Chapter 137 De Yin's Life Experience

"The true identity of Princess Ji..." Shen Chuannan let out a long breath.

He frowned, and continued: "Everyone knows that Princess Ji is the daughter of a wealthy businessman in the south of the Yangtze River. When the former emperor was still alive, he held the Imperial Business Competition. She came to the capital from Jiangnan and shined in the competition. Everyone was surprised. , It turns out that women also have this talent when they go into business."

"Later, by some chance, King Ji met her, and he also disobeyed the marriage that his father had bestowed on him earlier, and would not marry unless she was the only one." Jun Yu added quietly.

Although he was still young at the time, he remembered these things clearly.

"That's right, I heard that when they got married, Princess Ji was wearing red makeup, and there were two groups of people in the capital weeping, one was the admirers of King Ji, and the other was admirers of Princess Ji." Shen Chuannan chuckled lightly.

But soon, his smile faded a lot. He turned to look at Jun Yu with a serious tone: "I never thought Princess Ji was the daughter of an ordinary merchant."

He also met Princess Ji back then. Although the Zhuang family can be regarded as the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River, with such a wealthy family, it should not be difficult to cultivate a talented daughter-in-law. In other words, there is always a feeling of surpassing ordinary people.

Seeing that Jun Yu didn't speak, Shen Chuannan continued to say anxiously: "After Princess Ji married the King of Ji, she lived in seclusion and even moved out of the capital. Outsiders said that she was the wife of the King of Ji, but I always felt that it was not that simple. Moreover, The Zhuang family has fallen to the point that there is no such family in the Jiangnan area in the past few years. How can such a big family fall so easily? It's too strange."

The secret of Princess Ji is not simple.

"Princess Ji, her surname is not Zhuang." Jun Yu suddenly uttered such a sentence.

"What? Princess Ji isn't surnamed Zhuang? Could it be that the Zhuang family lied about her surname, why did they do this?" Shen Chuannan frowned.

"It's not that the Zhuang family lied about his surname, but that the Zhuang family doesn't have a concubine at all." Jun Yu's voice gradually cooled down.

"Ah Yu, what are you talking about, the Zhuang family doesn't have a daughter-in-law, and that Princess Ji..." Shen Chuannan looked shocked.

"A few years ago, my king went south to control the floods in the south of the Yangtze River. He also felt that the Zhuang family was not in trouble, so he secretly sent people to investigate, but the strange thing is that there is no trace of the Zhuang family, from centenarians to children. Near the old house There are different opinions about their whereabouts, but no one can find out the clues." Jun Yu replied indifferently.

Shen Chuannan's expression gradually froze, and goose bumps appeared all over his body.

How could a family not even find a single person...

"The king checked their network and found Mrs. Zhuang who gave birth to Mrs. Zhuang. As a result, Mrs. Zhuang said that Mrs. Zhuang's first three births were all sons, and the last one was a daughter, but that daughter was born when she was born. , is stillborn.”

"Stillborn? So, Princess Ji was adopted by the Zhuang family?" Shen Chuannan made a bold guess.

"Maybe. Or... the stillborn baby came back to life?" Jun Yu lowered his eyes, his voice was very soft and cold.

The candlelight in the prison flickered for a moment, and Shen Chuannan, who was always deep-tempered, couldn't help but wiped his arm at this moment, and he said stiffly, "Ah Yu, you... can you stop being so scary!"

"This king also talked about this with Ji Wang, but Ji Wang chuckled and said that every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, and whose big house does not have any complicated things, he hopes this king will not take it to heart. Don't disturb Princess Ji because of this matter. This king feels that King Ji should know something, and he doesn't want this king to continue investigating."

"Ah Yu, do you think the same as me? The target of the people in Chu Tianlu's organization is Princess Deyin. Could it be related to Princess Ji?" Shen Chuannan's thoughts became clearer now.

He continued to add: "Assuming that there is something in Princess Ji that the organization wants, and now that she is dead, then their target will only go to Princess Deyin."

"That's right, that's what I think in my heart. I told you these things because I thought that if something happens to the king one day, you will protect Yin'er for me."

Jun Yu's expression could be regarded as a little turbulent, he turned his head and looked at Shen Chuannan with complicated eyes.

"Ah Yu, what nonsense are you talking about? How could something unexpected happen to you!" Shen Chuannan shook his head quickly, he wanted Jun Yu to stop talking nonsense.

But Jun Yu had already walked out slowly.


Yuan Deyin came out of the dark prison and started running to the kitchen of the Prince Regent's Mansion.

Because he came to torture Chu Tianlu in a hurry, none of Cang Ling's maidservants followed, and Yuan Deyin could only rely on himself now.

"Little Deyin, what are you doing?" Yu Shengxiao saw Yuan Deyin was about to run away, so he shouted anxiously from behind.

But Yuan Deyin turned his back to him and waved his hands: "Doctor Yu, Deyin has something to do, so you should go and do your own thing."

After speaking, the figure disappeared.

When Yuan Deyin walked into the kitchen, all the cooks were terrified.

"County, princess, why are you here?"

"Are you hungry? The slave will get you something to eat."

Hearing what they said, Yuan Deyin waved his hands: "You don't need to be nervous, and you don't need to care about this princess, this princess just came to see... have a look..."

After watching, she walked directly to the stove.

"Little princess, this fire is dangerous, it would be bad if it hurts your precious body." Someone came over and wanted to stop Yuan Deyin.

Hey, they're here, like there's nothing she can do.

Yuan Deyin frowned, and then she began to put on a small face and said in a serious tone: "The princess has something to do in the kitchen, you all go out to rest first."

"But, but..." The cooks all showed embarrassment.

"Is it because you don't listen to the order of the princess?" Yuan Deyin pretended to be very serious again.

At this moment, the cooks on the opposite side were all terrified, and they quickly bent down: "Young servant (servant) go out now."

After they were all gone, Yuan Deyin stretched comfortably.

"Okay, you can work."

She took a basin and poured flour into it.

As a result, I accidentally poured too hard, and it flew all over the sky for free.

"Cough cough cough..."

She waved her hand and coughed suddenly against her face covered in flour.

"Knead the dough first," she murmured softly, and then poured water on top of the flour, "No, hot water is needed, right, hot water needs to be boiled first..."

She put the water in the pot and prepared to boil it, but the fire was too small.

So she threw firewood into the fire desperately.

"Cough cough, the fire is burning out, a lot of smoke..." She hurriedly backed away.

As a result, my back suddenly hit something hard.

She turned her head, only to see Uncle Nine Emperors standing behind her.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why are you here? It's dangerous here, you go out." After the little girl finished speaking, she wanted to push Uncle Nine Emperors out.

But Jun Yu's tall body remained motionless. He looked down at her and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I... I... My concubine said that I have to eat longevity noodles for my birthday. In the past, my concubine made them for me. Now I can only make them myself." Yuan Deyin shook his head, looking very timid for doing something wrong. look.

"Longevity noodles?" Jun Yu whispered these three words in a low voice.

He has not heard these three words for many years.

"You stand behind me." He said in a calm voice.

"Huh?" Yuan Deyin was full of doubts, and didn't understand what he meant for a while.

Jun Yu didn't wait for her to react, he directly reached out, hugged her with one hand, and hugged her directly behind him.

Then, he rolled up his sleeves, squatted down, and extinguished the fire.

Then, when the water boiled, he washed his hands, poured water, kneaded the dough, kneaded the dough, cut into strips, poured oil on the bottom...

Yuan Deyin stared dumbfounded at Jiuhuangshu's back and movements the whole time.

Wait until a bowl of hot longevity noodles is placed in front of her.

She smelled the fragrance and her eyes lit up.

"Eat it, it won't be good if it gets cold." Jun Yu handed her the chopsticks.

The little girl took the chopsticks, sat down on the chair quickly, and took a mouthful of noodles.

It was so hot that she almost jumped out of her chair.

But he was still reluctant to spit out the noodles.

She held back her tears and said inarticulately: "Uncle Jiuhuang, the longevity noodles you made are so delicious, did you often make them for others?"

"No, this king only did it for you." Jun Yu said lightly while pouring her a glass of cold water.

(End of this chapter)

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