Chapter 156 The disease is not right

After Yuan Deyin's words fell, Gan Qing froze.

She hurriedly said: "I didn't look for anyone, I just heard from the people in the city that you came to Li Village together with people from Li Village. The servant was worried about you, so I rushed over here. But, why are you the only princess? "

"She has something to do on the way, so the princess let her get off the carriage first." Yuan Deyin replied calmly.

Seeing Gan Qing's flustered look, she snorted softly, and then said in a relaxed tone: "My princess heard that the situation in Li Village is not very good, so I wanted to come and see. I was worried that I was not familiar with the village. But Gan Qing, if you come, someone will lead the way for the princess."

"The servant is willing to serve the princess." Gan Qing took a peek at Yuan Deyin's expression, and found that there was really nothing unusual about her expression, so she relaxed a little in her heart.

Yuan Deyin jumped off the carriage and walked to the village.

Gan Qing and Wu Ying followed behind her.

The village already has the breath of people, but there is no trace of relaxation.

Wherever it entered the ears, there were coughing sounds, and many people had sad faces.

Yuan Deyin looked around, and found that almost every household had symptoms, and within two hours, nearly ten people had passed away.

She could only give them the way she used to treat Li Jiao's son, and temporarily suppress their fever.

But she understands that this is not a cure for the symptoms.

A cure must be found as soon as possible.

While Yuan Deyin was contemplating, a middle-aged man suddenly fell down not far away.

A teenage boy next to him hurried to support him.

"Father, dad, are you alright?" the boy anxiously grabbed his arm and shouted.

Yuan Deyin walked over quickly, took his pulse, and his face changed.

The pulse is weird, and the whole body is hot, which should be contracted by that strange disease.

Yuan Deyin gave Wuying a look, and Wuying quickly found cold water to help the man suppress the temperature.

"Hurry up and help your father go back to rest." Yuan Deyin looked at the sun so fiercely above her head, and if this continued, it would only make this person die faster, so she hurriedly told the boy.

But before the boy answered, the middle-aged man became conscious, and he waved his hand: "The two families at the head of the village are still waiting for me to help them carry their bodies."

"Father, didn't you hear this girl say that you should rest, your body can't bear it anymore." The boy's eyes turned red anxiously.

"Nonsense, I'm in good health. I've done so much work and I'm fine. Back then, those people from the Western Regions beat me to pieces and pushed me into the lake. I got infected. The wind and cold have also survived, and now after carrying a few corpses, it is impossible for my body to have problems, I am just a little tired for the time being."

Although the tone of that kind of man was a little weak, he still looked angry and round, completely refusing to admit that his body was about to fail.

"Father..." The boy's eyes turned red again, he didn't know how to convince his father.

Yuan Deyin was beside her, and her expression gradually became complicated.

A person with such a strong body really shouldn't suddenly become so weak.

"Brother Wuying, do you feel... there is a problem?" Yuan Deyin looked back at Wuying.

Wuying's tense face also began to become serious.

He thought of something, he took a quick step forward, his tall body blocked Yuan Deyin and the man.

He stared at the man with sharp eyes, and then asked, "Who have you come into contact with today?"

The man was frightened by Wuying's eyes, and he quickly replied: "No, I haven't seen anyone. It's just that people from a few families suddenly died of strange diseases. The custom in our village is that people die All the people will move to the temple at the back of the village, where our coffins are placed..."

Hearing this, Gan Qing hurriedly said in Yuan Deyin's ear: "Princess, that's the place where you saw your slaves that day."

"Then do you know where the family members of the deceased went today, or who did they meet?" Yuan Deyin anxiously poked his head out from behind Wuying and asked anxiously.

"I, let me think about it..." The man coughed a few times, and then began to recall.

"Li Sheng at the head of the village, he said he was going to get bad luck from the tiankeng, so he went to the city to buy food with a few people from his neighbor's family, and planned to have a banquet for the villagers to eat, but, but who knows If the banquet is not completed, there will be no people..." The man coughed badly again as he spoke.

"Except for him, what happened to the people who went with him?"

"It's all gone, it's really weird. Even the few people who went to help their house in the morning fell down. When I went to lift the body just now, I saw a few women in their house with displeased faces. Comfortable." The man murmured softly.

"Brother Wuying, quickly, cover your mouth and nose." Yuan Deyin anxiously took out several handkerchiefs from his arms.

Fortunately, I have been with Uncle Jiuhuang for a long time, and I am used to his cleanliness, so I carry a few more handkerchiefs with me.

Wuying didn't care about the next crime, he quickly took the handkerchief to cover his mouth and nose.

Yuan Deyin trotted over and gave the boy a handkerchief.

Seeing that the young man was still hesitating, Yuan Deyin's tone became anxious, "If you don't want no one to take care of your father, you can just stay in a daze."

Her words successfully frightened the boy, he quickly took the handkerchief and covered his mouth and nose.

Yuan Deyin didn't care about this side, she and Wuying looked at each other, and the two quickly ran to the village.

Gan Qing followed behind. Although she didn't know what was going on, she quickly imitated Yuan Deyin, covered her mouth and nose with a handkerchief, and followed quickly.

When Yuan Deyin and Wuying came to the village, they saw that another villager had died, and many people were crying and mourning around his body.

"Everyone, stay away from the corpse." Yuan Deyin panted and shouted at the group of people.

Those villagers were already panicked by the sudden death of so many people, but now seeing Yuan Deyin shouting, as if they were making trouble, their faces instantly turned bad.

"Where did the girl come from! Go away, we are having a funeral here."

Yuan Deyin didn't have time to explain anything to them, so he gave Wuying a look.

Wuying quickly walked to the nearby bonfire and picked up a torch.

This bonfire was also the one they used to prepare the banquet.

Holding the torch, Wuying jumped and landed beside the dead villagers.

Without batting an eye, he threw the torch down.

In an instant, the corpse was surrounded by fire.

"What are you doing, you are desecrating the corpse!" The family members of the deceased almost went crazy, and the people in the village were completely angry.

They picked up the hoe and stick next to them, and were about to attack Wuying.

Wuying's indifferent eyes swept across them, and he only needed to push these people down with one palm.

Seeing that the situation was very bad, Yuan Deyin quickly ran to Wuying.

Then he said loudly: "Everyone, please calm down first. Patients are contagious, especially corpses. The contagion is extremely high. The corpse must be destroyed as soon as possible. Please forgive me for the sudden incident."

Corpse infection?

When those village names heard Yuan Deyin's words, they quickly waved their hands, looking very annoyed: "It's just nonsense, what can a corpse do to a living person!"

"She burned my father's body, I want revenge." A girl with a hoe was about to attack Yuan Deyin.

Wuying will fight back.

But Yuan Deyin shook his head at him, telling him not to take any action yet.

Yuan Deyin was a distance away from the girl, and she said in a serious tone: "Are you feeling hot all over and coughing?"

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, the girl froze for a moment, she put down the hoe weakly, and looked at Yuan Deyin puzzled.

Yuan Deyin glanced at the people present, and then said loudly: "Did you come here and feel unwell after contacting the dead? It is not accidental that so many people died today, but to The people who went to the city got sick, and they infected you when they came back. The actions of the guards of the princess just now were indeed a little impulsive, but we also wanted to save you."

"You, you are Princess Deyin?" Many village names froze when they heard the words "Princess Ben" at the end of Yuan Deyin's words.

"It's the princess." Yuan Deyin nodded.

At this time, the villagers quickly knelt down and kowtowed.

If someone else said it, they might still have doubts.

But if the girl in front of them is really Princess Deyin, then they absolutely trust her!

Although Li Village didn't know, Lord Nine and Princess Deyin were the benefactors of their village.

"Princess, is what you said true?" An old woman coughed while looking at Yuan Deyin anxiously.

"Grandma, you are..."

"The one who was burned just now was the son of a commoner." The old woman said, wiping her tears.

A young man next to her also suddenly realized, and he said anxiously: "Grandma, what the princess said should be true. Soon after father came back, my sister became unwell, and mother is still lying on the bed with a high fever. The uncle who went out of the city with Dad also died, and the same happened to their family members..."

As soon as these words came out, the people around were not calm.

Li Liang, the only barefoot doctor in the village, suddenly realized, "No way, this person fell ill so suddenly, if he was infected, it would make sense."

"Princess, what should we do?" Those people cried and looked at Yuan Deyin, and they now regarded her as their backbone.

"All those who have been in contact with the deceased and who are unwell, quickly stand aside; and those who have not felt unwell for the time being stand on the other side."

Although Yuan Deyin was flustered in her heart, and her palms were covered with cold sweat, she forced herself to calm down on her face.

After hearing her words, the villagers quickly stood in two teams.

She called out a few men with good hands and feet, told them to cover their mouths and noses, and then told them to burn all the corpses as soon as possible.

"The rest of the sick people should go back to their homes quickly and find a way to lower their body temperature. For the rest of the people, don't get close to them unless necessary." Yuan Deyin urged solemnly.

The villagers were flustered, but when they heard Yuan Deyin's words, they quickly and methodically followed her orders, as if they had a pinnacle of calming the sea.

When everyone was arranged, it was completely dark, Yuan Deyin's hands and feet were cold, and his body was already drenched with sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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