Chapter 147 Uncle Nine Emperors Injured
"Let's stop talking so much, just arrest and interrogate the people here." Yun Mo clapped his hands.

Except for the time when Jun Yu locked him up, he had never been locked up before.

"Wait until Uncle Nine Emperors comes over, don't..." Yuan Deyin reminded.

But before she could finish her sentence, Yunmo cut off the lock directly.

"Someone has escaped." Several Western Regions noticed the movement here, and immediately raised their swords and rushed over.

"Damn it, won't you be more careful when you open the lock?" Yu Shengxiao wished he could beat Yun Mo himself.

He touched his body, and now there was only tonic left on his body, no poison.

Forget it, it's been a long time since this miracle doctor has done anything, it's time to stretch his hands and feet.

Yu Shengxiao told Yuan Deyin: "Little Deyin, stand behind us."

After speaking, he picked up the jade bone fan and started fighting with those people.

In this tiankeng, there are only less than twenty people from the Western Regions, and now they all surround Yu Shengxiao and Yun Mo.

Yuan Deyin saw that those strong men were used to being enslaved, and now they were still standing there, not knowing what to do.

She had no choice but to shout at the top of her voice, "Run, what are you doing standing there, run away."

When those people reacted, they threw themselves out desperately.

At this time, Jun Yu and Shen Chuannan also rushed in from the outside.

It turned out that there were also people outside who were holding hands. Their eyes were red with blood, and their bodies were covered with blood.

Yuan Deyin saw that a fallen man from the Western Regions had a key on him, so she ran over to pick it up and opened the door next to him.

More than a dozen women were locked together, and when they saw Yuan Deyin opened the door, they all rushed out.

"Get out of here quickly." Yuan Deyin said loudly to them.

But at this time, there was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old woman curled up in a corner, trembling constantly.

"Let's go." Yuan Deyin said to her anxiously.

"I, my legs are weak and I can't walk." The other party raised his head and said to Yuan Deyin crying.

Yuan Deyin glanced back, and found that those people from the Western Regions were not bad at all, while Miracle Doctor Yu and the others were not in good condition.

She had no choice but to run to the side of the woman and help her up.

"I'll help you, let's go together." The little girl Yuan Deyin comforted each other softly.

She used all her strength to help him up and started to walk outside.

When they were about to reach the door, a man from the Western Regions who was not far from them saw them. He had a ferocious face and ran towards them with a sword in hand.

"Let's go." Yuan Deyin was also anxious, so she could only drag the woman even harder and ran to the door.

"I, I'm afraid," the woman was so frightened that she had no strength left. Yuan Deyin was dragging her, and she kept crying, "Will I die? I don't want to die. I'm only 16 years old. I I don't want to die..."

"We won't die, we can escape." Yuan Deyin was so anxious that she wanted to comfort him.

By the way, she seems to have a bottle of poison on her body, which was given to her by Miracle Doctor Jade a long time ago, and she almost forgot its existence.

Yuan Deyin lowered her head to look for a medicine bottle, but at this time, the woman saw that the people from the Western Regions had rushed over, she hesitated, and finally pushed Yuan Deyin out, "You, help me block it."

Before Yuan Deyin could take out the medicine, he was pushed out.

She fell to the ground, completely dumbfounded.

When she looked up, she saw that the sword was already on top of her head.

She was also very scared, and she closed her eyes tremblingly.

But the expected pain didn't happen, and she suddenly felt herself falling into a gentle embrace.

How is this going?

She slowly opened her eyes, and finally met Jiuhuangshu's black eyes.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay." Jun Yu comforted him in a deep voice, his voice had a reassuring effect.

Yuan Deyin looked behind him and saw that the sword in his other hand directly pierced the heart of the man from the Western Regions, but the other's sword also pierced his shoulder.

Yuan Deyin saw blood flowing out of the sword.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you are injured!" Yuan Deyin's eyes instantly turned red.

"No problem." Jun Yu hugged her with one hand without blinking.

Over there, Shen Chuannan and the others also ended their fight.

"Ah Yu, are you okay?" Shen Chuannan walked over quickly.

"Small injury." Jun Yu said these two words expressionlessly, and then put the little girl beside Shen Chuannan.

He held the sword, and his indifferent eyes fell on the woman.

"I, I didn't mean it, I was just too scared." The woman turned pale with fright when she saw Jun Yu walking towards her, and quickly shook her head to explain.

"Who gave you the courage to push her?" Jun Yu held the sword in his hand, his veins bulging.

If he hadn't blocked the sword, what he saw now was the little girl's body.

"I'm just too scared, and I didn't do it on purpose. Could it be that you're going to kill me? She's not dead, you're just injured." The woman stretched her neck, acting as if she was right at all.

"Kill you?" Jun Yu sneered, and turned around with his eyes downcast indifferently.

The woman breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was considered a man and didn't do anything to the woman.

But she was just happy, and the next moment, Jun Yu, who was facing away from him, let go of his hand, and the sword came out of his palm and directly plunged into her heart.

Shen Chuannan's eyelids twitched, A Yu is still A Yu, no matter what method is used to hurt someone he cares about, he will surely die!
Yuan Deyin also looked at the woman's body with a cold face. Naturally, she would not sympathize with the other party, because the other party almost killed her just now.

"Ninth Prince." Suddenly at this moment, Hao Jinglue rushed in with a group of people. While wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, he knelt down and saluted Jun Yu.

Wu Ying followed beside him, and he shook his head at Jun Yu.

They told Jun Yu with their eyes that they had received a letter from Goshawk before they found Hao Jinglue, but when they rushed back here, they saw Hao Jinglue rushing this way with a team.

This really weird.

Jun Yu and Shen Chuannan were silent, and the cold sweat on Hao Jinglue's forehead grew more and more.

Yu Shengxiao had already searched the ground, and he came over: "They are all dead, and there are no survivors."

Those men and women who escaped were stopped by the people brought by Hao Jinglue, and Wuying and Wumu went to interrogate them.

It turned out that they didn't know anything. In the end, they could only be sent back to the village first.

"Ah Yu, it seems that this is just one of the people behind the scenes. Those who died are all shrimp soldiers and crab generals." Shen Chuannan said in Jun Yu's ear.

"Your official should be damned. Human trafficking and private casting of ironware happened under your nose. The official didn't even notice it. I beg your lord to come down." Hao Jinglue knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

The atmosphere became cold for a while, and there was a feeling of suffocation.

Hao Jinglue's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and Jun Yu's black eyes were staring at him like this, no one could guess what he was thinking.

Just when the atmosphere was about to be suppressed to the extreme, Jun Yu suddenly said coldly: "How is the war going?"

"Your Majesty, I am ashamed. The enemy troops from the Western Regions came to provoke us today. General Ge went out to fight. He was defeated and lost hundreds of soldiers." Hao Jinglue replied through gritted teeth.

"Send all the weapons in this place to the barracks." Jun Yu said in a cold voice, and walked outside.

"Nine, Lord Nine..." Hao Jinglue raised his head and looked at Jun Yu's back, his face was blank, he didn't know what Jun Yu meant, he didn't want to pursue the matter here?

"The top priority is to retreat from the enemy, Mr. Hao, do you understand? Don't let the Ninth Prince down again." Shen Chuannan patted Hao Jinglue on the shoulder, helped him up, and said this with an unclear expression.

"Excuse me, I understand," Hao Jing nodded heavily, and then quickly gave orders to his soldiers, "Hurry up and do it!"

"Hao Jinglue, do you really know nothing?" Yu Shengxiao walked to Shen Chuannan's side and asked in a low voice.

"Who knows," Shen Chuannan let out a sigh of relief, and gave Yu Shengxiao an emotionless look, "After all, the most important thing now is to retreat from the enemy, isn't it?"

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you still have an injury on your shoulder, Deyin will give you medicine." Yuan Deyin saw that Uncle Nine Emperors got into a carriage brought by Hao Jinglue, and she wanted to climb up.

But Jun Yu said indifferently: "You go to another car."

"Why, you are injured, Deyin wants to give you medicine." The little girl shook her head with red eyes.

After finishing speaking, she wanted to climb into the carriage again, but this time, Jun Yu's tone was more severe, "My king asked you to go to another carriage. For the medicine, Yu Shengxiao will do it."

"Okay, okay..."

This was probably the first time Uncle Jiuhuang spoke to her in such a strong tone, and Yuan Deyin's eyes filled with tears instantly.

She sniffled, lowered her head, so that Uncle Jiuhuang would not see her red eyes, and whispered, "Okay."

But before she left, she still didn't forget to put the medicine beside the carriage, and said in a low voice: "Then Uncle Nine Emperors, remember, you must ask Divine Doctor Jade to give you the medicine."

"Jun Yu, why are you so fierce? You scared Xiao Deyin. She didn't mean to hurt you, but that woman pushed her out." Seeing Yuan Deyin, Yu Shengxiao climbed up He couldn't bear to watch the way the other carriage secretly wiped away tears.

For such a sensible little girl, Jun Yu actually murdered her!
How can this be reasonable? Is there anyone who raises a daughter like him?

But in response to his questioning, Jun Yu didn't say a word, and went straight back into the carriage.

"Forget it, whoever let this genius doctor be merciful, can't just ignore death..." Yu Shengxiao cursed, picked up the medicine left by the little girl, and got into the carriage.

But just after he got into the carriage, he saw Jun Yu clutching his shoulders and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"What's wrong with you?" Yu Shengxiao's face changed suddenly, and he quickly turned sideways to look at the wound on Jun Yu's shoulder.

It was hideous, the bones were exposed, and the flesh and blood beside it... was black!
"Toxic! There is poison on that sword, why didn't you say it earlier, you are dying!" Yusheng was so angry that her voice changed.

He quickly took out the detoxification pill and put it in Jun Yu's mouth before he began to treat the wound.

That wound, even for him, seemed a little terrified.

While cleaning the blood stains on it, he suddenly remembered something, and asked in a strange tone: "You are afraid that Xiao Deyin will feel guilty when she sees your situation, so you don't let her give you medicine? No, This genius doctor will tell Xiao Deyin."

"You know, people who talk too much have a short life." Jun Yu, who had his eyes closed, suddenly raised his eyes and said this in a cold tone.

(End of this chapter)

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