Chapter 139 Leaving the Capital
"Princess, let the slaves follow you." Cang Ling's four maids wiped tears while packing Yuan Deyin's bag.

Yuan Deyin quickly patted their shoulders, and comforted softly: "Cang Ling, Ji Xia, Lan Qiu, Xuan Ying, don't worry, with Uncle Nine Emperors by my side, the princess will be fine."

"But, no one takes care of you, your precious body..." Ji Xia said with a sob.

"It's okay, Uncle Nine Emperors has sent Sister Wuyi over here, she can take care of the princess, and she can also learn martial arts. You don't have martial arts, this journey is very dangerous." Yuan De explained earnestly.

That's right, except for Xuanying who has better hands and feet, the others have no martial arts, and they are likely to become a burden to the princess.Thinking of this, they stopped begging.

"By the way, after the princess leaves the capital, you can send Zuo Qi to the next house." Yuan Deyin reminded of this, she reminded.

"Why princess, could it be..." Cang Ling remembered something, she frowned and looked at Yuan Deyin.

"He lied to the princess. Although it was to save the princess, deception is cheating. This is an indisputable fact. It is impossible for the princess to treat him without barriers as before." Yuan Deyin's face Gradually sank.

After her words fell, there was the sound of hurried footsteps leaving from the door. Judging from the sound of those steps, its owner seemed to be still angry.

"Princess, it seems to be Master Zuo Qi." Xuanying walked to the door and took a look, just in time to see Zuo Qi's running back.

"Oh my god, Master Zuo Qi must have heard what we said, princess, do you want your servant to explain?" Ji Xia asked worriedly.

"The princess already knew that he was at the door, and the princess told him that on purpose. In case the princess left Beijing, he would do other tricks. The princess is no longer in the capital, it's not that Ling Yeguo, it's not difficult for others to deal with him." Yuan Deyin shook his head.

Cang Ling and the others looked at each other and sighed silently.

Although Master Zuo Xie lied to the little princess, seeing her like this, he didn't really blame him at all.

What she did was obviously because she was worried that Master Zuo Qi would be bullied because of his private actions when she was not in the capital.


When Yuan Deyin got into the carriage, Cang Ling and the girls were still wiping tears.

"Don't cry, the princess and Uncle Nine Emperors will return triumphantly soon, you take good care of Zuo Qi and Xiaobai for the princess." A certain little princess patiently told her.

"Okay, then we will wait for the Princess and the Ninth Prince to return in triumph at the Palace of Jiwang." Cang Ling and the others knelt heavily.

Yuan Deyin couldn't say anything more, she was afraid that if she said too much, the four girls would burst into tears again.

She turned around and wanted to get back into the carriage, but she saw a head protruding from the gate of Prince Ji's Mansion.

It was Zuo Qie, he looked hesitant, as if a little sad.

Seeing her looking over, he quickly retracted his head like a little gopher.

Hmph, aren't you angry with her, why did you come to see her off?
Yuan Deyin glanced in that direction, but finally withdrew his gaze, and quickly got into the carriage.

The carriage was spacious, and Nine Emperor Uncles sat opposite to drink tea.

"Did you scare that kid?" Jun Yu raised his eyes lightly and glanced at her.

"That's not called scaring, okay? Deyin is reminding him." A certain little girl shook her head angrily, disapproving of Uncle Nine Emperor's words.

"Don't look at him with the eyes of a child, that boy is far more difficult than you think." Jun Yu said suddenly.

Yuan Deyin looked at him puzzled.

Why did she feel that Uncle Jiu Huang had something in his words? Did he still have something about Zuo Qi that he didn't tell her?
But at this time, Jun Yu had lowered his eyes and continued drinking tea, as if he had no intention of explaining.

Well, since Uncle Nine Emperors doesn't want to explain anymore, then she shouldn't ask.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, are we really in such a hurry to leave? Brother Wuxi hasn't brought back news of the emperor's brother when he entered the palace, so we're leaving like this. Don't we really need to wait for news from the emperor's brother?"

"If you wait for the emperor's news, you won't be able to leave." Jun Yu poured her a cup of hot tea and stuffed it into her hand.

Can't go?What's the meaning?A certain little girl tilted her head, not understanding what he said.

Before Jun Yu could answer, Wumu's voice came from outside: "My lord, it's time to go."

After the words fell, the carriage started to move.

The journey here is dangerous, in order not to attract people's attention, the rest of the hidden guards are arranged with tomorrow's army.

Followed by Jun Yu were Yuan Deyin, Yusheng Xiao, Wu Mu, Wu Ying, Wu Yi, and Yun Mo with his hands tied.

They left the capital when the sun was just setting. After walking for more than half an hour, it was getting dark, but their carriage was running very fast, and now they were basically some distance away from the capital.

They were going to travel in the dark because they were short on time.

But who would have thought that the wind would blow up halfway, and there would be a drizzle of rain in the sky.

"My lord, the wind is too strong, it's inconvenient to travel, there is an inn ahead, why don't we spend the night in the inn first?" Wumu's voice came from outside.

"Alright." Jun Yu responded.

When the curtain was drawn, he took the little girl by the hand and got out of the carriage.

Wu Yi wanted to hold an umbrella for them, but Jun Yu stretched out his hand, "Give it to me."

The umbrella fell into Jun Yu's hands, and he gave most of the seat to the little girl.

This is a very dilapidated inn, probably because few people pass by this road all the year round. After they entered, they didn't find anyone there, only a hunchbacked old woman with white hair dozing off.

Hearing movement, she woke up.

"Is someone here?" She smiled, and walked with her feet up and down.

Seeing that her legs and feet were inconvenient, Yuan Deyin hurried forward.

"Grandma, we want to stay overnight, is there any room in your inn?"

"Yes, yes," the old lady nodded with a smile, and then turned around and called out, "Old man, here are the guests."

Soon, an old man who was also hunched came out from the back kitchen.

Yuan Deyin took a closer look, and found that the old man was actually one-eyed, and his eyesight was not very good.

"Oh, there are so many people here. I don't know if there are enough rooms in the inn." The old man was worried.

"Grandpa, don't worry, we can squeeze together. Sister Wuyi, let's share a room together." The little girl hurriedly said.

"Your servant obeys." Wuyi nodded quickly.

"The god... the god... the god... I live in a room by myself." Yu Shengxiao originally wanted to say "this doctor", but he was afraid that he would be exposed, so he held back for a long time before he could utter a word. .

"Ben... I also want to live in a room by myself." Yunmo yelled after being let go of his hand a long time ago.

"Sorry, two gentlemen, there are only three vacant rooms in our store. But there are quite a lot of beds in the room." The old man frowned and said apologetically.

"Master Yu, grandpa, let's share a room." Wu Mu and Wu Ying sneered at Yu Shengxiao and Yun Mo.

"What about him?" Yunmo pointed at Jun Yu with a displeased face.

"Our son naturally has his own room." Wu Mu gave him a look of disgust.

"By..." Yun Mo just wanted to say why, but Wu Ying shot a warning look over him, and he didn't dare to say anything in an instant.

That's great, when I return to the Western Regions, I must teach you a lesson, no matter who tells you to bully me!

"Okay, old man, you can take all the distinguished guests up, and I will prepare the meals below." The old lady said with a smile.

"Thank you." The little girl politely thanked the old grandma, and then followed behind the old grandpa bouncing around.

"Grandpa, are you two in this inn?" The little girl asked curiously, poking her head.

"Well, just me and the old lady, we have opened this inn since we were young. This inn has carried too many memories for us, so even if the business is not good in the past few years, there are basically no customers on weekdays. My old lady and I are reluctant to close it. It's over...well, here we are, distinguished guests, please come inside."

"Grandpa, it's fine for us to come by ourselves. I don't need to trouble you." The little girl pushed the door open on her own initiative.

"Okay, then I'll go down first, and I'll come up and call you guys after the old lady finishes cooking."

When the old man went downstairs, and Uncle Jiu Huang and the others also went to the next room, the little girl hurriedly jumped to the bed and rolled directly onto it.

After sitting in the carriage for so long, her back ached, but the bed was comfortable.

"Princess, be careful, this bed may not be solid." Wuyi watched and hurried over, and said worriedly.

"No way," the little girl had just finished speaking, when suddenly the bed board shook violently, causing her to jump up from the bed in fright, "Yeah, it's really unsteady."

She touched the table and chair next to her again, which were also very worn out.

"It seems that it has been opened for many years, and the wooden chair has become like this, but it is rare for those two old people to insist, otherwise we would not have a place to stay today." Clean up everything.

But she looked it over and found that there was nothing to clean up.

She whispered: "The two old people are really diligent. Although the equipment in this room is very old, the room is spotless, not even a spider web."

"Not even the spider web?" The little girl turned her back to Wuyi, and when she heard this, she frowned slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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