Chapter 154 Sudden disease
In the early morning of the next day, just as it was getting cold, the sound of horns came from the barracks, and the enemy attacked again.

When Jun Yu put on his armor and walked out of the door holding his sword.

I saw a certain little girl who was only wearing her underwear and ran out without her shoes on the bed.

With sleepy eyes, she asked softly, "Uncle Nine Emperors, are you going to the battlefield today?"

Seeing her like this, Jun Yu's first reaction was to frown.

He glanced sideways and gave Wuxi who was standing beside him a look. Wuxi quickly went back to the house and helped him get his cloak.

After taking the cloak, Jun Yu threw the sword into Wu Xi's hand, and strode towards Yuan Deyin.

"From now on, remember to put on your clothes when you come out. It's cool in the morning in Haicheng." Jun Yu quickly wrapped her tightly with a cloak, and told the little girl in a deep voice.

"Deyin remembered." The little girl nodded quickly.

She just heard movement outside, worried that he would leave when she came out, so she ran out in a hurry.

"What is this?" Jun Yu suddenly noticed the mace bracelet on her wrist.

"Prince Yunmo gave it to me. Isn't he going to go to the battlefield with you today? He told me to wear it first and return it to him when he comes back." Yuan Deyin quickly explained.

"Then do you know what this necklace means to the prince of the Western Regions?" Jun Yu's dark eyes fell on her.

"Prince Yunmo once said that it was made by Langya, and that his mother and concubine gave it to him. He also said that if he can't come back, he will ask me to bury the bracelet. No, I must Seize the bracelet, let him come back alive, and redeem the bracelet." Yuan Deyin looked very serious.

It seems that she doesn't know much.

Jun Yu lowered his eyes and looked at the bracelet with obscure eyes. He said in a deep voice, "This is made of the sharpest teeth of wolves. Only royals and nobles in the Western Regions have it. It also has a special meaning... ..."

It is the prince of the Western Regions, a token given to his future princess.

"Uncle Jiuhuang, what's the matter with you?" Yuan Deyin couldn't help asking worriedly when he found that Uncle Jiuhuang had been staring at the bracelet for so long without speaking.


"Then this bracelet..."

"Keep wearing it, I promise to let Yunmo come back safely, and ask him to take this bracelet back in person." Jun Yu said softly, then rubbed Yuan Deyin's head, then turned and left .

"Uncle Nine Emperors, then you must come back safely." Yuan Deyin shouted anxiously from behind him.

"En." Jun Yu replied in a deep voice without turning his head.


Wuyi found Yuan Deyin a small figure sewn out of pieces of cloth so that she could practice acupuncture on the acupoints on it.

"Princess, you've been getting needles for a whole day, why don't you take a rest for a while, otherwise, your eyes will hurt." Wuyi said to Yuan Deyin distressedly.

But a certain little girl didn't look up, she was completely fascinated, and she continued to pick up needles and learn acupuncture.

However, when the needle fell halfway, she suddenly realized something, and she quickly raised her head and asked, "Sister Wuyi, what's going on outside the city now, how is the battle going on with Nine Emperor Uncles?"

"Princess, everything is fine. There is news from Wuying that the Ninth Prince and Prince Yunmo have killed countless enemies today, and the enemy camp has retreated a lot." Wuyi quickly replied.

That's good, Yuan Deyin breathed a sigh of relief.

"By the way, sister Wuyi, how are the clothes prepared?" Yuan Deyin continued to ask Wuyi.

Because of the continuous fighting, many refugees appeared in Haicheng.

Mrs. Hao leaves early and returns late every day to resettle refugees.

In any case, Mrs. Hao's heart for the people of Haicheng made her very admired, and during the few days she lived in the magistrate's mansion, Mrs. Hao was also entertaining her.

So Yuan Deyin wanted to give her some presents.

The sleeves of Haicheng women's clothing are a little wider than those in the capital, which is more inconvenient when serving porridge, so Yuan Deyin asked Wuyi to change a few sets of new clothes according to the capital's clothing.

"Reporting to the princess, the servants and servants have changed their clothes, but because they all measured Mrs. Hao's size visually, I don't know if they will fit in the end." Wu Yi frowned.

"It's not easy!" Yuan Deyin quickly put down the silver needle, clapped her palms, called Gan Qing from outside, and asked Wuyi to bring out the clothes.

"Princess, what orders do you have for your servant?" Gan Qing hurried in, she still had a broom in her hand, she was sweeping outside just now.

"Sister Wuyi, Gan Qing is about the same size as Mrs. Hao, let her try it out, if she fits, Mrs. Hao should be too." Yuan Deyin explained Wuyi.

"This method is feasible." Wuyi didn't hesitate, quickly picked up the clothes and put them on Gan Qing.

Gan Qing didn't know what was going on, so she was put on a suit of clothes.

Putting on these luxurious clothes, Gan Qing has the appearance of an official's wife.

Several maidservants came in from the outside, Gan Qing turned her back to them.

They hurriedly saluted: "Slave and maid attend Princess Deyin, madam."


Yuan Deyin was stunned for a moment, and Wuyi next to her was also stunned.

"You misidentified the person, Gan Qing, turn around." Yuan Deyin couldn't help laughing after realizing it.

Gan Qing blushed and turned her head in embarrassment.

The servant girls realized that they had admitted the wrong person, and they quickly apologized: "Princess, this servant has lost her composure, this servant should be damned, Gan Qing's back looks too much like Madam."

No wonder they were surprised just now, they clearly saw the lady in the front hall, but why there is another lady in the backyard, it turns out they were wrong.

"It's okay, it's not a big problem." Yuan Deyin shook his head, telling them not to panic.

"By the way, why did you come to see this princess?" Yuan Deyin continued to ask.

She recognized these maidservants who were following Mrs. Hao.

"Princess, our wife has something urgent to ask you to go to the front hall." The maid then remembered something important, and she quickly replied.

"Gan Qing, this set of clothes is also very suitable for you. You can keep it. Sister Wuyi, you take the rest of the clothes and follow the princess to find Mrs. Hao." Yuan Deyin turned to tell Gan Qing.

When they came to the front hall, they saw Tan Hong walking up and down there, looking very anxious.

"Mrs. Hao, what's the matter with you?" Yuan Deyin walked over quickly, seeing Tan Hong's appearance, her tone was a little worried.

"Princess, my wife shouldn't bother you, but now the Ninth Prince and my family are in the barracks, and the affairs of the people in the city really shouldn't affect them, but the situation is critical now, so my wife can only I'm looking for you to discuss..." Tan Hong was anxious.

"Madam Hao, what happened to the people in the city?" Yuan Deyin grasped the key words in Tan Hong's words, and her heart was suspended.

"Since noon, many people in the city have experienced vomiting and convulsions. In severe cases, high fever persists. In just a few hours, some people died. The doctors in the city can't find out why." Tan Hong said in a tone. Said solemnly.

"There is such a strange thing? What about the casualties now? What about the soldiers in the barracks? Could it be that the enemy drugged them?" Yuan Deyin asked Tan Hong's arm.

If this happens to all the soldiers in the barracks...wouldn't it give the enemy an opportunity!
"According to my wife's knowledge, no soldiers in the barracks have experienced this kind of thing. Those who have symptoms are all ordinary people in the city. Therefore, my wife guessed that it was not people from the Western Regions who poisoned them." Tan Hong explained.

Yuan Deyin and Wuyi looked at each other.

What she said also made sense.

If the people of the Western Regions really want to poison, the first thing is to attack the soldiers in the barracks. Why bother to attack the common people?

Could it be that this time it was really a natural disaster?

"Madam Hao, is there anything the princess can do to help?" Yuan Deyin asked Tan Hong seriously.

Since Mrs. Hao is so anxious to have someone call her over, it must be because there is something that needs her help.

"The doctors in the city can't find out why. Ling'er has already gone to check. The court lady heard from Ling'er that you still have a master, princess. Is it the man who was with you that day? Could you please ask him Also come to help the people in the city to see a doctor?"


Yuan Deyin looked embarrassed, "Mrs. Hao, this is probably not possible. The master of the princess left beforehand. However, the princess has also read some medical books, so I can help sister Tan Ling."

"Princess, how can this be possible! You are a rich man, if something bad or bad happens, my wife..." Tan Hong's eyes were red, and he was anxious.

Yuan Deyin quickly comforted her: "Mrs. Hao, the lives of the common people are also fate. This princess is not so precious, and this princess wants to do her best."

After finishing speaking, Yuan Deyin hurriedly turned around and said to Wuyi, "Wuyi, let's go back and pack some things, and we'll set off right away."

Yuan Deyin stuffed all the medicine left by Yu Shengxiao in his little baggage, and then went out quickly.

It wasn't until she left the magistrate's door that she realized that there were two heavens inside and outside the mansion.

It turned out that because of the long-term closure of the city gates, many people in the city lost their livelihoods, they were sallow and emaciated, and there were many beggars on the streets.

This time, the febrile disease was so fierce that many people died on the streets.

All kinds of crying and choking were mixed together with cries for help.

(End of this chapter)

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