Chapter 141 Jun Yu's Mother

Several other men in black wanted to chop off Yunmo's head, but Wuying next to him opened his eyes with a "squeak".

He quickly picked up the sword next to him and helped Yunmo block the fatal blow.

Wumu and Wuyi also woke up, they pulled Yunmo who was still in a coma and pushed him aside.

The little girl also stretched in Jiuhuangshu's arms, she covered her mouth and snickered: "It seems that everyone is fine..."

No, there seems to be something wrong.

When Yuan Deyin looked at Yunmo, who was sleeping like a dead pig, the corner of her mouth twitched.

What kind of third prince is this? How can he be so vigilant!
"Jun Yu, are you alright? You've noticed us a long time ago?" Zhiji's tone was resentful, her eyes stared at Jun Yu like fire.

"Do you think you're pretending well? It's all flaws!" A certain little girl glanced at Zhi Ji with disgust.

Originally thought that the other party was a kind old woman, but never thought that the other party was a poisonous scorpion.

"A flaw?" Zhiji's face was so gloomy, why didn't she realize that she had revealed a flaw.

"Your inn is dilapidated enough. This is indeed in line with your statement that you have been here for many years. But the princess is curious. There are no guests in such a dilapidated inn, only you two old people, How can you plan all the corners so clean, there is not even a spider web on the eaves..." The little girl said coldly.

"Oh, what does that mean?" Zhiji's face was very bad.

"Explanation, this used to be a dilapidated, unmanned inn, or it used to be run by an old lady, but was killed by you. You want to make this place more real, so give the inn all After cleaning it, I completely forgot about it, two old people, how can they sweep the cobwebs..."

"Also, when the princess asked about your leg ailment, I asked if the doctor advised you to eat Qianghuo, but you actually said yes. However, all doctors know that Qianghuo is for headaches, not legs. Lying, deliberately pretending to be like a mother-in-law who is inconvenient."

The more Yuan Deyin spoke, the angrier she became. It's unreasonable to lie to them like this!
"Uncle Nine Emperors, I asked Wuyi to give you the medicine just to remind you of this matter. There is no typhoid medicine in the bottle at all. It is the detoxification pill given to me by Jade Divine Doctor before. It can be solved. Fortunately, you understand what I mean."

The little girl looked at Uncle Nine Emperors and said happily.

"Princess, in fact, before you brought the medicine, the prince noticed something was wrong." Wuying said in a low voice.

"Uncle Nine Emperors has already noticed something is wrong?" Yuan Deyin was shocked. .

"This place is the most dangerous place with no shops in front of the village. It is a place where bandits and killers often hide. If the two old people can stay here for decades, they are either ghosts or thieves." Jun Yu raised his eyes slowly, His cold eyes stared at Zhiji who was not far away.

"It seems that I really underestimated you just now. How can the regent king who is only 16 years old and already holds most of Chi Yan's troops be so easy to kill?" The more sinister the smile.

"You deliberately waited until now, isn't it just to wait for us to show our feet! But, there are only a few of you, are you sure you can beat us? Junyu, you are still too arrogant."

After Zhiji's words fell, suddenly dozens of men in black broke into the door from the outside, and they were full of hostility.

These are professional killers.

Wuying, Wumu and Wuyi looked at each other, their eyes were serious.

The martial arts of these people do not seem to be low, and this will be a fierce battle.

However, even if they die, they must protect the prince and princess.

Just like that, Yunmo was thrown aside by them, and they stood in front of Jun Yu and Yuan Deyin like pine trees holding swords in their hands.

"Except for Yuan Deyin, kill everyone else." Zhiji ordered resentfully.


The men in black shouted loudly and were about to rush over.

But suddenly, dozens of "bang bang bang bang" sounded loudly, and those black people fell down.

Except for Zhiji and the three men in black with more advanced martial arts next to her who were still awake, there was not a single one left, and they all fell down.

"Jun Yu, what did you do to my people?" Zhi Ji slapped the table hard, and the table fell apart.

But soon, she also staggered, and became unconscious.

"You questioned the wrong person. It wasn't Jun Yu who did something to your people, it was this genius doctor." Suddenly, Yu Shengxiao walked in carrying Liu Mao's body.

He was soaked in a lot of rain, and his whole body was wet, but this didn't affect his prestige at all. He threw Liu Mao's body on the ground, and then began to fan the jade bone fan slowly.

"Brother Liu." Seeing Liu Mao's body, Zhiji yelled sharply, with a ferocious face and scarlet eyes.

"Hmph, with him like this, you still want to kill this genius doctor?" Yu Shengxiao snorted a few times in disgust.

half an hour ago...

Yu Shengxiao and Liu Mao went to the backyard and started feeding their horses.

The wind and rain were too heavy, and the sound of the rain was "swish, swish, swish".

Although it was covered by a horse shed, the rain still drifted in and wet Yu Shengxiao's robe.

He whistled and fed the horses in a good mood, looking like he was having a great time.

Liumao next to him coughed a few times, and then said politely: "Master, it's really hard work for you, the rain is so heavy, you are prone to catch a cold when you get wet, I will let the old lady cook some ginger soup for you later."

"It's okay for me to get wet, but old man, it's not good for you to get wet. Look at you, the dagger on your body is exposed." Yu Shengxiao didn't turn his head, he chuckled, and said so suddenly some words.

What?The dagger is exposed?

Liu Mao's first reaction was to lower his head and cover his chest.

Didn't show it!

"Wait, it's too bad, it's revealed!" Liu Mao's face darkened instantly.

He looked up, only to see Yu Shengxiao, who was still beside him just now, already dodged into the distance.

"You lied to me?" Liu Mao's face sank, he straightened his back, and his whole body became taller.

He also peeled off the layer of skin on his face, and then revealed a young face, the eyes are also intact, but there is a very hideous scar at the corner of the eye.

"Who are you guys and what do you want to do?" Yu Shengxiao asked loudly with a straight face.

"You can save these two questions and ask Lord Yan." Liu Mao sneered, picked up the dagger, and prepared to assassinate Yu Shengxiao.

But he had only walked a few steps, and suddenly, with a "poof", he spat out a mouthful of blood.

" were actually poisoned?" Liu Mao gritted his teeth and knelt down, blood came out from the corner of his eyes, his abdomen was cramping, and his whole body was shaking.

"Since we all know that you are bad people, I naturally have to do it earlier. I can't just wait for you to kill me." Yu Shengxiao rolled his eyes, and he didn't forget to step forward and kick the other party.


"Ah Yu, I'm a genius doctor. I've been squatting outside in the rain for so long, and I just want to wait for these people to come out and concentrate on poisoning." Yu Shengxiao raised an eyebrow at Jun Yu.

But for his request for credit, Jun Yu didn't even look at him.

"Jun Yu, you don't need to be shy, our lord will take off your head himself sooner or later, hahahahahahahahahaha... Brother Liu, Zhiji is going to accompany you now."

Zhiji stared at Jun Yu resentfully, and soon, her eyes protruded, she spat out a mouthful of blood, and then fell down.

The three men in black next to her also fell one after another.

"Okay." Yu Shengxiao sensed something was wrong, so he hurried over.

It turned out that everyone was dead.

"Damn it, they are all the same, with poison hidden in their mouths." Yusheng Xiao said solemnly.

Wuying checked all the men in black who fell on the ground, and his expression was also very bad, "My lord, everyone bit the poison in their mouths before fainting, and they all died."

It seems that this is a group of dead soldiers.

"Jun Yu, look." Yu Shengxiao called Jun Yu over suddenly, he turned over the bodies of Liu Mao and Zhi Ji, and saw the maple leaf mark on the back of their necks.

"They are also dove ghosts." Jun Yu's eyes flashed a frightening stern light.

If this organization can't catch Yin'er, won't it give up?
How terrifying is that organization that can cultivate such dead soldiers who are not low in martial arts and can be abandoned at any time.

"Wait a minute." Yuan Deyin suddenly found that a hairpin that fell from Zhiji's body looked familiar, so she picked it up.

The hairpin is bow-shaped, and there is a rose bird pattern on it, which looks very unique, and I have never seen anyone else wearing it in Beijing.

"Why does this hairpin look like it was worn by my concubine?" Yuan Deyin looked at the hairpin and muttered softly.

"My lord, doesn't this hairpin belong to Empress Puyang?" Wu Ying asked in shock.

Empress Puyang is Jun Yu's mother.

Wuying grew up with Jun Yu since she was a child, so she has seen the portrait painted by the late emperor for Empress Puyang. On the portrait, Empress Puyang is wearing this hairpin.

Because this hairpin is so unique, Wuying still remembers it until now.

Jun Yu stared at the hairpin in Yuan Deyin's hand for a long time with dark eyes, and finally said coldly: "It is indeed the hairpin of the queen mother."

(End of this chapter)

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