mo threw the foxtail and said in a sullen tone.

In the end, the little girl shook her head: "The things I gave you can't be eaten as food, what's so good..."

Yunmo: "..." Does she only think about eating? !

"Puff..." Shen Chuannan and Yu Shengxiao couldn't help but gloated and laughed at the same time.

But soon, their smiles gradually froze, because they thought about it—the things they sent were not edible.

Among those present, only the food restaurant given by Jun Yu won Yuan Deyin's heart the most.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why is there something sent by Princess Zhou Ping?" Yuan Deyin raised his head and looked at Jun Yu with puzzled eyes.

"I mentioned you when I wrote to her a few days ago. She has no children, so it's not surprising that she loves you." Jun Yu explained calmly.


Yuan Deyin nodded. She didn't know much about Princess Zhou Ping, but she felt that she should be a very gentle person.

"Princess." Suddenly, Wuying came back, and he knelt down in front of Yuan Deyin.

"Brother Wuying, how's it going?" Seeing Wuying, Yuan Deyin's relaxed expression just now became serious in an instant.

"Princess, you guessed it right, there are the footprints of Master Zuo Xie in the grass leading to the lake in Dongyuan." Wuying said in a serious tone.

Well, Zuo Xie really lured Zhou Xuanmeng to the lake on purpose, and also deliberately asked her to throw him into the lake.

Zuo Qie, what the hell is he thinking?
Yuan Deyin was a little depressed, always feeling that Zuo Xie was not simple.

"Little princess, what's the matter with Zuo Qi?" Shen Chuannan heard their conversation, doubted in his heart, and couldn't help asking directly.

"Zuo Qi, he...he..."

Yuan Deyin hesitated for a moment, she didn't know how to explain it.

Suddenly, she saw Uncle Jiuhuang's expression was calm, as if he had expected what had happened a long time ago.

She asked in surprise: "Uncle Nine Emperors, did you already know that Zuo Qi is not simple, so you asked De Yin that day, are you really going to keep him, right?"

"Yeah." Jun Yu nodded lightly.

"Zuo Xie is not simple? He is a witch spirit, how can he not be simple?" Yu Shengxiao was very puzzled.

"It seems that your master's letter did not tell you that all witch spirits have to go through two catastrophes to survive." Jun Yu's voice became more and more indifferent.

"Two calamities?"

"The first one is when I was born, I was poisoned and cursed by the mandala flower liquid; the second one is that the witch spirits killed each other, hundreds of witch spirits were put into a tiankeng, and finally all the same kind were killed Only those who persevere until the end can survive.”

"So, Zuo Qie, is that Wu Ling who survived the fight?" Yuan Deyin immediately understood after hearing Uncle Jiuhuang's explanation.

But she still can't figure out one thing: "However, in that nightmare, Deyin watched all the big and small things that happened to Zuo Xie from childhood to adulthood, and he didn't see the fight in the Tiankeng."

"Maybe, he didn't let you see it on purpose." Jun Yu squinted and gave her a complicated look.


"Maybe, it's his selfishness." Jun Yu's tone was somewhat obscure.

"Wait, so, did that kid lie to us? What this miracle doctor should have thought of, is he a simple person who can be Zuo Wei's witch spirit? Does he stay by Xiao Deyin's side, is he trying to harm her?" Yu Shengxiao was full of anger.

He rolled up his sleeves, feeling the urge to kill Zuo Qie right now.

"Doctor Yu, wait a minute, De Yin still thinks that... Zuo Qi doesn't mean anything malicious." The little girl shook her head lightly.

"Don't be nervous! A Yu, since you know that something is wrong with Zuo Xie, but you still let him stay with the little princess, are you sure that he will not be dangerous to the little princess?" Shen Chuannan looked calmly. He looked at Jun Yu with a firm tone.

"Well, this king has seen Wu Ling before. After Wu Ling got rid of the wizard's control, he would only feel guilty towards the cursed person, and would try his best to make up for it without hurting the other party." Jun Yu explained in a deep voice.

"Have you met Wu Ling before? Could it be that time..." Shen Chuannan's expression changed, and he blurted out some words.

But halfway through the conversation, he saw Yuan Deyin, Shen Chuannan, and Yunmo all looking at him nervously.

He quickly changed his words: "So, A Yu, what do you mean, Zuo Qie will only protect the little princess, and will not hurt her?"


"No, then why did he deliberately lure Zhou Xuanmeng to push him into the water this time?" Yunmo asked with a face of disapproval.

Yu Shengxiao's attention was also attracted, so he was not curious about what Shen Chuannan hadn't finished speaking just now, and he also asked: "Yes, why."

"After the battle in the palace, I knew that Yin'er and Zuo Qi had fallen into the water at the same time. I had already guessed something in my heart, so I went to investigate secretly. It turned out that Zuo Qi seemed to be connected with other witch spirits in Lingye Kingdom It should be Ling Yeguo's Wu Ling who told him that someone wanted to blow up the palace."

It was found that the little girl was too obsessed with Zuo Qi's affairs, so it was rare for Jun Yu to explain patiently.

"Wait, what you said is too much information." Yu Shengxiao covered her head and couldn't figure it out for a moment.

The little girl's mind is extremely clear: "So, Zuo Qie didn't want to expose himself, but also wanted to remind me, so he did that, right? The person who helped the queen has something to do with Ling Yeguo?"


"It's all about what, why is there Ling Ye Kingdom again?" Yu Sheng was furious.

He rolled up his sleeves: "Okay, I'm going to arrest that kid Zuo Qi for interrogation, and everything will come to light."

But Jun Yu looked over with a cold look: "Are you sure that a child who has been walking on the verge of death since childhood will be tortured by you?"

"Doctor Yu, stop threatening Zuo Xie. Since he has no ill intentions towards Deyin, then Deyin will wait for the day when he is willing to confess his intentions." Yuan Deyin shook his head lightly.

This time, although Zuo Qie lied to her, it was because of him that so many lives were saved, and she didn't want to push him too hard.

Alright... Yu Shengxiao sighed, then backed away.

At this moment, Endless suddenly hurried in.

"My lord, Chu Tianlu still doesn't want to say anything." Endless said to Jun Yu in a low voice.

"I will go to interrogate him personally." Jun Yu flicked his sleeves and was about to turn around and leave.

Shen Chuannan and Yusheng Xiao looked at each other, and they followed.

But the little girl's crisp voice came from behind them: "Uncle Nine Emperors, Master Shen, Deyin also wants to follow."

"That's the sky prison, it's too bloody, little princess, that's not the place for you to go." Shen Chuannan persuaded earnestly.

He thought Yuan Deyin wanted to follow because he thought it was fun.

"However, Deyin heard that Lord Chu was the military adviser of the father, and Deyin wants to know what the father has gone through." Yuan Deyin wrinkled his face and said in a lonely tone.

"Come here and follow me." Jun Yu turned his head and said in a deep voice.

"Okay." Hearing that Uncle Jiuhuang agreed, the little girl hurried towards him.

"My king also wants to follow." Yunmo also wanted to follow.

But Wu Xi quickly stopped him: "Prince Yunmo, this is about our Chi Yan, you don't deserve to know about it."

"You..." Yun Mo was so angry that he was spinning around in place, but he couldn't beat Wu Xi, so he could only stay where he was.

Only after entering the dungeon, the smell of damp and blood came to my nostrils.

Jun Yu asked Yuan Deyin to follow him closely.

Pushing open the door, Yuan Deyin saw a blood man tied to a pillar.

His face was covered in bloodstains, and his original appearance could no longer be seen.

Seeing Jun Yu coming in, although his breath was weak, his tone was still very arrogant: "Jun Yu, even if you arrest me, I still won't say anything."

"What did you do when the princess's father was killed?" Yuan Deyin couldn't help clenching her fists when she saw the other party, and her tone was angry.

"Princess Deyin? When your father died, I was in the barracks. What could I know?" The other party lowered his head again, as if he didn't want to enter.

"Damn it." Endless cursed inwardly, and was about to continue the torture.

But Yu Shengxiao stopped him: "He is at the end of his life now. He is deliberately provoking us and wants us to send him on the road as soon as possible. If he dies, nothing will come out of the trial." .”

"But Divine Doctor Jade, he is a tough one." Endless looked dignified.

It had been many years since he had interrogated someone with such hard bones.

"Hahahaha, the top ten hidden guards of the Prince Regent's Mansion are nothing more than that. I thought they were so powerful, but they are all arrogant kids with sharp mouths... Jun Yu, you won't be too arrogant for long, hahaha..."

Chu Tianlu laughed contemptuously.

The atmosphere is getting colder and colder.

"Doctor Yu, do you have any medicine that can make people insane?" Yuan Deyin suddenly walked up to Yu Shengxiao and asked.

"Yes. But, little Deyin, what do you want to do?" Yu Shengxiao took out a bottle of medicine from her arms and handed it to Yuan Deyin.

"I didn't do anything, I just wanted to interrogate Mr. Chu." Yuan Deyin smiled slightly.

Interrogate him?
When Chu Tianlu, who was tied there, heard Yuan Deyin's words, he suddenly laughed arrogantly.

"Another ignorant child, still a baby who hasn't weaned off milk, actually wants to interrogate me, naive and ignorant."

"Whether this princess is naive or ignorant, you will know after trying it." Yuan Deyin suddenly walked in front of Chu Tianlu.

She took out a handkerchief, poured the medicine on it, and covered Chu Tianlu's mouth and nose.

When his eyes were drowsy, she threw the handkerchief aside and took out a pendant from her bosom.

(End of this chapter)

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