The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 148 The King Didn't Blame You

Chapter 148 The King Didn't Blame You
When he arrived at the magistrate's mansion, Jun Yu ordered all the generals to be summoned.

"My lord, this is the general of Haicheng, Zhuang Min." Hao Jinglue pointed to a bearded man on the left and said to Jun Yu.

"The last general will see the Ninth Prince." Zhuang Min immediately knelt down.

"So it's General Zhuang, get up, and tell me the specific battle situation." Jun Yu nodded to the other party.

"There are a lot of people from the Western Regions this time, and most of them are nomads. Most of them are brave and good at fighting, and their horses are also excellent. On the other hand, the strength of our soldiers in Haicheng is not at the same level. So recently, we have lost a lot of soldiers. And there are not many soldiers and horses left behind in the army..." Zhuang Min said with an embarrassed expression.

"The soldiers and horses sent by the emperor will arrive in about a day. Within this day, no matter what, Haicheng must be defended." Jun Yu said indifferently.

He looked up to the sky, where the moonlight was dim.

He raised his hand and knocked on the table: "General Zhuang, where is the enemy camp?"

"It's less than five miles outside the city gate."

"Wu Ying, bring my king's armor over here, I want to visit the enemy camp at night." Jun Yu continued to speak indifferently.


The second half of the night.

Yuan Deyin was placed in the backyard of the magistrate's mansion, but she couldn't sleep all the time.

She was lying on the table, struggling all the time.

It was not easy to hear Uncle Nine Emperors came back from outside.

She stood up quickly and tiptoed out.

"My lord, your wound..." Standing behind Jun Yu, Wu Ying asked worriedly.

During this night visit to the enemy camp, I didn't expect the enemy to be so vigilant. Fortunately, the prince is very skilled in martial arts, otherwise he would have been discovered by the enemy.

But doctor Yu said that the prince has injuries, and after doing this, he doesn't know how the prince is.

"I'm fine." Jun Yu shook his head.

He quickly walked to the table and quickly drew the appearance of two young men on two pieces of paper with a brush.

"My lord, this..." Wuying looked puzzled.

Jun Yu pointed to the man with deep eyes on the left side, and said softly, "The commander of the enemy camp is not the king of the Western Regions in the camp. If you take the portrait and ask Prince Yunmo, he may know who he is."

"Then what about the other one? Do you want Prince Yunmo to identify it too?" Wu Ying asked while looking at the other portrait.

The person in this painting is dressed as a soldier, and Wuying can recognize him, who was guarding in front of the enemy camp commander's tent just now, but the strange thing is that this is clearly the appearance of a Central Plains person.

However, it is not surprising that there are soldiers who look like people from the Central Plains in the army of the Western Regions. After all, many years ago, there was a severe drought in Haicheng, and some people fled to the Western Regions.

Moreover, there are many people from the Central Plains who intermarry with people from the Western Regions, and it is not surprising that the children born are like people from the Central Plains.

"No, put this portrait away first." Jun Yu put down his pen and said expressionlessly.

"Your subordinate obeys." Wuying immediately took the order and retreated with the portrait.

After Wuying left, Jun Yu frowned and pressed his left shoulder, and the wound opened again.

He took off his armor and found that the blood was flowing out and solidified again. He frowned, bandaged it briefly, then blew out the oil lamp, and lay down on the bed.

After the room was dark for a long time, suddenly a petite figure sneaked to his door.

Jun Yu slept very lightly, and when that figure ran to his door, he opened his eyes.

With extremely sharp eyes, he could see in the dark night, that figure pierced the sandpaper on his door, and then used the bamboo tube to blow the misty smoke in.

Yuan Deyin was struggling to blow the fascinated smoke.

Doctor Yu said that this can soothe the nerves. Uncle Jiuhuang is worried and tired, and he probably doesn't sleep well. She needs to use medicine to make him rest better.

It can be regarded as blowing out all the smoke, during which Yuan Deyin accidentally inhaled a few times, choking her badly, but she covered her mouth and held back, not letting herself cough out loud.

She put the bamboo tube away, then gently pushed the door open, and then tiptoed in.

She groped to Jun Yu's bedside in the dark.

Then she touched on the bed based on her feeling, which could be regarded as touching Uncle Jiuhuang's face. She first touched his nose, and then touched his eyes.

She murmured softly: "Breathing is normal, and I fell asleep."

A Lord Regent who pretended to be asleep: "..." Was she worried that he lost his breath in his sleep?
After checking him, the little girl sat down on the ground
Xi Hai's bed was not high, so she sat on the ground and leaned forward so that her elbows could rest on the bed.

She lay on the side of the bed, holding her small face, and said guiltily, "Uncle Nine Emperors, I'm sorry, Deyin didn't mean to hurt you. I really didn't mean to."

She muttered the words of apology in a low voice, but she couldn't resist the drowsiness as she recited, and then fell asleep lying on the bed.

When she fell asleep, Jun Yu's eyes on the bed slowly opened, and when he looked sideways, he saw a fluffy head lying beside his bed.

"The king didn't blame you." He frowned and said softly.

He got up slowly, then got out of bed, stretched out his hand, hugged the little girl horizontally, and put her on the bed.

After covering the quilt, he snorted helplessly, "Look, since you're here, I don't even have a bed to sleep in."

But what he said didn't sound like the slightest bit of complaint.

After confirming that the quilts were tightly covered, Jun Yu walked out the door.

The temperature difference between daytime and nighttime in Xihai is too large, and it is cold at night, so she can't be too cold.


Yu Shengxiao was sleeping soundly in her dream, when suddenly, she felt that there was someone lying on her side.

He was so scared that he "rubbed" and opened his eyes.


He reached out to pick up the jade bone fan on the other side, and was about to attack.

As a result, Shen Chuannan's sleepy voice came: "Don't make noise, it's me."

"Shen Fox? What are you doing here with this genius doctor!" Yu Shengxiao's eyes widened, as if she wanted to lose her innocence.

"Ah Yu slept in my bed. There is no spare room in the mansion this late at night, so I can only borrow a place from you." Shen Chuannan yawned a long time and explained helplessly.

Yu Shengxiao: "???"

"Jun Yu doesn't have a bed of his own? Why does he sleep in your bed?" Yu Shengxiao continued to rage.

"The little princess slept in his bed."

"Xiao Deyin slept in his bed? Is there anything about these two people that this genius doctor doesn't know? Wait, Xiao Deyin slept in his bed. Doesn't that mean that the bed in Xiao Deyin's room is empty? That's it, I just go to sleep on Xiao Deyin's bed." Yu Shengxiao muttered, and was about to get up.

As a result, in the next moment, Shen Chuannan, who was about to fall asleep, sneered beside him: "If you don't want your dog's life to stay forever in the morning tomorrow, you can go."

Yu Shengxiao: "..."

"Then you can't come and grab the bed with this genius doctor, I don't like to sleep with others, hey!" Yu Shengxiao wanted to drive Shen Chuannan away.

In the next moment, a kick flew over and directly kicked him in the stomach, and he flew directly under the bed.

Yu Shengxiao: "???"

Good thing you Shen Chuannan, you look gentle and gentle on weekdays, but you are so restless when you sleep!
(End of this chapter)

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