Chapter 150 The Crying Wolf

Soon, the servant of the mansion brought Gan Qing in.

"Princess." Gan Qing saluted Yuan Deyin first.

"Please hurry up, how is Li Village doing now?" Yuan Deyin asked anxiously.

"All the strong men who were captured in the village have returned. Except for those who were sold and could not be found, the rest of the remaining girls and children have basically returned home. The purpose of the women's coming here this time is to tell the princess and the regent The matter of the king. If Li Village can come back to life, you are our benefactors."

When Gan Qing said this, her eyes were red.

"You are all Chi Yan's people, how could we refuse to save you? By the way, didn't those who returned provide any other clues?" Yuan Deyin asked seriously.

The people in the dark are acting so insidiously, they must be found out as soon as possible.

"This..." Gan Qing opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but she saw the servant standing next to her out of the corner of her eye, and she quickly closed her mouth again, as if hesitating to speak.

Yuan Deyin understood instantly, so she asked the servant to leave first.

"Okay, you can talk now."

"Princess," Gan Qing knelt down heavily, and then said earnestly, "Yesterday in the darkroom, Minnv suspected the prefect of Haicheng. After all, it was the officers and soldiers of Haicheng who went to the village to arrest people. But Minv I also heard from the people who went back that in that tiankeng, the men who disciplined them every day were men who looked like Western Regions, so the Minnv guessed that the people from the Western Regions must be pretending to be officers and soldiers of Haicheng, trying to frame them, but the Minnv actually..."

"Don't feel guilty. If the other party does this, it will inevitably make people suspect Haicheng officers and soldiers." Yuan Deyin shook his head.

She thought of something, and continued to ask: "Based on this, you can confirm that the people in the village must be from the Western Regions."

"There is another reason. The people who came back also said that while they were working, they overheard the people from the Western Regions chatting. They heard them say that their king is coming to attack Haicheng. They took so much trouble to play the role of Haicheng. The officials went to arrest people, but they just wanted to disappoint the people of Haicheng to the magistrate. So, princess, this must be a trap for people from the Western Regions!" Gan Qing said firmly.

At this time, Wuyi also came in from the outside, and she also heard Gan Qing's words.

Yuan Deyin nodded to her, and she quickly stood behind.

"Thank you for coming to tell the princess these things. The princess will tell Uncle Jiuhuang. I will never wrong Mr. Hao, let alone let the thieves succeed in their schemes." Yuan Deyin assured seriously.

"Princess, Minnv has one more request," Gan Qing kowtowed, and then continued, "The princess and the regent saved the people in our village, and Minnv really has nothing to repay, so I implore the princess to let Minv Serving you."

"There is no shortage of people here, and you don't need to be so polite." Yuan Deyin shook his head.

It is enough for her to have no sister.

"Princess, Minnv really wants to repay her kindness, I implore the princess to give Minnv this opportunity, even if it is only for a short period of time, she should do something." Gan Qing looked at Yuan Deyin with red eyes.

Seeing her sincere appearance, Yuan Deyin sighed in her heart, and then whispered: "Then the princess will keep you, but if the Japanese princess returns to Beijing, you have to go back to the village."

"Your servant obeys." Gan Qing kowtowed again excitedly.

"Sister Wuyi, take her to talk to Mrs. Hao first, and ask Mrs. Hao to help arrange it."

"Your servant obeys." Wuyi nodded, and quickly led Gan Qing out.

After Wuyi came back from Mrs. Hao's place, he saw their little princess eating alone boringly.

"Sister Wuyi, you are back, sit down and eat." Yuan Deyin raised his head and said to her.

"Princess, this is against the rules." Wuyi remained motionless.

"It's just the two of us here, there are so many rules, why don't you sit down quickly." A certain little princess began to act coquettishly.

I had no choice but to sit down.

"By the way, why didn't Miracle Doctor Jade come?" Yuan Deyin asked curiously.

Wuyi just remembered this, and she quickly took out a note and a book from her arms.

"Princess, this servant found this in the Jade God's doctor's room."

Yuan Deyin quickly opened the note and saw that Miracle Doctor Yu said that he had thought about it for a long time and felt that he still couldn't sit still. He had a strong premonition that Pei Heng was in Haicheng, so he wanted to go out to find someone.

As for Tan Ling, please keep an eye on her.

This book was left to him by his master, and even Pei Heng had never read it. If she could understand it, she would surely have a breakthrough in her medical skills.

"Genius doctor Yu is really good. If he wants to leave, he won't say anything to his face. It's so dangerous outside now, what if something happens to him..." The little girl muttered softly, looking a little unhappy.

"Princess, Miracle Doctor Jade may be thinking of his master, and he can't vent his resentment." Wu Yi comforted.

Yuan Deyin let out a breath, thinking so too.

"By the way, sister Wuyi, what do you think of what Gan Qing said just now?" Yuan Deyin paused for a moment with his chopsticks, then turned his head, his big dark eyes were full of curiosity.

"If what she said is true, then the prefect's suspicion can really be cleared, but..." Wuyi said at the end, his tone gradually became serious.

"However, this matter looks weird no matter how you look at it?" The little girl put down the chopsticks.

Then he began to analyze with a small face: "If the people from the Western Regions really wanted to make the people misunderstand Mr. Hao, why didn't he simply train a group of subordinates with faces from the Central Plains, but put a group of people from the Western Regions in the Tiankeng? Isn't this making yourself unhappy?"

"Perhaps, they think that no one will find the Tiankeng, and they are too confident, so they can rest assured that their own people are there." Wuyi followed her words to analyze.

"I can't rule out this possibility, so why did Mr. Hao know about us in the Tiankeng so quickly?" Yuan Deyin asked with raised eyebrows.

Wu Yi nodded, "So, the most likely thing is that what the villagers of Li Village heard was deliberately said by the people from the Western Regions, just to eliminate Mr. Hao's suspicion. In this way, it just proves one thing... ..."

"Master Hao has a problem!" Yuan Deyin's eyes flashed sternly.

"Princess, that servant will send a letter to the prince now." Wuyi was in no mood to eat for a moment.

If Hao Jinglue really colluded with the Western Regions, then the prince would be in danger on the battlefield.

"Wait a minute, sister Wuyi, if you appear in the barracks, you will really startle the snake." Yuan Deyin shook her head, stopped Wuyi, and then she shouted, "Brother Wumu, did you hear that? Go and report to Uncle Nine Emperors as soon as possible."

"Your subordinate obeys." Wumu's deep voice came from the dark, and then he quickly turned and left.

"Where's Prince Yunmo?" Yuan Deyin remembered that there was a person from the Western Regions beside them, so he hurriedly asked Wuyi.

Wuyi immediately replied: "My servant heard from Wuying that Prince Yunmo saw the portrait sent by the prince, so he was sure that the commander of the Western Regions was indeed his elder brother. The prisoners from the Western Regions sent from the barracks at noon have already confessed. The eldest prince of the Western Regions coup, now the entire Western Regions are under his control, the king of the Western Regions... is dead or alive. Prince Yunmo locked himself up and never went out."

"My princess will go and have a look." Yuan Deyin stood up, she had no intention of eating now.

She came to Yunmo's room, knocked on the door several times, but there was no movement inside, and she also waited outside the door for a long time, but there was still no response.

Finally, she simply pushed the door open.

As soon as the door was pushed open, the room was dark, but she could hear a few sobbing sounds, like a little wolf hiding and crying.

She walked slowly to the corner, only to see Yunmo buried his head in his knees, crying secretly.

"You, are you okay?" Yuan Deyin approached and asked.

As a result, the person who was still crying with his head down suddenly raised his head and rushed over.

Yuan Deyin was so frightened that he fell back, but Yunmo actually grabbed his shoulder with both hands, then leaned on her shoulder, and began to cry.

(End of this chapter)

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