The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 152 Want to be Yuan Deyin's Master

Chapter 152 Want to be Yuan Deyin's Master
Hearing Tan Ling's words, Jun Yu just glanced at her coldly from the side, and then withdrew his eyes.

Tan Ling was not in a hurry, she explained with a smile: "Ninth Prince, Minnv is Mrs. Hao's younger sister, Tan Ling. This time, you are here to lead troops to fight, thank you. It's still okay for the chef to cook for the prince."

"Miss Tan, you made all these dishes?" Shen Chuannan knew that a certain prince didn't want to say a word to outsiders, but the atmosphere couldn't be too embarrassing, so he hurriedly spoke out.

Tan Ling looked at Shen Chuannan, and she smiled again, "This is Mrs. Shen, this meal is indeed cooked by the civilian girl herself. The military camp is no better than the house, so the civilian girl specially cooks for the Ninth Prince. I feel at home with Mr. Shen."

"Miss Tan is too polite. If that's the case, then bring the food in first, otherwise it will disappoint Miss Tan's good intentions." Shen Chuannan also replied with a smile, as expected of an old fox in the court. Sophisticated things come one after the other.

A few maidservants began to carry it into the hall of the yard.

Yuan Deyin's eyes lit up when she smelled the aroma of the food. She hurried back to her room, carrying her small bowl, and ran back bouncing back.

After the food was set, Jun Yu sat on the main seat, and Yuan Deyin sat on his left.

The seat on his right was vacant, and Shen Chuannan sat down on the right side of him.

Tan Ling looked at the empty seat and wanted to sit there.

But Shen Chuannan said with a fake smile at this time: "Miss Tan, you should sit on the truth's side. A Yu doesn't like others sitting beside him, not even the truth."

He is very wary of Tan Ling in his heart now, after all, Yu Shengxiao's enemy is her master Pei Heng.

Hearing Shen Chuannan's words, Tan Ling's smile froze.

She saw Yuan Deyin from the corner of her eye, and wondered why Yuan Deyin could sit on the left of Ninth Prince.

But thinking of Yuan Deyin's identity as the princess, she suppressed the discomfort in her heart, and then sat on the other side of Shen Chuannan.

"This is a crispy beef roll. The crispy skin is deep-fried in hot oil. The beef is wrapped well. The meat is fragrant and crispy." Tan Ling sat on the seat. She saw Jun Yu's eyes on one of the dishes, and immediately started Help him explain.

"En." Jun Yu responded lightly.

Then he picked up the chopsticks and put the beef roll into the bowl of the little girl next to him.

A certain little girl has been holding her own small bowl since she sat down, staring at the beef, almost wanting to see it through.

"Delicious!" The little girl took a bite, her eyes lit up.

"Lord Nine, this is mutton soup, one of the most famous dishes in Haicheng." Tan Ling continued to introduce.

Jun Yu started making mutton soup for the little girl again.

"It's delicious, thank you Uncle Nine Emperors. Sister Tan's cooking is really delicious." When the little girl thanked Uncle Nine Emperors, she still gave Tan Ling a thumbs up.

Tan Ling's smile froze slightly, and she said in a somewhat unhappy tone: "If the princess likes to eat, eat more."

She was obviously introducing the dishes to the Ninth Prince, but why did the Ninth Prince put the dishes in Yuan Deyin's bowl!

After a meal, Yuan Deyin's belly was swollen after being fed, and Jun Yu and Shen Chuannan hardly ate anything.

Tan Ling looked a little annoyed. Her meal was originally prepared for the Ninth Prince, but she didn't expect it to end up in Yuan Deyin's stomach instead.

She took a deep breath, adjusted her emotions slightly, and then said to Jun Yu, "Does Ninth Prince know that Princess Deyin is studying medicine recently? I don't know how she is doing."

Yuan Deyin: "???"

You want to know how the princess has learned, so you can just ask the princess directly, the princess is right in front of your eyes, why do you look at Uncle Nine Emperors and ask?
A certain little girl tilted her head, really puzzled.

"Why do you want to study medicine?" When Jun Yu heard Tan Ling's words, his first reaction was not to answer her, but to look sideways at the little girl and ask.

"Because, Uncle Nine Emperors is often injured." The little girl's clear eyes were full of seriousness.

So, did you learn it for the king?
Jun Yu's expression added a bit of complexity.

Shen Chuannan sighed silently at the side, it would be better to raise a daughter, it is caring.

Seeing that Tan Ling had been ignored for so long, she seemed a little unhappy, so Yuan Deyin hurriedly answered for Uncle Jiuhuang: "Sister Lao Tan is concerned. The princess has read all the books you gave me."

"Princess, are you joking? There are nearly ten books, the contents of which are obscure and boring. Don't swallow them all. Just reading them is different from absorbing knowledge while reading." Tan Ling corrected Yuan De very seriously. sound.

"Sister Tan, the content in that book is not boring at all. It is a very powerful medical book. No matter how many doctors spend their time, they want to read it. Besides, didn't you say that it is your master's book? How can you say that? .” Yuan Deyin shook her head, her tone was a little anxious.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Tan Ling's face froze. She knew that she had made a slip of the tongue, and hurriedly said with a smile: "The daughter of the people just wants to say that learning medical skills can't be done in a day. If Princess Deyin really wants to learn , you have to be down-to-earth, and you must not swallow the jujube when you read the book. When the master brought the book back then, it took half a year for the women to study hard day and night before they had a half-knowledge of the things recorded in the book. Undecided."

"What Sister Tan said is true, the princess remembers it." The little girl also didn't want to worry about this question, so she nodded.

Seeing that Yuan Deyin agreed with what she said, Tan Ling continued to say to Jun Yu: "Lord Nine, although the little princess is too impetuous in her studies, fortunately she is willing to correct it. Minnv is willing to be her teacher and guide her a little bit. Know what the Ninth Prince wants?"

Yuan Deyin: "???"

Shen Chuannan: "..."

Jun Yu sat in the middle, and Yuan Deyin and Shen Chuannan stared at each other on either side of him.

Shen Chuannan asked Yuan Deyin with his eyes: princess, do you have any opinion on Yusheng Xiao?Wouldn't it be good for him to be your master? Why do you want to recognize a new master?
The little girl pursed her mouth, and shrugged her head, also looking annoyed.

She shook her head, saying that she...had never thought about letting Tan Ling be her teacher.

But Tan Ling didn't seem to care about Yuan Deyin's thoughts, she kept explaining: "Ninth Prince, you didn't teach Princess Deyin in the barracks, and the women of the people can do it for you, and the medical skills of the women are beyond the reach of the doctors. It is said that she is extremely talented, and the daughter of the people will teach Princess Deyin to make her have entry-level medical skills within three to five years."

(End of this chapter)

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