The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 153 What to do if the first king chapter does not come

Chapter 153 What If I Do Not Come Back

Finally, after Tan Ling finished talking about her plan, the little girl weakly raised her little paw.

"Sister Tan, thank you for your kindness, but the princess already has a master, so I shouldn't look for another master." The little girl declined.

"The princess has a master? May I ask who is your master? Did you find it in Haicheng? Are you sure you don't want to learn medical skills with Minnv. Minnv's master is a medical sage, and his senior is Yu Sheng, a genius doctor." Xiao." Tan Ling frowned, as if she felt that Yuan Deyin had missed a great opportunity.

Yuan Deyin sighed in his heart, but, the master of this princess is the miraculous doctor you mentioned.

However, I feel that Tan Ling should have good intentions.

So Yuan Deyin patiently explained: "The master of the princess is also good, the princess recognizes him, and I also thank sister Tan for being willing to lend books to the princess."

Hearing Yuan Deyin's expression of unwillingness to change his mind, Tan Ling cursed inwardly.

What a pig's brain, does she not know the title of medical saint?

Originally, she was willing to lend books to Yuan Deyin because she wanted to have a good relationship with her and sell them well with Ninth Prince.

Later, she thought about it, borrowing books would be more cost-effective than being a teacher of Yuan Deyin, so that she would have more opportunities to get in touch with the Ninth Prince.

Now that this plan has failed, how will she complete the task assigned to her by her brother-in-law.

Annoyance flashed across Tan Ling's eyes.

Taking a deep breath again, Tan Ling smiled lightly and said, "Let's not talk about Master, Princess, since you said you read the book, the girl will come to test you. The book records the four things that are not for you. The well-known medicines known to ordinary people are..."

"A bowl of water by the river, a flower with seven leaves, a bead on the top of the head, and a pen by King Wen."

Before Tan Ling could finish asking, Yuan Deyin answered quickly. She glanced at the other party, and continued to explain calmly with her small face on her face: "A bowl of water by the river is born in damp places such as hillsides and forests. It tastes bitter, pungent and warm. , poisonous, has the effects of clearing away heat and detoxification, resolving phlegm and dispelling stagnation, eliminating phlegm and reducing swelling... and all diseases belong to yang, and it is not suitable for those who are extremely hot with yang, disturbed, lost their souls and delusional views, so they must be used with great care. "

"Aesculus chinensis is bitter and slightly cold in taste, slightly poisonous, and has the effects of clearing away heat and detoxification, reducing swelling and pain, cooling the liver and relieving convulsions..."

"There is also a bead on the head and a pen from King Wen. Do sister Tan Ling still want to listen?" The little girl Yuan Deyin stared at Tan Ling and asked curiously.

Tan Ling's smile had completely disappeared.

In order to blow Yuan Deyin's confidence, she deliberately chose the most difficult question. Unexpectedly... Yuan Deyin actually said it accurately.

"The princess has a really good memory. You must have memorized it many times, right?" Tan Ling asked with a stiff tone.

"No, the princess just took a look." The little girl shook her head very, very sincerely.

"Puff..." Shen Chuannan couldn't help laughing.

Alas, little princess, do you know that what you said severely hit the disciple of the medical sage opposite you.

"It seems that the princess does have the talent to learn medical skills." After Tan Ling gritted her teeth and said this, she withdrew on the grounds that she was unwell.

But after she withdrew, Yuan Deyin and Shen Chuannan found that the atmosphere in the room was not quite right.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, what's the matter with you?" Yuan Deyin looked up, only to see Uncle Nine Emperors with a sullen face, and did not speak.

"Why do you talk so much to people who have nothing to do with you?" After a long time, a certain prince uttered such a sentence indifferently.

Yuan Deyin: "..."

Shen Chuannan: "?" Why, the truth is, A Yu seems to be unhappy because he is neglected?
"Uncle Nine Emperors, that's not an unrelated person. Elder sister Tan borrowed books for Deyin to read. Although those books belonged to Miracle Doctor Valley, they were just stolen by Pei Heng. Tell her a little more, in case you can help Yu The genius doctor has something to say." Yuan Deyin replied very seriously.

"Then princess, what have you tried?" Shen Chuannan asked with a smile.

"No," Yuan Deyin was discouraged in an instant, "I didn't find out anything related to Pei Heng, but there seems to be a strange question..."

"what is the problem?"

"Just now, when Deyin mentioned a bowl of water by the river, it suddenly occurred to him that a bowl of water by the river is also called a ghost socket." Yuan Deyin wrinkled his face with a solemn expression.

"Pokemon?" Shen Chuannan read these two words carefully.

"Does it sound very familiar?" Yuan Deyin asked.

This time, without waiting for Shen Chuannan to answer, Jun Yu said expressionlessly: "Read it the other way around, and it sounds similar to Jiugui."

"Jiugui! Princess, don't you think that the organization named its dead soldiers with traditional Chinese medicine?" Shen Chuannan asked with raised eyebrows.

"It's just a little strange, maybe it's a coincidence." Yuan Deyin shrugged.

She just thought of this suddenly, and then talked about it.

However, the black eyes of Jun Yu beside her had already sunk, and a complex light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

A bowl of water by the river, grown in damp places such as hillsides and under forests, bitter in taste, pungent and warm in nature, poisonous...


"Princess, the mattress is ready, you can go to bed." After Gan Qing made the bed, she turned her head and said respectfully to Yuan Deyin.

It was only at this time that Yuan Deyin came back to his senses from the book.

What she held in her hand was the book that Yu Shengxiao had left for her. This book was indeed more refined than the few books that Tan Ling brought over. The acupuncture technique mentioned in it fascinated her.

"Gan Qing, after you go out, tell Sister Wuyi to prepare silver needles for the princess, and tomorrow the princess will learn how to prick needles." When Yuan Deyin put down the book, he still did not forget to tell Gan Qing.

"The slaves obey."

Yuan Deyin put the book away, and was about to go to the bed, but when he turned around, he accidentally knocked down the teacup beside him.

"Princess, please be careful, it will be fine if the servants come." Gan Qing quickly squatted down and picked up the pieces of the teacup.

Yuan Deyin looked at Gan Qing squatting, she suddenly became curious: "Gan Qing, why does the princess see that your left shoe is much bigger than the right one, do you not have suitable shoes?"

Gan Qing lowered her head to pick up the pieces. When she heard Yuan Deyin's words, her hand trembled and she accidentally cut her finger.

"Princess, my servant's left foot is bigger than her right foot since she was young, that's why, this servant stepped back first, Princess, please rest well." After finishing speaking, Gan Qing held the fragments and quickly withdrew.

Seeing her leaving in a hurry, Yuan Deyin touched her head in puzzlement. Isn't it normal for her feet to be unusually large? Why does she look so nervous?

"Hey, little one." Suddenly at this moment, the window next to Yuan Deyin was opened, and Yunmo was standing there in a crumpled robe.

He still smelled of alcohol, and his face was full of exhaustion, but his sharp eyes seemed a little more wild on the grassland.

This was something Yuan Deyin had never seen in his eyes before.

"Why are you giving me nicknames again!" Yuan Deyin's face darkened.

But Yun Mo didn't seem to see her anger, he continued: "My lord, tomorrow I will follow your Uncle Nine Emperors to the battlefield."

"Well, I've heard Uncle Nine Emperors say about this princess." Yuan Deyin nodded.

It is said that he himself asked Uncle Nine Emperors, saying that he must defeat his elder brother himself.

"Then what if... the king doesn't come back alive?" Yun Mo's tone was a little more depressed for some reason.

"What are you talking about? You can all come back safely. You are the third prince of the Western Regions. Aren't you the most powerful desert prince? You will definitely be invincible." Yuan Deyin walked over and patted him shoulders.

But at this time, Yun Mo suddenly took out a purple bracelet from his bosom. There was a small smooth thing on it. Yuan Deyin couldn't see what it was, so he tied it around her wrist.

"When a child of every tribe is born, his parents will pull out a mace and make a bracelet for the child to wear." Yunmo looked at the bracelet and said in a hoarse voice.

"Then how important this bracelet is to you, you should keep it." Yuan Deyin wanted to take off the bracelet.

But Yunmo blocked her movement, he shook his head: "You wear it, if the king can't come back, you can bury this bracelet, if the king can come back..."

"If you can come back, the princess will return it to you! You must come back and redeem it!" Yuan Deyin was not persistent in taking off the bracelet, and she urged in a solemn tone.

"If this king comes back, you can continue to wear this bracelet." Yun Mo said softly, the words were so soft that Yuan Deyin could not hear clearly, he turned and disappeared into the night.

(End of this chapter)

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