Chapter 142 The King Has You
"Is it the Nine Emperor Aunt Empress's? But, this hairpin really looks like the concubine's mother's..." The little girl wrinkled her face in confusion.

Yu Shengxiao was also puzzled by this scene, this hairpin looks very unique at first glance, how could there be Queen Puyang and Prince Ji's mansion?

"Maybe, it was more popular back then. Empress Puyang and Princess Ji had the same eyesight, so they chose this hairpin at the same time?" Yu Shengxiao said with a smile.

But the little girl quickly shook her head: "No, there is a scratch on the hairpin. Deyin dropped it when she was a child with her mother's hairpin. But later, the hairpin disappeared for some reason. Deyin still remembers that It should have been five years ago."

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, they looked over and saw that there was really a small scratch on Suzaku's underside.

"Then this should be Princess Ji's hairpin." Yu Shengxiao rubbed his chin and continued to explain.

But soon, Jun Yu denied his conjecture expressionlessly.

Jun Yu touched the hairpin's Suzaku head with his fingers, and pressed it lightly, and then a hidden button on it was pushed down, revealing a small "洳" character.

"Wait, Empress Puyang's name seems to be '沉阳洳', so this should be Empress Puyang's hairpin." Yu Shengxiao quickly changed his words.

However, he still doesn't understand that this hairpin bears the name of Empress Puyang, and also has the scratches left by Xiao Deyin.So, what the hell is going on with this hairpin?

"The queen mother told me that this hairpin was given to her by her grandmother, so she cherished it very much. When she was buried, this king took this Zhuque hairpin as her funeral object." Jun Yu said indifferently.

funeral objects...

Then shouldn't this hairpin be in the imperial mausoleum! ~
"How could this be? Concubine Mu also said that her hairpin was given to her by her grandmother, and she was sad for a long time when she didn't see her. Moreover, Concubine Mu's baby name also has the word '洳'" Yuan Deyin shook Shaking his head, his face was full of confusion.

Yusheng and Xiao were shocked.

So, whose hairpin is it?
Also, Empress Puyang's mother gave her a Suzaku hairpin, and Princess Ji's mother also gave her a Suzaku hairpin, and both of them have the word "洳" in their names.

The strangest thing is why this hairpin fell into the hands of this woman.

"Jun Yu, Empress Puyang entered the imperial mausoleum more than ten years ago. Is there a possibility that this hairpin was taken out by someone, and then fell into the hands of Princess Ji, and then was stolen by this woman..." Yu Shengxiao made a bold guess.

However, the atmosphere became more and more gloomy.

How could this matter be so simple?
The little girl shrugged her head, she looked lonely: "This hairpin has been worn by my concubine for a long time, how could it be like this..."

Seeing her like this, Jun Yu quickly put the hairpin in her hand, and said softly, "Put it away."

"But Uncle Nine Emperors, this may also belong to Empress Puyang, why did you give it to Deyin?" The little girl's eyes were red.

Although she felt that this might be the hairpin worn by the concubine mother, she wanted to keep it by her side, so she also had a thought.

However, that may also be something from the Nine Emperor Aunt Empress.

"You Nine Emperor Uncle, if you give De Yin, then you will be gone." The little girl whispered, with a cry in her voice.

"No problem." This king has you.

Jun Yu said quietly.

He glanced back at Wuying, motioning him to write a letter back to the capital as soon as possible, and send someone to visit the imperial tomb.

He must find out what is going on.

"Okay, the rain outside has stopped, let's hurry up, the corpses all over the place are strange, and I don't know if they have any accomplices, the medicine on my body is running out."

Yu Shengxiao touched the goose bumps on his arm, and quickly suggested.

"Let's go." Jun Yu nodded, took the little girl's hand, and walked outside with long legs.

Wuying and Wumu hurried out and pulled the carriage over first.

"My lord, Prince Yunmo hasn't woken up yet." Wu Ying took Yunmo out and found him sleeping like a pig.

"Pour a basin of cold water over here." Jun Yu said coldly.

"Your subordinate obeys." Wuying instantly understood what their lord meant.

Bringing a basin of cold water, Wu Ying splashed it on Yun Mo's face without hesitation.


Yun Mo's eyes opened almost instantly, and he quickly jumped up from the ground.

But his ice blue eyes were almost full of doubts.

"Why, what's the matter? Isn't this prince eating?"

He glanced around, only to see that the inn was full of dead bodies.

"This, this, what's going on here? Is there an ambush?"

"Of course, there is poison in the food, and the old lady and the old man are pretending to be killers. By the way, didn't I tell Uncle Nine Emperors and Divine Doctor Yu about this? Didn't they remind you in advance?" Yuan De Yin is also full of confusion.

Why so many people, he was recruited alone.

"No, no one told this king at all!" Yun Mo's hair exploded, his face was full of anger, he was so angry that the curly hair on his head was about to explode.

"This miracle doctor specifically told Wuying and Wumu not to remind him." Yu Shengxiao opened the jade bone fan skillfully, and said slowly.

"Why didn't you remind me." Yunmo gritted his teeth.

Why not remind?

Yu Shengxiao smiled, and said solemnly: "We are not sure whether they really know how to prescribe medicine, so we have to let you try it."

Yunmo: "???"

"Then why is this king?"

"I don't like you." Yu Shengxiao raised his chin slightly and said coldly.

"Yu Shengxiao, this king is going to kill you!" Yun Mo gritted his teeth and was about to start a fight with Yu Shengxiao.

"Okay, if there is any further delay, I will leave the two of you here." Jun Yu's indifferent eyes fell on them.

In an instant, Yun Mo and Yu Shengxiao didn't dare to talk anymore, because they both knew that a certain master... would really do what he said.

Feeling unwilling, but Yun Mo could only get into the same carriage with Yu Shengxiao in the end.

Although the road was washed muddy by the heavy rain, Wuying and Wumu's horse-drawn carriages were not at a low level, and they didn't wobble along the way, and their speed was not much worse than riding a horse.

After a whole night of tossing, Yuan Deyin was already exhausted.

She fell asleep on her stomach as soon as she got into the carriage.

Jun Yu closed his eyes and rested his mind, but suddenly felt his sleeve being pulled by something.

He raised his eyes slowly, only to see that a certain little girl had rolled to his side at some point, hugging his arm and holding on tightly.

She frowned, as if she was having a nightmare.

Mouth moved slightly, murmuring.

Jun Yu leaned over to listen carefully, and finally heard——

"Father, mother, Deyin misses you so much..."

Jun Yu's eyelashes trembled slightly, and he was silent for a long time, his thin lips pursed tightly.

Finally, he slowly raised his hand, gently caressed her frowning brows with his fingertips, and patiently smoothed the wrinkles on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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