Chapter 136 Secret
Seeing Yuan Deyin take out a pendant for no reason, Chu Tianlu wanted to laugh arrogantly.

But soon, the effect of the medicine on his body gradually took effect, his sneer gradually cooled down, and his eyes became dull.

Yuan Deyin put the pendant in front of his eyes and shook it gently...swayed gently...

"Are you from Jun Zhouchen and the Queen Mother?"

Seeing that the effect was almost achieved, Yuan Deyin began to ask.

"I... I am their person on the surface." Chu Tianlu actually said the words.

Both Shen Chuannan and Yusheng Xiao were a little shocked, the little princess could really pry Chu Tianlu's mouth open.

Jun Yu's expression was still calm, but his dark eyes were fixed on Yuan Deyin, and there seemed to be deep emotions in it.

"On the surface? Could it be that there are other people behind you?"

"Well. My master let me lurk in Chiyan, which shows that I obey the Queen Mother's faction, but in fact, I am just using them, they are all a bunch of idiots."

Lurking in Chiyan?
Jun Yu, Shen Chuannan and Yu Shengxiao's expressions darkened at the same time.

"Who is your master?" Jun Yu asked coldly.

"I... I don't know. I was cultivated as a spy since I was a child. After I reached the crown, I was sent to Chiyan, gradually approached the imperial power, and then served for the master, but I have never seen the true face of the master."

"Then how do you get in touch with each other?" Yuan Deyin asked.

"All our spies are called Jiugui. Master Qing is in charge of us. The communication method is uncertain. If anyone is discovered, his communication will be permanently interrupted."

"Then how many other spies are there in Chi Yan? Do other countries also have them?" Shen Chuannan also asked.

When did such an organization appear in Chi Yan, and this spy was able to break into the imperial power and deceive them for so long!

"I don't know about this. Every dove ghost has no right to interfere with the intelligence of other dove ghosts."

"It seems that they organize each spies individually, so even if one is discovered, their intelligence network will not be destroyed." Yu Shengxiao frowned.

"Also, according to his statement, he must have been abandoned by his organization when he was discovered by A Yu. It is impossible for us to use him to lure out the people behind him." Shen Chuannan said His expression became more and more complicated.

Jun Yu's cold eyes swept over them, and then fell on Chu Tianlu: "Jun Zhouliang's plot to seize power, is it your master's intention?"

"No, that's just what I mean. I sent news to the queen mother and pretended to submit to the queen mother, just to make it easier for the queen mother's faction to complete the tasks assigned to me by the master."

"What is the task your master gave you? To take down Chi Yan?" Jun Yu stared at him with sharp eyes.

"No, the master has only one ultimate goal, and that is Princess Deyin." Chu Tianlu replied slowly.

When his voice fell, everyone in the dark prison was shocked, and even Jun Yu frowned slightly.

"What does your master want to do to this princess?" Yuan Deyin asked with a wrinkled face.

"I don't know about this. The master just asked me to kill everyone around Princess Deyin, leaving her helpless, and then handing her over to Master Qing."

Shen Chuannan and Yusheng Xiao looked at each other.

It was such a perverted task.

Kill all the people close to a little girl, and then attack a little girl!

Jun Yu exuded a terrifying aura, he clenched his fists and asked coldly, "What does your master want Yin'er to do?"

"It's not something I can know." Chu Tianlu shook his head.

"So, were you the one who killed the father?" Yuan Deyin's eyes were red, and she sobbed.

"It's not all because of me. I just handed over his battle plan to the empress dowager. They are colluding with people from the state of Wei and setting up an ambush in advance..."

"You..." Yuan Deyin's voice trembled, she raised her hand and wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

"Beast." Yu Shengxiao put away the jade bone fan, and wanted to teach Chu Tianlu a lesson.

But suddenly at this moment, Chu Tianlu tilted his head, and a black bloodstain flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Not good." Yu Shengxiao yelled, and he quickly pried open Chu Tianlu's mouth, only to find that it was full of blood, and his eyes turned white.

"I'm out of breath." Letting go of her hand, Yu Shengxiao gritted her teeth in frustration.

He is a majestic genius doctor, yet someone actually took poison under his nose.

Endless also came over, and after taking a look at Chu Tianlu's mouth, he quickly knelt down: "My lord, my subordinates have neglected their duties and failed to find him hiding drugs."

"Jun Yu, forget it, it's not endless fault, one day's death, colorless and tasteless, even if this genius doctor came to check, he might not be able to find it." Yu Shengxiao looked at Jun Yu and began to explain endlessly.

"One day's death?" Jun Yu turned his eyes sideways, and his cold eyes fell on Yu Shengxiao.

"That's right, he took the same poison as the queen. Chu Tianlu should have started taking the poison yesterday, and it didn't happen until now." Yu Shengxiao continued to explain.

He also looked a little dignified.

This poison is no longer common and hard to find.

But why, the queen has it, and Chu Tianlu has it too?

"My lord, when my subordinates were torturing Chu Tianlu, they found a tattoo here." Endless suddenly tore off Chu Tianlu's collar, pointed at the back of his neck and said to Junyu.

Jun Yu and his group looked over, only to see a maple leaf tattoo on it.

"Could this be the mark of their organization?" Endless asked in a low voice.

"It's possible." Shen Chuannan nodded.

"Chu Tianlu has been an official in the court for nine years this year, and Yin'er is 11 years old this year. The opponent has played chess for a long time." Jun Yu took out a black handkerchief and wiped away the tears of a certain little girl, with a cold and unpredictable voice.

Yu Shengxiao pressed his eyebrows, and he asked very puzzled: "Why did the other party come after Xiao Deyin?"

"Ah Yu, shouldn't it be..." Shen Chuannan thought of something, and he looked at Jun Yu with somewhat horrified eyes.

But Jun Yu glanced over with an indifferent look, and he quickly swallowed back the words that came to his mouth.

"Yin'er, don't be afraid, this king will protect you." Jun Yu raised his hand and gently rubbed the head of a certain little girl, his tone softened a lot.

"Deyin is not afraid, but Deyin is very sad. Uncle Nine Emperors, did Deyin kill his father?" Yuan Deyin sobbed, and his eyes turned red again.

Chu Tianlu said just now that their organization wanted to kill all the people close to her, that's why he betrayed her father.

"Yin'er, listen to me, it's not your fault, it's their fault." Jun Yu looked down at Yuan Deyin with serious eyes.

"That's right, Princess Deyin, bad guys are bad guys after all, any reason can be used as an excuse for them to do evil, even without you as an excuse, they will still do evil. Ji Wang Quanxia knows, and I don't want you to feel guilty." Shen Chuannan He also nodded to Yuan Deyin.

Hearing what they said, Yuan Deyin sniffled, wiped away the last tear stains with the back of her hand, and then nodded seriously: "Deyin understands, Deyin can't be sad, otherwise the father will be worried if he knows it under the spring, and the bad guys will also be worried." It's only going to get more aggressive."

Jun Yu gave Endless a look, and Endless hurriedly dragged Chu Tianlu's body out.

In order to make Yuan Deyin not so sad, Yu Shengxiao quickly changed the topic: "Xiao Deyin, how did you make Chu Tianlu speak just now?"

It's no wonder that Endless couldn't pry Chu Tianlu's mouth open. If there is a huge organization behind Chu Tianlu, and the organization trains children as spies from an early age, no matter how cruel the torture method is, it will be difficult for him to open his mouth.

However, it was the first time he had seen Xiao Deyin's way of interrogating people.

"This is called hypnosis, and it was taught by the concubine Mu. But Deyin is not as good as the concubine mother, and I only learned a little bit, so I must rely on the help of your medicine, the jade doctor." Yuan Deyin raised his head, very excited Answer seriously.


It sounds amazing.

"Xiao Deyin, how should I learn this? Can you teach me a genius doctor?" Yu Shengxiao's face was full of desire for knowledge.

But Yuan Deyin shook his head apologetically: "The concubine mother said that it takes talent to learn this, and the words of Doctor Yu..."

"Huh? What?" When Yu Shengxiao didn't understand Yuan Deyin, he leaned over.

In the end, she was pushed away by Shen Chuannan who was next to her in disgust: "Princess Deyin is saying that your talent is not enough, do you have to ask her to make things clear?"

Yu Shengxiao: "..." This genius doctor has no talent, but this genius doctor is a genius, okay?

Seeing Yu Shengxiao's dejected look, Yuan Deyin scratched her hair tangledly, and she wanted to say that she could try to teach him.

But before she could speak, Uncle Jiuhuang beside her said in a deep voice, "Yin'er, don't use hypnotism again, especially in front of outsiders."

"Why?" The little girl was very puzzled.

"Your Nine Emperor Uncle means that no one has ever used hypnotism before. If someone with a heart knows that you will, and this secret is so powerful for prying people, it is inevitable that someone will attack you." Shen Chuannan explained earnestly.

It turned out to be the case.

Yuan Deyin understood, she nodded obediently: "Deyin understands, Deyin will not be used in the future."

"How can such a good skill be used? Isn't it a waste..." Yu Shengxiao muttered depressedly beside her.

Jun Yu's eyes fell on him: "Yu Shengxiao, you take Yin'er out, the king and Shen Chuannan still have something to talk about."

"Okay." Yu Shengxiao knew that the secret that Chu Tianlu had just revealed was of great importance, and they might still have to discuss it.

So he waved to Yuan Deyin: "Xiao Deyin, let's go out."

"Okay." The little girl was also very obedient, she didn't intend to disturb Uncle Jiu Huang at all, she quickly went out with Yu Shengxiao.

When they all went out, only Shen Chuannan and Jun Yu were left in the dark cell, and the lingering bloody smell.

Shen Chuannan said, "Ah Yu, you don't want Princess Deyin to reveal what her mother and concubine gave her. It's not just because you are afraid that someone who wants to make a decision?"

"Well," Jun Yu looked the same, but he nodded calmly. "I am afraid that Princess Ji's true identity will be discovered, which will harm Yin'er."

(End of this chapter)

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