The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 157 Princess, something must have happened

Chapter 157 Princess, something must have happened

"Brother Wuying, can you find a way to find Doctor Jade?" Yuan Deyin looked at Wuying and asked nervously.

In the current situation, only Miracle Doctor Yu can save people.

Otherwise, these infected people... can only die.

"Yu Shengxiao has a free and easy personality, and he often disappears for a long time. However, the prince should have a way to call him back." Wuying quickly replied.

"Brother Wuying, hurry up and send a letter to Uncle Jiuhuang. People in the army are not allowed to leave the barracks in the near future, and people from outside are not allowed to enter it. They must be on high alert." Thinking of this, Yuan Deyin hurriedly commanded.

She had a vague guess in her mind.

Concubine Mu once said that if a certain event is too coincidental, it must be...artificial!
Therefore, it is impossible to be infected suddenly, and the source must be man-made.

Uncle Nine Emperors led the army strictly. Master Shen said that as long as the army that Uncle Nine Emperors led was impenetrable, it would be very difficult for the enemy to sneak attack. Naturally, it would be difficult to poison the soldiers.

But if it is passed on to the soldiers through innocent people... then it will be much easier.

Moreover, the more people died in Haicheng, the greater the pressure on Uncle Nine Emperors.

After thinking about these things clearly, Yuan Deyin also hurried to the city.

"Princess, is everyone cured?" On the other side of Gan Qing's carriage, she looked at Yuan Deyin nervously.

"It doesn't matter whether it can be cured or not, it must be cured." Yuan Deyin's tone became more and more serious.

When the carriage stopped in front of the magistrate's mansion, Yuan Deyin jumped out of the carriage. She staggered, her face turned pale, and she almost fell down.

She shook her head to wake herself up a bit.

Wuyi saw it from a distance, she ran over quickly, and asked worriedly: "Princess, are you okay?"

On the way back just now, Yuan Deyin also asked Wuying to send a letter to Wuyi, telling her the general situation.

So now Wuyi also knows that the situation is critical.

Yuan Deyin shook her head at Wuyi, telling her not to worry, and then continued to ask: "How is the situation in the city now?"

"The situation in the city..." Wuyi hesitated for a moment, then looked at the door.

Yuan Deyin looked in the direction of Wuyi, and found that many people gathered at the gate of the magistrate, some were coughing, some were too weak to stand up, and all of them were in very serious condition.

And Tan Ling took some of her maidservants to apply medicine at the door.

Moreover, while applying the medicine, she smiled and said to the common people: "Don't panic, this is the medicine for malaria that Miss Ben gave you, and you will definitely get better soon."

"Thank you Miss Tan Ling, you really are a living Bodhisattva."

When Yuan Deyin walked over, Tan Hong who was beside Tan Ling saw her at a glance, and she said in a relaxed tone: "Princess, you can be considered to be back, the matter has been resolved, and the illness of the people is estimated to be soon. That's good, so many people won't die."

Yuan Deyin shook his head and said in a serious tone: "Mrs. Hao, Sister Tan Ling, it's not a sadism, it's a contagious virus. People who have been in contact with a sick person are extremely easy to be infected. The most urgent thing is to isolate everyone. Come."

Contagious poison?
When many people heard what Yuan Deyin said, they muttered with displeasure on their faces: "What kind of contagious disease is just nonsense? Miss Tan Ling said it was malaria. After drinking these medicines, you will be fine." gone."

"That's right, how can you talk nonsense just because you are the princess, don't understand anything, don't help anything, so don't talk nonsense."

"If it weren't for the fact that she is now adopted by the Prince Regent, why would we need to be so respectful to her?"

"Forget it, don't pay attention to her, we'll go home after drinking this bowl of medicine, we'll definitely be fine tomorrow."

Those people, unlike the villagers in Li Village, they have not been well received by Yuan Deyin, and they think Yuan Deyin is an empty princess without any power, so they will not listen to her.

"Princess, I think you are exhausted. You should go back and rest quickly. My sister and I can just take care of you here. When you get up tomorrow, you will definitely see the city return to its former state."

Tan Ling covered her mouth and smiled. The way she looked at Yuan Deyin seemed to be looking at a child who was extremely immature.

Tan Hong might be thinking a little more, she frowned and asked Yuan Deyin: "Princess, why don't you think it's sadism, then do you know what kind of poison it is?"

"The princess doesn't know, but people who have been in contact with the surrounding villages and cities all have these symptoms. Only by contagion can this effect be achieved. Mrs. Hao, can you help the soldiers guarding the magistrate's house to get rid of these symptoms? Patients with symptoms are isolated." Yuan Deyin said anxiously.

"Princess, this..." Tan Hong was troubled, she still didn't quite believe Yuan Deyin's words.

Yuan Deyin didn't get Tan Hong's nod. Over there, some people had finished drinking the medicine and were about to leave.

There is no way!
Yuan Deyin glanced around, and found that there were soldiers guarding here. These soldiers were used to protect the people in the city. They used to take orders from Hao Jinglue... No, not from Hao Jinglue, but from soldiers.

Yuan Deyin quickly took out a soldier talisman, and shouted loudly: "All the soldiers obey the order, stop all the people here, and no one is allowed to leave without the order of the princess."

When everyone saw Yuan Deyin taking out the military talisman, their faces changed.

Isn't this something that only the supreme commander of Haicheng can have?There are a total of five soldier talismans, all of which were originally in Hao Jinglue's hands. When Jun Yu came, it was naturally to be handed over to Jun Yu.

It's just that no one thought that the regent would actually give one of the soldier talismans to a princess with a different surname.

All the people present, except Yuan Deyin, Wuying and Wuyi had the same expressions, and everyone else looked unbelievable.

Tan Hong and Tan Ling looked at each other, and there was an unbelievable emotion in their eyes.

The regent, does he trust Princess Deyin too much?

Yuan Deyin could naturally feel the different eyes falling on her, but she didn't flinch in the slightest. She continued to say loudly: "Didn't you hear what the princess said? Seeing a soldier amulet is like seeing a commander. Swear to die!"

After her voice fell, the soldiers reacted, surrounded the common people one after another, and shouted loudly: "I swear to the death."

"Princess, the house on the opposite side is empty, you can temporarily place these common people there." After searching the surroundings, Wu Ying quickly came to Yuan Deyin's side and said in a low voice.

"Arrange them all in the opposite house. Without the consent of the princess, no one is allowed to come out." Yuan Deyin ordered coldly.

She also looked at a small soldier on the side, and said in a serious tone: "Go and call all the doctors in the city."

"And you, take [-] people, cover your mouth and nose, find all the corpses in the city, and burn them centrally."

"And you, go prepare the food..."

Yuan Deyin gave several orders in succession.

When those people heard that they were going to be locked up, they shouted anxiously.

"Why lock us up, we didn't make a mistake."

"Yes, we are not sick, so why lock us up."

"Miss Tan said that we are just malaria, she can treat us, you are just a princess, why do you care about us?"


Various voices questioned Yuan Deyin loudly.

Yuan Deyin took a deep breath, not only the picture of ordering the three armies, but also the appearance of the Nine Emperor Uncle standing upright in her mind, her courage suddenly came.

She said loudly: "Why? Just because the princess is Chi Yan's princess, and now you hold the military talisman, you must obey the command of the princess. If you think you are fine, then stay quietly in that house Here, when the matter is over, the princess will naturally let you out."

"Also, if anyone complains and refuses to obey orders, he will be executed immediately." Yuan Deyin's voice was extremely firm and loud in the last three words.

These people didn't dare to say anything for an instant.

They all hurriedly dragged their frail bodies, coughing, and walked into the house.

Yuan Deyin, who was full of momentum just now, seemed to be drained of all his strength in an instant after the people left, and almost fell down.

"Princess." Gan Qing and Wu Yi are about to come over to support Yuan Deyin.

But Yuan Deyin took a step back one after another, and she whispered: "Don't get close to the princess, don't get close..."

She staggered, and then forced herself to raise her head: "Brother Wuying, you must find Doctor Jade as soon as possible. Sister Wuyi, when the doctors come, tell them to find a way to cool down the common people. And , don’t starve them, remember to deliver food to them on time... Also, tell Uncle Nine Emperors not to come back, it’s very dangerous here..."

After Yuan Deyin finished telling many things, she murmured in a low voice: "The princess is a little tired, so let's rest for a while, and leave the rest to you."

After she finished speaking, she didn't know where the strength came from, so she quickly ran back to her yard.

Tan Ling was going to die of anger.

It was said that it was malaria, and Yuan Deyin was still messing around.

"Princess Deyin, the girl has something to tell you. You are wasting your life like this!" Tan Ling shouted anxiously at Yuan Deyin's back, and she even wanted to catch up.

But just when she was about to catch up, Wuyi suddenly raised his sword and stood in front of her.

Wuyi said indifferently: "Miss Tan Ling, my princess, it's not your turn to criticize what you do."

"You...then you just wait for the whole city to be killed, and your princess will leave a bad reputation forever!" Tan Ling stomped her feet resentfully, then turned and walked towards her yard.

Wuyi ignored Tan Ling's ruthless words, she looked at the direction where the little princess left, and said to Wuying behind her in a worried tone: "Wuying, please send a letter to the prince, I feel that something happened to the little princess."

And here, Yuan Deyin ran back to her room, locked the door, and she fell limply to the ground...

(End of this chapter)

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