Chapter 144 It's All Coffins
Under the strange atmosphere, a little girl's soft and crunchy voice suddenly came: "Uncle Nine Emperors, is this Aunt Nine Emperors?"

Hearing the little girl's words, a certain Nine Emperor Uncle who had always insisted on pampering his cub turned dark and smacked her on the forehead, and said in an extremely stern tone, "Yin'er, don't talk nonsense."

"Oh." The little girl rubbed her forehead, pursed her mouth, and didn't dare to joke anymore.

"My lord, she's gone." Wuying said solemnly.

When Jun Yu looked over again, the woman who was waving at him just now had disappeared without a trace, and the surroundings looked like a thick fog.

"Jun Yu, good fortune is not shallow." Yu Shengxiao slapped the jade bone fan, raised an eyebrow at Jun Yu, and said teasingly.

Who knows, just after he finished speaking, a sudden gust of cool wind blew in, and a weeping murmur mixed with the cold wind came into his ears: "Master, what are you doing standing there, my servant has been waiting for you for a long time."

The cold wind blew across his skirt, as if a cold hand was stroking him.

! ! ! !
"Help!" Yu Shengxiao threw the fan aside, goosebumps all over her body.

Wuying Wumu glanced at each other, and the two rushed to the place where the sound came out with their swords in hand, but the place had already been turned into a mist, and there was nothing left.

"That,'s too weird, Jun Yu, let's go quickly." Yu Shengxiao really couldn't laugh at this time.

"My lord, there is movement." Suddenly at this moment, Wu Ying's face was full of solemnity.

After Wuying's voice fell, they heard the sound of horseshoes approaching from a distance.

"Protect the prince and princess." Wuying, Wumu and Wuyi stood in front of them in full battle.

As a result, behind him, Jun Yu said coldly: "It's ours."

Not for a while, the sound of horseshoes was getting closer, and then, a figure on a horse came into their sight.

"Shen Fox, why are you here!" Yu Shengxiao saw that the person who came was Shen Chuannan, he was about to cry, and finally it was not scary.

Shen Chuannan jumped off the horse swiftly, patted the dust off his body, and said, "I saw the mark given by A Yu on the road, so I went all the way to find it."

Ever since Jun Zhouhan knew that Jun Yu was going to Haicheng first, he was worried, so he immediately ordered Shen Chuannan to support him.

Shen Chuannan hastened all the way, and it can be regarded as catching up with them now.

"Shen Fox, it's good if you come, hurry up, we're leaving this village now, this village is very weird." Yu Shengxiao pulled Shen Chuannan's sleeve with his hands.

"Strange?" Shen Chuannan frowned.

He quickly thought of something, and he asked seriously: "You mean the wedding dress woman?"

"That's right, Shen Fox, have you seen her too?" Yu Shengxiao's hairs stood on end.

"When I first entered the village, I saw a woman dressed as a married woman standing there, staring at me. When I took a closer look, she disappeared again. I thought it was because I was too tired from the journey recently. I'm hallucinating." Shen Chuannan shook his head.

"Could there be a female ghost?" Shen Chuannan swallowed timidly.

"Princess, what's the matter with you?" Seeing Yuan Deyin bowing her head in deep thought, Wuyi called out worriedly.

Hearing Wuyi's voice, Yuan Deyin raised his head, his face full of depression: "The suona song just now has two wrong notes, it should be played by a beginner, and the breath is not enough, it should be a thin female ghost or It's a brat."

Wuyi: "..."

Yu Shengxiao: "..."

Shen Chuannan: "..."

Now, is it time to worry about this?

female ghost?kid?Jun Yu's black eyes sank, and a stern light flashed in them.

"Wu Ying Wu Mu, let me search all the houses." Jun Yu said coldly.

"Subordinates obey."

Soon, Wuyingwumu walked to the houses on both sides.

As the night darkened, the thick fog gradually dissipated.

Wuyingwuying took the torch and searched the houses, but there was no one in sight.

But the last house...

"My lord, there is something wrong here." Wuying shouted loudly.

Jun Yu and the others walked over, and just as they stepped through the threshold, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

It was a very large room, densely packed with dozens of coffins, and two candles were burning in front of it.

I don't know if it's the dew in the middle of the night, or it's too cold here, Yu Shengxiao feels goosebumps all over his body and can't go down.

Jun Yu stepped forward and walked in front of the candle, smelling the smell of the candle, he frowned slightly, "Use the mermaid ointment as a candle, and the immortal will survive for a long time."

"What do you mean?" Yun Mo, who was also quite frightened by this scene, asked curiously while trembling when he heard Jun Yu's words.

"This is the original words in a book of "Historical Records". It says that candles made of mermaid ointment can last for a long time." Yuan Deyin replied in a low voice.

"Mermaid ointment is something only the nobles in the palace can afford. It is available in Chiyan Emperor's Mausoleum. How could there be this place?" Shen Chuannan looked serious.

Wuying and Wumu had already taken out their daggers and pried open the coffins one by one.

"My lord, all the coffins are empty."

"Could it be? In fact, there is something inside, but we can't see it." Yu Shengxiao asked very timidly.

After he finished speaking, the people around him felt the wind blowing.

"Shen Chuannan, look at this." Jun Yu saw a booklet next to the candle, and after he picked it up and looked at it, his face darkened.

Shen Chuannan walked over and took the booklet, only to find that it was a roster.

"Isn't this the roster for joining the army? Moreover, only Chi Yan has this kind of recording method. It also records that the people here joined the army in Haicheng." Shen Chuannan said in a low voice.

"Haicheng is led by General Hao. This king has told me long ago that the villages near Haicheng are extremely poor, and there are many women and children. A middle-aged man may be the only labor force for a family of several people. Therefore, recruiting troops in Haicheng must not recruit such people. People from nearby villages." Jun Yu said indifferently.

"Then what's going on..." Shen Chuannan frowned.

"Someone must be playing tricks. This matter is related to the Haicheng army. This king wants to find out the truth. Wuying, Wumu, Wuyi, you go to Haicheng first and report this to General Hao." Jun Yu ordered coldly .

"Subordinates obey."

The three of Wuying got the order from their lord, and immediately left the village overnight and headed for Haicheng.

"There is no one in this village, Ah Yu, where do you think they will hide?" Shen Chuannan looked sideways at Jun Yu.

Jun Yu's indifferent eyes scanned all the coffins in the room, and then landed on the coffin in the farthest corner.

He walked towards the coffin with long legs.

"You wouldn't say that someone would hide in this room, right? This place is so infiltrating, and there are so many coffins as soon as the door is opened. Normal people are scared to death. Who would dare to hide here?"

Yu Shengxiao was full of resistance, and he muttered behind Jun Yu, just trying to stop Jun Yu from continuing to investigate, and wanted to leave this weird place early.

But after hearing his words, Jun Yu snorted coldly: "That's right, in such a weird place, as soon as the door is opened, there is a coffin. Normal people would not hide here. But what about abnormal people?"

Shen Chuannan nodded in agreement: "It's because normal people would be afraid to open the door of this room, so hiding here is the safest."

"The other coffins in this room are all brand new, and they all look like new ones. Only this coffin has dust on its corners, which means it has been here for some time." Jun Yu stared at the man. The coffin opened indifferently.

Perhaps, the mystery is here.

After speaking, he raised his hand, and with a push, the heavy coffin was moved away.

Shen Chuannan quickly squatted down and knocked on the stone slab on the ground.

"Ah Yu, this underground is empty."


Shen Chuannan quickly squatted down to help, and they quickly lifted up the stone slab. It was a little dark below, but it could still be seen that it was a dark room led by stone steps.

"Look at this," Shen Chuannan took out the fire folder and pointed it at a position on the stone steps, "The mud of this footprint is still wet, which proves that someone just went down, and the size of this footprint should be a woman."

"Yu Shengxiao, take care of Yin'er." After leaving these words, Jun Yu went down first.

But the little girl tugged on his sleeve tightly and shook her head: "Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin is going down too."

"Yes, that's right, I don't want to stay at the top, and the top is also weird." Yu Shengxiao also wanted to grab Jun Yu's sleeve.

"Follow me closely." Jun Yu took the little girl's hand and walked down quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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