Chapter 140 Kill them

"Miss, what's wrong with you?" Seeing that Yuan Deyin had been silent, Wuyi yelled worriedly.

"It's okay, Sister Wuyi, Deyin is sleepy, sleep for a while. Uncle Jiu and Brother Wuying got a little rain just now, I'm afraid he'll catch a cold, so take this bottle of medicine to prevent it." Xiao Xiao Deyin glanced at the window from the corner of his eye, then quickly turned around and climbed onto the bed.

The Ninth Prince is in good health and usually does not catch cold.Also, isn't there Godly Doctor Jade at Wuying's side? They probably don't need their medicine.

Wuyi wanted to explain, but before she could say anything, her heart jumped suddenly when she thought of something, and her face changed.

But she quickly regained her composure, and nodded quickly: "Go to sleep, this servant will give them the medicine right now, and after the meal is ready, this servant will call you again."

An hour later.

Yu Shengxiao really couldn't stand so many big men in the same room, so he stretched and walked out slowly with the jade bone fan.

He just opened the door, and saw the old man standing at the door, he didn't know how long he stood there, and when he came out, he stared at him with one cloudy eye, very penetrating.

Yu Shengxiao was so startled that he almost jumped up on the spot.

"My lord, I'm sorry to scare you." The old man grinned and apologized to Yu Shengxiao with a smile.

But his mouth was chapped and cracked, and his smile was weird.

Yu Shengxiao coughed dryly, then asked in a low voice, "Old man, what's the matter?"

"It's such a young man, I want to feed your horses, but I have bad legs and feet, and it's raining heavily outside, so it's too hard, so I want you to help me." The old man explained.

Yushengxiao originally wanted to say that this kind of thing should be done by Wumu and Wuying. He, a genius doctor, can't treat diseases and feed horses at the same time.

However, looking at the pleading eyes of the old man, he couldn't bear to refuse.

He nodded: "Okay, I will be with you now."

After Yu Shengxiao and the old man went downstairs, the old woman also came up and called Yuan Deyin and the others to go downstairs for dinner.

Yuan Deyin got up from the bed with a "rub".

She ran to the old woman, supported her, and asked sweetly, "Grandma, what delicious food did you make?"

When Yuan Deyin touched her arm, the old woman visibly stiffened. Although her movements were small, Yuan Deyin still noticed it.

The old lady pretended nothing to do and said in a low voice: "Just some simple dishes. The small shop is too simple. I don't know if I can satisfy a few distinguished guests."

"Mother-in-law, you are too polite. If it weren't for your shop, we would have nowhere to go tonight." Yuan Deyin replied seriously.

"By the way, mother-in-law, are you and the old man taking care of such a big store?" Yuan Deyin glanced around, and then asked in a curious tone.

"Well... yes, the old man and I have no children, and we can't afford to hire a mistress, so it's always been just the two of us."

"That's it...Grandma, I take the liberty to ask, what's wrong with your legs?"

"It's just... an old problem."

"Then have you seen the doctor?"

"I've seen it. The old man often asks the doctor to show me it, but it's an old problem. No matter how much medicine I take, it won't help. I'm already old, so I don't care about it anymore." The old woman shook her head with emotion.

"Mother-in-law, you have to take your medicine on time. I have seen an old man who also suffered from leg problems. She listened to the doctor's advice and took the decoction made of Qianghuo on time, and she recovered slowly. Is that what your doctor said?"

"Uh, he said that too, and I will stick to it in the future." The old woman nodded with a smile.

At this time, Uncle Jiuhuang also came out of the room, and Yuan Deyin stopped pestering the old grandma. She walked quickly to Uncle Jiuhuang, and said obediently: "Uncle Jiu, Deyin listened to you, follow me obediently." By your side."

Hearing her words, Jun Yu glanced at the old woman not far away with dark, unclear eyes, then withdrew his eyes, and said softly, "You should keep following."

"Why are you standing at the door talking so much nonsense, Ben...I'm starving to death." Yun Mo broke in between them and said displeased.

"Guests, come down to eat first, otherwise the food will be cold." The old woman said with a smile again.

Arriving downstairs, Yuan Deyin saw a large table of dishes from a distance.

Although the dishes are ordinary, they are fragrant.

She rubbed her stomach and quickly sat down on the chair, looking like a snack.

Jun Yu sat beside her, and Yun Mo sat beside Jun Yu.

Wuyi, Wumu and Wuying were all standing there.

Wuying also took out a silver needle to test all the food and water, then shook his head at Junyu, it was not poisonous.

"You all sit down." Jun Yu said quietly.

"Master, this is inappropriate."

"You don't have to be cautious when you're out of the house." Jun Yu said expressionlessly.

This was almost an order, Wuying and the others looked at each other and could only sit down.

"You eat first. There is still soup in the kitchen that hasn't been stewed yet. I'll go and have a look first." The old woman said with a smile, and then walked towards the back kitchen with her feet up and down.

"Where's Miracle Doctor Yu?" Yuan Deyin asked with a puzzled frown when he realized that Yu Shengxiao was not there.

"Miss Hui, Master Yu went to feed the horses." Wu Ying hurriedly replied respectfully.

When did Miracle Doctor Yu become so diligent?Yuan Deyin raised his eyebrows.

"Okay, can we start eating now?" Yun Mo was already starving, so he picked up his chopsticks and started eating recklessly.

Jun Yu also picked up his chopsticks and picked up vegetables for Yuan Deyin.

The little girl buried her head, picking up rice like a little hamster.

Seeing the prince moved, Wu Ying and the others dared to use the chopsticks.

Soon, many dishes bottomed out.

"The taste of this dish is pretty good, but... it just makes people sleepy." Yun Mo burped, and then he felt something was wrong. He put down his chopsticks and tried to stand up, but his whole body fell back heavily. down.

Wuying and the others, with a few "pops", the chopsticks fell from their hands.

"My lord, my lord, there's something wrong with the dishes..." Wu Mu held his breath and said this to Jun Yu before he fainted.

Jun Yu's eyes became sharp in an instant, and he reached out to help Wuying and the others up, but the little girl next to him suddenly yelled.

"Ah, Uncle Jiu, I'm so dizzy..." After finishing speaking, she fell directly into his arms.

Jun Yu: "..." This lord didn't know what to say for such a poor acting skill.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you're going to faint, you're going to faint." A certain little girl was lying in his arms, and she didn't forget to tug on his sleeve, reminding her in a low voice.

Hearing her words, Jun Yu sighed silently, finally closed his eyes slowly, and fell forward.

However, when he fell down, he still didn't forget to use his arms to block the back of the little girl in his arms so that she wouldn't get hurt.

"Okay, they're all down." Soon, the old woman came out.

However, her back is no longer bent, and her feet are no longer lame.

She stared at Jun Yu and the others gloomyly, and sneered, "Everyone says that Chi Yan's regent is the most strategic in the world. I didn't expect to be recruited so easily, but it's just a false name."

"Zhi Ji, we must move quickly. Liu Mao lured Yu Shengxiao away to give us this chance. Otherwise, Yu Shengxiao could easily find out that we poisoned the edge of their teacup. I don't know Liu Mao Can you get rid of Yusheng Xiao?"

A group of people in black clothes came out from behind her, their heads covered their faces, and they were full of murderous looks.

"Don't worry, Brother Liu's martial arts are above you and me. In these years, there is no one he can't kill. It is more than enough to deal with Yu Shengxiao."

Zhiji sneered, then slowly raised her hand to peel off a layer of skin from her face, revealing a young face.

She carelessly wiped off the age spots on her neck and hands again, and said slowly: "You go, kill Jun Yu and his subordinates, tie up Yuan Deyin, the Lord has ordered that you must Yuan Deyin was brought back alive."

After she finished speaking, the men in black walked up to Jun Yu with their swords in hand.

The leading man in black stretched out his hand, trying to pull Yuan Deyin out of Jun Yu's arms
But before his hand could touch Yuan Deyin, suddenly a big cold hand clasped his wrist: "So, your goal is Yin'er."

"Aren't you dizzy?" The man in black looked shocked. He raised his sword, wanting to strike first.

But Jun Yu moved faster. While holding Yuan Deyin in his arms, he picked up the cup next to him and shot it out. The cup fell on the man in black's heart, and the man in black retreated steadily.

(End of this chapter)

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