The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 149 De Yin Wants to Study Medicine

Chapter 149 De Yin Wants to Study Medicine
The next morning, when Yuan Deyin got up, she rubbed her eyes.

"Huh? Why am I lying on the bed." She looked confused. Didn't she fall asleep lying on the edge of the bed?

She got out of bed and opened the door, only to see that Wuyi was already guarding here with water.

"Princess, are you awake?"

"Where did Uncle Jiuhuang go?" Yuan Deyin asked anxiously.

"Reporting to the princess, the prince and Mr. Shen have gone to the tower to fight, and the enemy army is coming again." Wu Yi reported truthfully.

But seeing Xiao Deyin's frowning expression, she quickly continued to explain: "Princess, don't worry, you have to have confidence in the prince, he and Master Shen will definitely be able to repel the enemy."

"Yeah." The little girl nodded.

Suddenly, she saw the door of the room not far away was opened, and Yu Shengxiao came out with a vicissitudes of face.

"Doctor Yu, what's the matter with you?" She walked over with concern on her face.

"It's nothing, I just watched the moon on the eaves all night by myself." Yu Shengxiao took out the jade bone fan and fanned it weakly.

look at the moon?
Miracle Doctor Jade, is it so elegant?
The little girl tilted her head, not understanding.

However, she didn't bother with the issue.

She said seriously to Yusheng Xiao: "Deyin has a request."

"You said."

"Can Deyin learn medical skills from you? In this case, Deyin can still help Uncle Jiuhuang when he is injured." The little girl whispered.

She had been thinking about this when she came back in the carriage yesterday.

"That's a good thing..." Yu Shengxiao put away the jade bone fan, and the decadent aura in her body disappeared completely.

He originally thought that Yuan Deyin was a good candidate to study medicine, and she couldn't waste her talent.

But before he could finish his sentence, a woman's chuckling voice came from the gate of the yard: "Does the Princess want to learn medical skills? This requires a lot of hard work and is very tiring."

Yuan Deyin looked over and saw a woman dressed as a woman walking in. Her clothes were bright and colorful, and there were various patterns, which looked like the style of the West Sea.

On her right was a sixteen or seventeen-year-old woman, followed by a few maidservants, who held several sets of women's new clothes in their hands.

"You are the princess of Deyin, right? My wife sees the princess of Deyin." Tan Hong smiled at Yuan Deyin, and then saluted.

"You are Mrs. Hao's wife?" Yuan Deyin looked at the other party and asked curiously.

"That's right, it's the minister's wife," Tan Hong nodded, "I don't know if the princess is still used to it when she first arrived in Xihai. The minister's wife has prepared some sets of Xihai clothes for you."

"Thank you." Yuan Deyin thanked very politely.

"This is it." She noticed the young woman following Tan Hong and asked curiously.If she remembers correctly, it must be this woman who said that studying medicine is very tiring.

"Princess, this is my wife's younger sister, Tan Ling." Tan Hong hurriedly explained.

"Princess, Minnv just heard that you said that you want to study medicine, so Minnv dared to say that studying medicine is not an easy task." Tan Ling raised her head and said to Yuan Deyin.

"Little Ling, don't talk to the princess like this." Tan Hong frowned, and his tone became serious.

Yuan Deyin smiled and shook her head: "Mrs. Tan, you don't have to be nervous, just let sister Tan Ling continue talking. My princess seems to have insights into medical skills from what sister Tan Ling said."

"Naturally, our lady, but she has been studying medicine with the medical saint Pei Heng since she was eight years old. The people in Xihai all say that she is the reincarnation of a goddess doctor." The maid standing beside Tan Ling said immediately.

"Hui Xiang, it's not as exaggerated as you say." Tan Ling glanced at Hui Xiang, with a very disapproving tone.

When Yu Shengxiao heard that Hui Xiang's words, his expression became much gloomy in an instant.

However, after a while of silence, the coldness on his body subsided a lot.

He pretended nothing to do with fanning beside him, raised his eyebrows and said, "Miss Tan, it seems that you have been studying medicine for a long time, so why do you think studying medicine is very hard?"

"You are?" Tan Ling's suspicious eyes fell on Yu Shengxiao.

Yuan Deyin wanted to say that he was Yu Shengxiao, but before he could finish his sentence, Yu Shengxiao put away the jade bone fan and spoke calmly: "The next name is Yuan, and the name is Yuan Xiaobai. "

Yuan Xiaobai?
The corners of Yuan Deyin's and Wuyi's mouths twitched at the same time.

Especially Yuan Deyin, who wanted to cover his head in embarrassment.

That was the name she gave the rabbit, and he actually stole it!

Also, he is a majestic doctor, why did he hide his name!

Also surnamed Yuan?

Tan Ling and Tan Hong looked at each other with doubts in their eyes.

They guessed that Yusheng Xiao was probably a distant relative of Yuan Deyin.

So Tan Ling finally answered seriously: "Because studying medicine requires talent. If the talent is not good, it will only harm others and yourself. Not everyone can be a doctor. A doctor must have a compassionate heart and be smart." Wisdom. Minnv is worried that Princess Deyin started studying so late, isn't it too late?"

"Sister Tan Ling, in fact, there is no time to learn anything sooner or later. You can learn as long as you live. As long as you want to, you can start at any time." Yuan Deyin explained patiently.

"Yu...Yuan, Yuan Xiaobai, what book do you think the princess should read first?" Yuan Deyin didn't want to say anything to Tan Lingduo, she wanted to learn medicine as soon as possible.

But Yusheng and Xiao didn't answer Yuan Deyin, and Tan Ling spoke again, "Princess Deyin, if you really want to learn medical skills, Minnv can teach you. Minnv still has many master's books here. It will definitely help you."

Yuan Deyin really wanted to say that she actually wanted to learn from Yusheng and Xiao, but Tan Ling was also kind, and she couldn't waste other people's kindness, so she finally nodded, "Okay, I'll take care of Sister Tan Ling. "

"The little spirit, I will leave it to you to take care of Princess Deyin, and I have to watch over the barracks." Tan Hong said solemnly.

"Sister, I know."

"Mrs. Tan, go get busy." Yuan Deyin nodded obediently.

If she can't help Uncle Nine Emperors and the army, then she must not disturb other people who can help.

Now the whole Haicheng is in panic, Madam Tan can still play a lot of roles as the magistrate's wife.

After Tan Hong left, Tan Ling also took people back to get the books.

Yuan Deyin couldn't help but said to Yu Shengxiao: "Doctor Yu, why don't you confess your identity and want to grab Xiaobai's name!"

"Pei Heng, he is a traitor from Miracle Doctor Valley." Yu Shengxiao changed his foolish appearance, and his tone became a little indifferent.

"Traitor? Doctor Jade, you are not talking about the incident eight years ago, are you?" Yuan Deyin didn't know what was going on, but Wuyi did.

"That's right." Yu Shengxiao nodded coldly.

He looked down and saw a little girl with a puzzled face, and he explained patiently: "Pei Heng was accepted as an apprentice by the master just like me, but he was born as an orphan, so he was especially afraid of being looked down upon by others, so he had to be strong in everything, and wanted to be an apprentice." Be the best in front of the master. Eight years ago, the master realized that his health was not good, so he wanted to find someone to inherit the valley of the magic doctor as soon as possible. The master had intended for me to inherit the valley of the magic doctor, but Pei Heng was not convinced, so he took the Most of the prescriptions and medicinal materials in the Divine Doctor Valley have been stolen, and that is the painstaking effort of the master all his life!"

At the end, Yusheng Xiao clenched her fists tightly, her eyes full of hatred.

It was the first time Yuan Deyin saw such a jade doctor.

It seemed that the old miracle doctor really had a deep influence on him.

"After he left the Valley of Miraculous Doctors, he used the name of his master and claimed to be a medical saint. I have been looking for him all these years, but I have never found him. I never thought that he would be related to Tan Ling. This time, we You must catch him personally and let him go to the master's grave to apologize!" Yu Shengxiao said coldly.

So it was so, Yuan Deyin and Wuyi nodded.

They immediately understood why he concealed his true identity.

But the little girl always felt a little awkward and strange in her heart. Why did they have so many things when they came to Haicheng, as if these things had been waiting for them for a long time.

Before she could think it through, Tan Ling asked someone to bring the book over.

Yu Shengxiao read it for her: "It's all the books of Miracle Doctor Gu. Although they are manuscripts, they are exactly the same as the original. It must be the traitor Pei Heng!"

"Then Doctor Yu, what are you going to do now?" Yuan Deyin asked curiously.

"Don't startle the snakes. Xiao Deyin, read these books first, and then ask the genius doctor if you don't understand anything."

"En." The little girl nodded, then went back to her room with the book in her arms and began to study hard.

At night, Wuyi yelled many times before she was willing to put down the book.

"Sister Wuyi, is Uncle Nine Emperors back?" The little girl sat at the dining table, staring at the door eagerly.

"The soldiers sent by the emperor have arrived tonight. The prince wants to rectify the army. They gather and rest in the barracks. Princess, you can eat first." Wu Yi explained patiently.


The little girl sighed.

"Then you go and call Miracle Doctor Yu over, it's boring just the two of us eating." Yuan Deyin continued to tell Wuyi.

"Your servant obeys." Wuyi nodded quickly, and walked to Yushengxiao's room.

Suddenly at this time, servants from the mansion ran in.

"Princess, there is a woman named Gan Qing at the door who wants to see you."

Sister Gan Qing?

Yuan Deyin's eyes lit up, she put down her chopsticks, and said, "Let her in quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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