Chapter 143
Royal Palace.

With a loud "slap", Mei Qingxue slapped the table, her face full of suppressed anger.

"The regent has already left the capital, why did you come to report to Miss Ben now?" She stared at Hu Po who was kneeling on the ground, her face full of anger.

"Your Majesty, the palace is different now. The new emperor ascends the throne. We are in an embarrassing situation. If we are not careful, we will be caught by others. Therefore, the master is already angry with his slaves. Please don't act rashly these days, and don't inquire about the regent's affairs any more. Already." Amber said earnestly.

"Father really said that?" Mei Qingxue's expression was obscure.

"That's right, ma'am, the regent has already noticed that you asked the queen to use gunpowder, and his people are still investigating this matter. Fortunately, the master was prepared, and he used people from Wei and Lingye Helping the queen transport gunpowder, those people were silenced afterwards, and the queen died, so you can get rid of the relationship."

"Ms. Ben naturally knows that my father is careful in his actions, so he won't let anyone catch him. It's just that Jun Yu's mind is so sharp?" Mei Qingxue gritted her teeth.

Now she hated Jun Yu more than ever, and finally hoped that Jun Zhouchen would die, Jun Zhouliang would become a useless person, and Jun Yu would let Jun Zhouhan ascend the throne.

Why can't he help King Xu ascend the throne!

"Miss, the master said that you were really impulsive this time. Fortunately, he didn't send a letter to King Han, and even silenced everyone who knew that you were in contact with Concubine Wei. People might find out something." Amber continued.

"What? Father didn't send a letter to Xu Wang from the beginning? Then he lied to me by saying that he had asked Xu Wang to bring troops back to Beijing, just to appease me? No wonder I haven't heard from Xu Wang for so many days. The news about returning to Beijing..." Mei Qingxue gritted her teeth and said.

"Mother, please don't blame the master, he is doing it for your own good." Amber explained with red eyes.

"How can I blame my father?" Mei Qingxue raised her eyebrows and glanced at Hu Po, the coldness in her expression slowly disappeared, "I was indeed reckless this time. Fortunately, my father has always been extremely low-key in the court, pretending The faction of neutrality has been hidden deep enough for these years. Otherwise, the dogs of the regent king would have sniffed out something. It's just a pity that my father has cultivated so many chess pieces, and this many were destroyed. "

"Get up." She glanced at Amber again.

Amber just got up from the ground.

"Miss, the new emperor has now ordered that concubines in the harem who have children will be rewarded with mansions and titles, and move out of the palace to live. Those who have no children, if they are willing to leave the palace, will receive a reward to go out of the palace and go home. Those who are willing to leave the palace can practice in the palace as a 'Madam'... Your Majesty, isn't this forcing concubines who don't want to leave the palace to become monks! Your Majesty, let's go out of the palace."

Amber said with red eyes when she remembered this.

Their mothers were born in the Mei family, and they were the daughters of the Mei family, so they naturally had the Mei family as their home.

Moreover, the new emperor has said that the empress who leaves the palace can still marry.

Their mothers are still at a flowery age, so they can't die of old age in the palace.

"No, this harem is the best place to inquire about news. Why did Miss Ben leave the palace?" Mei Qingxue looked unmoved.

"Your Majesty..." Hu Po's eyes turned red again.

"It's just that she was deprived of her title and can't be the emperor's woman..." Mei Qingxue sneered, and then quietly asked, "What happened to Zheng Lan?"

"I'm going to tell you, Madam Zheng, after returning from Prince Ji's mansion, Zheng Guiren has not come out of his palace. The emperor's imperial decree has already arrived in her palace. After the child in her womb is born, they will move out of the palace." Hu Po quickly replied.

"Keep an eye on her, maybe she will also become a good pawn." Mei Qingxue picked up the teacup, lowered her head, tasted it carefully, and then showed a weird smile.


Amber had a hard time understanding what she meant.

"By the way, how is Second Miss?"

"Report to Madam, Second Miss is still studying in the academy." Hu Po didn't understand why their mother suddenly mentioned the matter of Second Miss. After all, in the past, she hated mentioning Second Miss, but she still answered seriously.

The second Miss Mei Fu, Mei Qingzhou, her mother is just a roommate with a humble status, so naturally she can't be compared with the eldest lady. The old man doesn't value her, but she was able to get into the academy with her own ability.

"A daughter of a common house deserves to read so many books?" Mei Qingxue snorted coldly, and she put the teacup heavily on the table.

Amber quickly lowered her head, not daring to say anything.

Sure enough, the eldest lady still hates the second lady.

"You take Miss Ben's token, go back to the mansion, and ask your mother to go to the academy to bring Miss Second back, and say that Miss Ben misses Miss Second very much, and let her enter the palace to accompany Miss Ben for a while."

What?Amber froze in place.

She didn't understand their mother's intention for a while.

Since you hate Second Miss so much, why did you let her enter the palace to accompany her?
However, she couldn't doubt what the master meant, so she nodded quickly: "Your servant obeys."

After receiving Mei Qingxue's token, Hu Po quickly withdrew.

When she was alone in the palace, Mei Qingxue lowered her head and glanced at the tea she had drank half.

She dipped her finger in the tea and wrote the word "death" on the table.


After driving for five days and five nights in a row, the distance to Haicheng was finally getting closer and closer.

"My lord, there is something wrong in front, in front." Suddenly the carriage that was walking stopped, and there was a shadowless voice from outside.

"What's wrong?" Without waiting for Jun Yu to react, Yu Shengxiao first jumped off the carriage behind.

But when he got out of the carriage, his expression changed.

"Why is the fog so thick?" He frowned.

Jun Yu and Yuan Deyin got off the carriage, and then saw a thick fog in front of them.

A gust of wind blew, and the thick fog finally dissipated a lot.

They could also vaguely see a small village not far away.

"The mountain road next to it has collapsed, and there is no way to walk. Right now, the fastest way is to pass through this village." Wuying explained.

"Let's go, everyone get out of the carriage and walk through this village," Jun Yu stretched out his hand to hold the hand of a certain little girl, and said in a serious tone, "Yin'er, follow me."

"Why is there not a day of good weather on this road? It rained heavily a few days ago, and the fog is so thick today, can't there be a day of sunshine?"

A gust of cold wind blew, Yu Shengxiao touched his arm, goose bumps came up.

"Hey, why are you so timid? Isn't it because the fog is a little thicker and it scares you." Seeing Yu Shengxiao trembling, Yunmo muttered in disgust.

"Smelly boy, you must seldom read ghost stories. It is recorded in the book that dirty things are most likely to be found in this kind of village where dense fog persists all year round. Also, haven't you noticed that we have entered this village now? It’s already in the village, but the entrance to the village and the houses next to it are deserted, there’s not a single person…”

Yu Shengxiao's voice fell, and the atmosphere became even more strange.

Yun Mo glanced around. Indeed, although it was covered by thick fog, he could still clearly see that the surrounding houses were intact, but there was no one on the road.

It was getting dark, and there was not a single room with an oil lamp lit. The whole village seemed like a dead city.

The three hidden guards Wuying, Wumu and Wuyi are always standing beside them, watching their surroundings vigilantly.

Suddenly at this moment, a gust of cold wind blew and rang the bell on Yuan Deyin's waist.

The bell rang slowly, and at this moment, the sound of suona came from a distance.

The sound was long and short, piercing and sad.

Another gust of cold wind blew away the dense fog again.

They actually saw, not far away, a woman in a bright red wedding gown covered her mouth with her hands and smiled coquettishly, making a "giggle" sound.

She also held out her other hand and started beckoning.

"Husband, you have come to find my servant..."

She called "Husband" and she was actually addressing Jun Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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