Chapter 145 This is a strange thing
There were not many stone steps, and they soon came to the end, and there was actually a female boudoir below.

There is a large bronze mirror in the middle of the boudoir.

"Why did you put the bronze mirror in this place? It's so scary." Yu Shengxiao walked over, trying to push the bronze mirror away.

But as soon as his fingers touched the bronze mirror, he saw the bronze mirror flicker.

"Ah, Fox Shen, save me!" Yu Shengxiao suddenly let out a heart-piercing pig cry, and then directly grabbed Shen Chuannan and held on.

Shen Chuannan's face was dark, and he wanted to push people away, but he still couldn't!

In the end, he could only turn his head, and said to the opposite side of the bronze mirror, that is, a wall: "Girl, please forgive me for disturbing you. It's just that my friend is timid and can't bear to be scared."

"My lord is a brave man." A woman's voice came.

The stone wall was actually opened, and a woman in plain clothes came out slowly.

"She was the one who was scary at the entrance of the village just now!" Yu Shengxiao roared again, gripping Shen Chuannan's arm even tighter.

"It's just some small tricks, but I'm really sorry for scaring the young master." The woman blessed her body and said softly.

"Doctor Yu, look at him, there is a shadow." Yuan Deyin was so frightened when she saw Yusheng Xiao Tangtang, a genius doctor, that she was powerless to complain.

Yu Shengxiao looked at it carefully in surprise, and sure enough, she saw a shadow under the woman's feet.

"Huh...the ones with shadows are people, not ghosts!" Yu Shengxiao sighed, patting his chest.

"Dare to ask this girl, what do you mean by pretending to be a ghost at the entrance of the village to scare us?" Shen Chuannan looked at the other party and asked slowly.

"My lord, don't ask questions that you shouldn't. I advise you to leave as soon as possible, otherwise it will be late at night and you won't be able to leave even if you want to."

The woman lowered her head and didn't want to say anything, she just wanted them to leave as soon as possible.

Just when the atmosphere fell into an eerie silence...

"Is the name recorded on it a person from your village?" Jun Yu suddenly raised the roster in his hand, staring at the woman with indifferent black eyes.

"Young master, you are joking. No one has lived in this village for a long time. What's the name? Who is from the village? I don't understand what you mean." The woman quickly shook her head in denial.

"Since you don't want to say it, there is no need to keep this roster." Jun Yu took the fire folder from Shen Chuannan, and was about to burn the roster.

"Stop," the woman finally panicked when she saw Jun Yu's actions. She frowned and asked, "Who are you guys? Why are you so obsessed with things in our village?"

"This king just wants to find out the truth." Jun Yu said indifferently.

"King...King? Are you?"

"The current regent." Shen Chuannan opened his mouth to help Junyu explain.

"You are the regent, please help us." The woman was still vigilant just now, but when she heard that Jun Yu was the regent, her eyes filled with tears, and she knelt down and begged.

"If you don't confess about this village, how can I help you?" Jun Yu remained unmoved.

The woman panicked and kowtowed, "I said... Minnv said, Minnv said. The minnv called Gan Qing, the daughter of the village head of Li village. After her father died, the villagers all supported the minnv as the village head. Our Gan family There are acrobatics skills, and those scary scenes you just saw are tricks handed down from your ancestors. Li Village is poor, but the people are simple and honest. For a long time, although everyone lived in poverty when they were young, their lives were still happy..."

"Then why, there is no one in the village now?" the little girl asked curiously.

"This... we have to start from half a year ago. Half a year ago, a group of people who claimed to be the Haicheng government came to arrest the strong men, and all the adult men in the village were arrested. For half a year, there has been no news. The children in the village and Jiji women under the age of 20 have also disappeared in the past six months, and now there are only dozens of old people and a few elderly girls including me guarding the village." Gan Qing replied with tears in her eyes.

Catch a strong man?Haicheng officials, is that really the case?

"Ah Yu, this matter is very strange." Shen Chuannan said to Jun Yu with a serious face.

"Then what are you doing with those things on it?" Yu Shengxiao swallowed, with a look of panic.

"The above is just the ancestral temple in our village. Those coffins are all prepared for the centenarians in our village." Gan Qing continued to explain.

"Then why are you pretending to be a ghost to scare us!" Yusheng Xiao was anxious.

Hearing Yu Shengxiao's words, Gan Qing shook her head, her tone was very worried, "Because it's not only the people in our village who are missing, but anyone who has settled in our village in the past six months, as long as they are children or young girls Or the young and middle-aged, all disappeared."

"Minnv is guilty, Minnv shouldn't scare people, but Minnv can't bear to see passers-by suffering in vain, so she has no choice but to make a bad move and ask the regent for forgiveness." Gan Qing kowtowed heavily.

It turned out to be to save them.

The little girl nodded knowingly.

"Then you said just now that we should leave this place as soon as possible. If we really wait until late at night, we won't be able to leave. Is it because people who pass by will disappear in the middle of the night?" The little girl quickly thought of this.

"That's right." Gan Qing nodded heavily.

"You get up first, Uncle Nine Emperors won't blame you, you are just here to save someone." Yuan Deyin walked over and helped him up.

"Girl, didn't you notice that so many people disappeared out of thin air? Besides, why didn't you report to the authorities?" Shen Chuannan asked with a frown.

"In fact, it's not like disappearing out of thin air. Minnv once investigated the matter with the remaining old people in the nearby village, and found that those passing by were all stunned and captured by the officers and soldiers of Haicheng in the middle of the night." Gan Qing hesitated for a long time. , she secretly glanced at Jun Yu's position, and finally whispered the situation.

Her answer made Shen Chuannan's eyelids twitch.

Her reaction was clearly because she was afraid that A Yu and the people in Haicheng were on the same team.

"Girl, don't worry, you are all Chi Yan's citizens, we will find out the truth." Shen Chuannan comforted Gan Qing.

"Wait a minute, you just said that you were with the old people in the nearby village, could it be the nearby village..." Yuan Deyin asked worriedly.

"The nearby villages are all the same as Li Village." Gan Qing explained with a lonely expression.

The officers and soldiers of Haicheng captured all the people in the nearby villages?With so many people arrested, what do they want to do?
Jun Yu's eyes darkened, he walked quickly to the ground, snapped his fingers, and soon, a goshawk flew down from the sky.

Jun Yu took a small wooden block on the ground in his hand, carved a word "Hui" on it with internal force, and then tied the wooden block to Goshawk.

Soon, the goshawk let out a long cry, and quickly flew into the darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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