Chapter 138
A certain little girl looked at Uncle Nine Emperors with sparkling eyes.

"Ahem..." Although he felt that it was very abrupt to appear now, Shen Chuannan felt that there was no way for them to stand stupidly at the door all the time, so he could only cough in the end to remind him.

"Master Shen, Doctor Yu, are you here?" Yuan Deyin greeted them immediately when he spotted them.

"Jun Yu, you don't even call me the genius doctor for whatever delicious food you eat while hiding here." Shen Chuannan leaned over with a straight face.

"Uncle Nine Emperors cooked longevity noodles for De Yin." The little girl took a big mouthful of the noodles, and when she heard Yu Shengxiao's words, she didn't forget to answer him.

Junyu cooking noodles?

Yu Shengxiao and Shen Chuannan glanced at each other, this is an unrivaled anecdote!

The majestic Lord Regent has cooked the kitchen himself.

"It looks so delicious, I want to eat it too." Yusheng Xiao Yuguang saw that there were still noodles in the pot, he threw the jade bone umbrella aside, quickly picked up the bowl, and was about to scoop up the noodles.

But at this time, a certain prince's indifferent voice came from behind him: "This king treats you to Zheshou noodles, do you want it?"

Yu Shengxiao: "???"

Isn't it just a bowl of noodles?As for you!

Although his heart exploded, Yu Shengxiao finally put down the bowl silently.

Looking at this scene, the little girl suppressed her laughter desperately, and Shen Chuannan simply laughed out loud.

"My lord, there's a letter from the palace." At this time, Wu Xi pushed open the door and entered.

Jun Yu reached out to take the letter, and after reading the letter, his face darkened.

"Wu Xi, go and get Yun Mo to bring his servant to this king." Jun Yu said coldly.

get caught?
Yu Shengxiao and Shen Chuannan raised their eyebrows at the same time, something happened and they wanted to "arrest people".

Wuxi's footsteps were very fast, and he and Wuzong brought Yunmo and his servants to the palace at once. At this time, Yuan Deyin had just finished eating noodles, so she took Uncle Jiuhuang's handkerchief to wipe. Wipe the corner of his mouth.

"Jun Yu, why did you ask your people to arrest this prince?" Yun Mo stared at Jun Yu angrily with a dark face.

"A few days ago, the king of the Western Regions came to Haicheng." Jun Yu said indifferently.

"The king of the Western Regions wants to fight Chi Yan, so he can. What does it have to do with this prince, he is the king of the Western Regions... Wait, the king of the Western Regions, father?" Yun Mo realized later.

Are the kings of the Western Regions approaching Haicheng?

Beside, the expressions of Shen Chuannan and Yushengxiao became serious at the same time.

Haicheng is located at the junction of the Western Regions and the Central Plains. It is an important traffic fortress. Naturally, it is also a very important defensive tower for Chi Yan. If it is lost, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Yunmo, you villain, did you communicate with your father behind our backs? You told him to attack Chi Yan!" Yu Shengxiao picked up the jade bone fan and was about to hit Yunmo.

Yun Mo quickly jumped up and dodged the attack.

Shen Chuannan also said in a serious tone beside him: "In order to deal with the Queen Mother's family, A Yu has already transferred part of Haicheng's troops back to the capital. The king of the Western Regions is so despicable that he took advantage of this time to attack Haicheng."

"Yu Nu, tell me the truth, what's going on?" Yun Mo also asked his servant angrily.

Father doesn't want to conflict with the Central Plains. Sanger's cooperation with Jun Zhouchen that time has already disobeyed his father's order. How could father take advantage of this opportunity to attack Chi Yan? He is not the kind who takes advantage of others' danger villain!
Yu Nu hurriedly knelt down: "Third Prince, I don't know what's going on. When I set off from the Western Regions, everything in the tribe was safe. The king smiled and told me to bring you back. How could he let you go?" You attacked Chi Yan when you were still in the capital..."

Hearing Yu Nu's words, Shen Chuannan and Yu Shengxiao paused at the same time.

It also made sense. I heard that the king of the Western Regions valued his third son the most. How could he launch an attack while he was still in the capital?

Isn't he worried that they will take Yun Mo hostage?

Soon, the faint eyes of Shen Chuannan and Yu Shengxiao suddenly fell on Yunmo.

Yun Mo's hairs stood on end: "What are you doing watching me, what are you going to do to me?"

"Oh, of course I tied you up as a hostage, so your father won't dare to move around." Yu Shengxiao sneered, and wanted to find a rope to tie Yun Mo up.

"How dare you, this king doesn't know anything..."

"Don't tie him up," Jun Yu suddenly stopped Yu Shengxiao's move in a cold voice, "He really doesn't know anything."

"A Yu, what do you mean?" Shen Chuannan asked puzzled.

"The one who sent the troops may not be the king of the Western Regions." Jun Yu's voice was as cool and indifferent as water.

"It's not my father, who is that? Could it be... is it brother?" Yun Mo's voice gradually softened, but his expression became more and more frightened.

His big brother?
Who is it?

Yu Shengxiao looked at Shen Chuannan with puzzled eyes.

Shen Chuannan glanced at him, and explained helplessly: "Qi Mude, the son of the first concubine of the king of the Western Regions, is also his eldest son. Qi Mude's grandfather was originally the king of a tribe named Ronglu, but was later taken by the Western Regions The king was defeated, and the whole family was forced to submit to the king of the Western Regions. But their influence in the Western Regions is deep enough, so over the years, the Ronglu family has grown stronger, and even threatens the power of the King of the Western Regions."

"The Ronglu family has uttered wild words to the father many times, and these years have become more and more arrogant. The elder brother is also eyeing the throne. If he took advantage of the king's absence this time to control the father, and then sent troops, it would be too much. It's not impossible." Yun Mo analyzed with a cold face.

Jun Yu glanced at him with faint eyes: "I know your father well, heh, this villain's behavior is really not suitable for him. However, you can see for yourself if you have anything to do with him. "

"A Yu, what do you mean? Are you going to lead troops into battle?" Shen Chuannan asked quickly.


Jun Yu nodded to Shen Chuannan, and he turned his head to tell Wu Xi: "Wu Xi, you go to the palace to report to the emperor, he just ascended the throne, his foundation is not stable, and he must not leave the capital, so let him stop the idea of ​​the emperor's personal conquest. You ask him to prepare his troops and set off for Haicheng tomorrow."

"Subordinates obey."

"Ah Yu, I'll go with you." Shen Chuannan said solemnly.

"Your Majesty doesn't have many people available around him right now, so you have to be there to help. Also, tomorrow is the execution day for the Queen Mother's party, so you have to take good care of me for this king." Jun Yu said quietly.

"Okay." Hearing what Jun Yu said, Shen Chuannan had no choice but to nod.

"If you don't let Shen Fox follow, then you should let this genius doctor follow, after all you..."

Yu Shengxiao originally wanted to say, after all, Jun Yu's evil poison is about to flare up.

But when the words came to his lips, he remembered that Yunmo was still there, and he immediately changed his words: "On the battlefield, swords and guns have no eyes, and this genius doctor can still help you a lot."

Hearing Yu Shengxiao's words, Jun Yu nodded lightly.

"Wu Ting, you stay, and set off with Lord Jin tomorrow, and this king will go first tonight."

The battle situation in Haicheng is not optimistic, and we can't wait for a moment. If we set off with the army, the journey will be too slow, so Jun Yu decided to go ahead.

Wujing nodded immediately: "This subordinate obeys."

"Wuying, Wumu..." Jun Yu called out the two hidden guards, wanting them to take good care of Xiao Deyin when he was not around.

But before he had time to give the order, the little girl stood up quickly, put her hands on the table, and said with a serious face: "Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin is going too."

"No." Jun Yu directly refused.

"You said that Deyin will not be left alone in the future. Besides, didn't you say that someone's target is Deyin? Wouldn't it be more dangerous to let Deyin stay in the capital?" The little girl had a serious face. He spoke seriously.

Hearing her words, Jun Yu was silent for a long time, and finally let go: "Okay, you can follow, but you must always stay by my king's side."

"Understood!" After getting the consent, the little girl's expression brightened instantly.

"Wumu, tie up Prince Yunmo and leave Beijing at Maoshi." Jun Yu ordered coldly.


"Wait, Jun Yu, didn't you just say that this king doesn't know anything, and maybe it wasn't my father who sent the troops, why do you still want to tie this king?" Yunmo asked Jun Yu as if he was furious.

As a result, Jun Yu sneered: "Even if your father didn't send troops, it doesn't affect the critical moment, this king will push you to block the arrow."

Yun Mo: "???" People say?
(End of this chapter)

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