Chapter 151 Is This King Another Man?
"Father, the life and death of the father is unknown, and so is the mother and concubine. Did the elder brother kill the father, mother and concubine?"

When Yunmo started crying, Yuan Deyin felt that half of his sleeve was wet from crying.

The little wolf on the prairie looks wild, but when it's pretty miserable.

Yuan Deyin wanted to push him away, but he heard him crying so badly.

She had no choice but to stretch out her hand, patted his back lightly, and comforted him patiently: "Maybe things are not that bad yet, maybe your elder brother just controlled your father, queen, mother and concubine."

"No, big brother is ferocious by nature, he will definitely kill the grass..." Yun Mo cried more and more fiercely.

Yuan Deyin had no choice but to pat him on the back with both hands to stop him from crying and choking.

She only cared about Yunmo, but she didn't know that, from the outside, it looked like she was hugging Yunmo.

Suddenly at this moment, a cold voice came from the door: "What are you doing?"

Yuan Deyin turned around, only to see Uncle Nine Emperors striding in wearing a silver armor. There was still wet blood on the armor, and he had a horrifying expression on his face. He seemed... angry.

Before Yuan Deyin could figure it out, Jun Yu lifted Yunmo from her arms with one hand.

Yun Mo was already sad enough, but now he was suddenly picked up like a chicken. He almost exploded, but when he looked up and saw Jun Yu's gloomy eyes, he couldn't say anything. Pull a few.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, are you bleeding?" The little girl asked worriedly as she tugged at Uncle Nine Emperors' armor.

When Jun Yu lowered his eyes, he could see the worried light in the little girl's red eyes.

The coldness in his expression disappeared instantly, and he said softly, "It's someone else's blood."

"It's okay..." The little girl patted her chest, scaring her to death.

"By the way, Uncle Nine Emperors, how is the King of the Western Regions?" The little girl saw Yun Mo's sad look of shaking her head again, so she decided to ask him a question.

"I can't die." Although Jun Yu answered the little girl's words, his indifferent eyes fell on Yun Mo.

When Yun Mo, who was still lifeless just now, heard Uncle Nine Emperor's words, he instantly raised his head as if he had been pumped.

"Are you serious? Father was not murdered?" Yunmo asked anxiously.

"The Western Region is composed of many tribes, and it is not stable at all. It is still attacking Chi Yan now. If the King of the Western Region is killed at this time, wouldn't it be a mess? Your big brother is not as brainless as you " Jun Yu snorted coldly and spoke indifferently.

Yun Mo: "..." It makes sense.

Little girl: "..." Nine Emperor Uncle scolded people, so powerful.

Jun Yu directly left Yun Mo behind, and then said expressionlessly: "If this king were you, you wouldn't be depressed here. Although the king of the Western Regions is safe now, but after a long time, the result may not be certain." gone."

Yun Mo froze, his fists clenched and clenched.

However, Jun Yu didn't intend to say anything more, he turned around and walked out.

The little girl glanced at Yunmo, who was still bowing her head in thought, and then at Uncle Jiuhuang's back who seemed to be a little angry. Finally, she followed Uncle Jiuhuang without hesitation.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, are you angry?" The little girl walked beside Jun Yu.

But she found that Uncle Jiuhuang, who would deliberately accommodate her short legs on weekdays, walked so fast today that she almost couldn't keep up. He must be angry, but why is he angry?

Shen Chuannan, who had been acting as a transparent person outside the door, frowned helplessly when he heard the doubtful words of a certain little princess.

The little princess actually asked Ah Yu why he was angry!
Little princess, don't you have some eyesight?

The Chinese cabbage that Ah Yu has raised for so long was almost taken away by a prairie pig, can he not be angry?
"You are a girl's family, how can you let a man hug you?" Realizing that a certain little girl didn't even know why he was angry, Jun Yu had no choice but to stop and stare at her with sideways, black eyes.

"That's not a hug, Deyin was just comforting him. Besides, didn't Uncle Jiuhuang hug Yin'er too?" The little girl pursed her lips, lowered her head, and muttered aggrievedly.

"Can this king be the same as other men?" Jun Yu's face darkened again.

"It's not the same," the little girl suddenly raised her head and shook her head seriously, "From then on, if Prince Yunmo cries again, Deyin will definitely kick him away and never comfort him again."

"En." A certain prince nodded lightly, as if he was very satisfied with this approach.

Noticing that a certain little girl shrugged her head, as if depressed by his words, Jun Yu patiently explained: "You have grown into a big girl, there are differences between men and women, do you understand?"

"Understood, my concubine also said that, except for my future husband, I can't do anything out of line with other men." The little girl nodded solemnly.

Jun Yu: "..."

Why did the king feel extremely upset when he heard her talking about her future husband.

"Ahem, let me ask you something." Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Shen Chuannan quickly stood up and changed the subject, "Where did Yushengxiao go?"

Hearing Shen Chuannan's words, the little girl's attention was taken away instantly, she quickly told what happened, and took out the note and the book.

"Pei Heng is also in Haicheng?" Shen Chuannan's face was a little dignified.

Master Shen also knows about Pei Heng?

Seeing the little girl's inquisitive eyes, Shen Chuannan quickly laughed easily, "This book, Yu Shengxiao is very precious on weekdays, even if you can't touch the truth, princess, you should take this opportunity to read it carefully. Read it."

"Well, Deyin will." The little girl nodded quickly.

"By the way, Uncle Nine Emperors, Lord Shen, did Wuying bring you the words?" The little girl asked anxiously remembering this incident.

"Well," Jun Yu nodded lightly, but he looked at her and told her in a very serious tone, "This king will pay attention to this matter. Nowadays, most of the soldiers in Xihai are sent by the emperor. There are still Wuxi and the others in the barracks, even if Hao Jing has a slight disagreement, he will not dare to act rashly. But you, Yiner, must pay attention to safety."

"Wu Ying Wu Mu Wu Yi, you three, protect the Princess." Jun Yu also coldly ordered the three guards behind him.

"Your subordinate obeys." The three secret guards responded at the same time.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, how is the war going?" The little girl continued to ask.

"Today we have repelled the enemy, but we can't be happy for too long. This battle is estimated to take a long time. After all, there is a very powerful army on the other side..." Shen Chuannan said solemnly .

But halfway through the conversation, he couldn't help laughing.

"Little princess, why do you care so much about things on the battlefield and the use of soldiers? We tell you that you don't understand. You just need to rest assured that this war will definitely end."

"Who says Deyin doesn't understand, concubine mother..." Yuan Deyin opened his mouth, wanting to explain.

But halfway through the conversation, she realized that she couldn't speak, so she quickly covered her mouth, her eyes widened, and she looked very nervous.

When Jun Yu saw this scene, a gloomy light flashed in his eyes. What did Princess Ji say that Yin'er couldn't say?

Although he had doubts in his heart, Jun Yu did not force the little girl to speak.

He said softly: "Yin'er, I heard from Wuyi that I didn't eat dinner well, what's the matter?"

"Isn't Deyin worried about you, but Jiuhuangshu has come back now, so don't worry about Deyin, now go back and continue eating." The little girl said quickly and obediently.

At this moment, Tan Ling walked in with a few maidservants carrying dishes.

"Lord Ninth, Minnv heard that you have returned home, so she specially ordered someone to cook you some delicacies from Haicheng." Tan Ling went straight to Jun Yu, and she blessed her body.

She is wearing a pink narcissus flower dress today, with a thin smoky emerald green gauze with gold threads on her shoulders.The drooping sideburns are inserted obliquely and inlaid with pearls and jasper.

When she smiles, she is a picture of a beautiful woman with a smile and hope.

(End of this chapter)

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