Chapter 155 Who are you looking for
"Save my child, save him, save him..." Suddenly, a voice rang in my ears.

Yuan Deyin saw not far away, a woman knelt down to a doctor holding a child who looked less than one year old.

The doctor shook his head helplessly, "It's not that I don't want to save him, it's just that the child already has a fever, and the medicine for fever didn't work for him, what else can I do?"

While he was talking, the child was already foaming at the mouth and twitching his hands and feet.

"Save him, save him, who will save my child..." The mother cried until her voice was hoarse, and her tears were almost dry.

Yuan Deyin hurried over.

She reached out and touched the child. It was so hot, as if it had been burned.

"Girl, I beg you to save my child." The woman was frantic, and when she saw Yuan Deyin appearing, she held onto her hand tightly as if she had found a life-saving straw.

"Sister Wuyi, hurry up and fetch a basin of cold water, the cooler the better." Yuan Deyin urged Wuyi anxiously.

Wuyi nodded, and quickly went to find water.

"Girl, what do you want to do? This child is hopeless, so don't bother." The doctor felt crazy when he saw Yuan Deyin, a little girl's family, who actually wanted to save someone.

"This is a life, no matter what, you have to try it." Yuan Deyin started, trying to feel the child's pulse.

Seeing that Yuan Deyin's pulse was so jerky, the doctor shook his head helplessly: "What an ignorant girl, don't you think it's a wind-cold, not to mention that this wind-cold is easy to kill, we old doctors are hard to treat, let alone What's more, this symptom is not a wind-cold, it looks like a wind-cold, but it is much more serious than a wind-cold, there is no cure!"

Yuan Deyin ignored her, she kept comforting the child and his mother.

Soon, Wuyi brought a basin of water, and Yuan Deyin quickly took out a handkerchief, dipped it in the water, and wiped the child's face.

Seeing her actions, Wuyi followed her example to help.

Yuan Deyin also took out a detoxification pill from Yushengxiao from her arms, and she fed it to the child.

It turned out that the child's symptoms did not ease.

Could it be that it's really not poisoning, or... this detoxification pill is not suitable for detoxifying this poison.

However, under Yuan Deyin's method of cooling down with water, the child's body temperature can be regarded as dropping a little bit.

Although there is no way to return to normal conditions, it is much better than the state of fever just now.

The doctor took the child's pulse, and he muttered softly, "Water is a good way to lower the body temperature. Although the child's symptoms are still there, it's not fatal..."

"Wuyi, go and tell Mrs. Hao that everyone can use water to lower the patient's temperature first, stabilize the symptoms first, and then find a way to find a cure." Yuan Deyin told Wuyi.

"Your servant obeys." Wuyi immediately turned around to deal with the matter.

Seeing her child was a little breathless, and the woman was crying and wanted to kneel down to Yuan Deyin again.

Yuan Deyin quickly supported her, and she patiently told her: "Now your child's symptoms are still there, we will find a way to save him as soon as possible, but while we are trying to find a way, you must not let him have a fever like just now And, if he still twitches, you can cover his teeth with a handkerchief, but don't let him bite his tongue."

After giving the instructions, Yuan Deyin ran to the other side because she saw Tan Ling and her maid walking over with the medicine box.

A group of people followed her, and the people shouted with gratitude: "Miss Tan, you really are the reincarnation of a goddess doctor, we are saved, we are saved."

When Yuan Deyin heard this, a lot of stones fell in her heart. She hurried over and asked anxiously, "Sister Tan, do you know what's wrong?"

"Of course I know. I have seen the symptoms of several people, and I can be sure that they have malaria." Tan Ling said firmly.

"Malaria... malaria?"

Seeing Yuan Deyin's blank expression, Tan Ling thought she didn't know what the disease was, so she continued to explain loudly: "Malaria is after mosquito bites. It is recorded in Minnv Master's book that malaria can cause people to die. The body will be hot and cold, especially when the heat reaches a certain level, the whole body will convulse, and then gradually die, the people are suffering from this disease."

"No, sadism is not like this..." Yuan Deyin shook his head anxiously.

Although malaria has the symptoms mentioned by Tan Ling, the onset period of malaria is relatively long, and it should not be a sudden outbreak.

But Yuan Deyin couldn't continue to speak, and there was a commoner next to him with a dark face: "You girl, what do you know about movies? Miracle doctor Tan is the apprentice of the medical saint, and it has something to do with Miracle Doctor Gu, she said It's malaria, that's for sure!"

"Sister Tan Ling, why don't you take another look..." Yuan Deyin only wanted to persuade Tan Ling.

But Tan Ling looked determined and confident: "Minnv has never made a mistake in her diagnosis. I have already let people start exterminating insects. As for those who have already suffered from halberd abuse, I will go back and check the master's books. Make an antidote and everyone will be fine."

"We are saved, thank you Miracle Doctor Tan, thank you Miracle Doctor Tan." Those common people knelt down and kowtowed in tears of gratitude.

Yuan Deyin had no chance at all to say what he wanted to say. He could only see how the people trusted Tan Ling.

"You, you are the princess?" Suddenly at this moment, a weak female voice came from Yuan Deyin's side.

Yuan Deyin turned around, only to see the woman just now, holding her son, looking at Yuan Deyin with red eyes.

"Yeah." Yuan Deyin nodded.

"Benefactor, the housewife can be regarded as seeing you." The woman burst into tears, and she was about to kneel down again holding the child.

Yuan Deyin naturally wanted to stop her, so she reached out to help her to the side.

"You...know the princess before?" Yuan Deyin looked at her with some puzzlement.

"The woman called Li Jiao. Her natal family is from Li Village. Thanks to you and the regent, the woman's elder brother was rescued... I just don't know if he can survive this time." After speaking, Li Jiao's The voice suddenly dropped.

"What's wrong with him now?"

"Princess, Li Village, there are people who are in the same situation as the woman's son, and the elder brother of the woman is the same. When the woman came out of Li Village in the morning, the elder brother has been feverish..." Li Jiao said with red eyes.

"Are there many cases like this in Li Village?" Yuan Deyin's heart sank to the bottom.

She thought it was the case in the city, but she never thought that it was the case in the surrounding villages as well.

"My princess will accompany you to Li Village." Yuan Deyin nodded solemnly.

She yelled and asked Wuying who was following to come over and help Li Jiao hug the child. Li Jiao found a carriage and quickly went to Li Village with Yuan Deyin.

"By the way, how is the situation at Gan Qing's family?" Yuan Deyin suddenly remembered that if Li Village also suffered from this disease, then Gan Qing's family would also be in danger.

"Gan Qing? Princess, what you are talking about is Gan Qing, the adopted daughter of the village head of our Li village?" Li Jiao asked in a low voice.

"Yes, it's her."

"The village head passed away a long time ago, Gan Qing didn't have much contact with us, and there is no one in their family, why did the princess ask about her?" Li Jiao looked very puzzled.

"You mean...Gan Qing doesn't have much contact with you? But isn't she your village chief?" Yuan Deyin's face changed slightly.

"When the village head passed away, she did say that the village should not be left alone for a day, so she took the initiative to take over the power of the village head. However, she is often not in the village, and she doesn't care about any problems in the village, so As time went by, we didn't want her to be the village head anymore, and later, that incident happened in the village, and we didn't communicate with each other even more."

Li Jiao continued to explain that although she is married, the city is not far from Li Village, and she knows many things about the village.

No, didn't Gan Qing say that everyone supported her as the village head?
Why, Li Jiao is another way of saying it?


The carriage ran on the road, and soon stopped at Li Village.

But when he was in Li Village, suddenly a man rushed out on a horse.

"Princess, why didn't this servant know that you were coming to Li Village?" Gan Qing's anxious voice came from outside.

Before Yuan Deyin could answer, Gan Qing came to the carriage.

"Princess, servant help you get out of the car."

After the words fell, Gan Qing quickly opened the curtain of the carriage.

As a result, I only saw Yuan Deyin recuperating in the carriage with his eyes closed.

Her eyes glanced around the carriage nervously, only to find that there was no one else at all.

Suddenly, Yuan Deyin opened his eyes, looked at Gan Qing with unclear eyes, and said slowly, "Gan Qing, who are you looking for?"

(End of this chapter)

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